EPJ ST Special Issue: Nonlinear effects in life sciences
There is growing evidence that future research on neural systems and higher brain functions will require a combination of classic neuroscience and the more recent nonlinear dynamics. The neuronal system composed of neurons and gliocytes is often sensitive to external forcing and internal shift in functional parameters, so that the appropriate response can be selected. This characteristic resembles the properties of chaotic systems. There is some evidence to support the claim that chaos occurs in many biological systems, like the human brain and heart. For example, it appears that the dynamics in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are chaotic. The EEG signals may look random to outside observers, but there are hidden patterns in their random-like appearance. Another example of chaos in biological systems is the dynamics at the neuronal level (cellular and subcellular). The transportation and storing of information in the brain is believed to be accomplished by the impulse trains produced by neurons. These trains of impulses or action potentials are often organized as sequences of bursts. The most important information in these sequences involves their temporal patterns, which are also known as interspike intervals (ISIs). The ISIs in a single neuron can show different behaviors including chaos. These impulses are generated by the interaction between the gating of ion channels and the axon’s membrane voltage. Hodgkin and Huxley were the pioneers who proposed a dynamical system model of this interaction that predicted realistic action potentials. Their model has been simplified in several forms by some other researchers. There are many recent papers that clearly show the existance of well known bifurcations and routes to chaos in heart. Also similar claims exist about kidney, lung, ... . More than that, many diseases and disorders have been named dynamical diseases. From them we can point out migraine, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and so on.
In this special issue we plan to review the current state of art about Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems and point out the directions of further studies. New evidences of real experimental data as well as theoretical concepts are presented. Papers investigating the relation between some new hot topics in nonlinear dynamics (e.g. Chimera states, Spiral waves, hidden attractors, multi-stability) and biological systems are mostly welcomed.
Call for papers: We would like to cordially invite further authors to submit their original research papers for this special issue along the lines described above. An extended description of the critical aspects/open problems of the methods presented will be a stringent criterion of pre-selection of papers to be sent to referees. Articles may be one of four types: (i) minireviews (10-15 pages), (ii) tutorial reviews (15+ pages), (iii) original paper v1 (5-10 pages), or (iv) original paper v2 (3-5 pages). More detailed descriptions of each paper type can be found here.
Manuscripts should be prepared using the latex template of EPJ ST which can be downloaded here.
Guest Editors: Tomasz Kapitaniak (Division of Dynamics, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland) and Sajad Jafari (Biomedical Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran)
Submission Deadline: 31 January 2018
For any queries please contact Tomasz Kapitaniak (tomaszka@p.lodz.pl ) and Sajad Jafari (sajadjafari83@gmail.com ).
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