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(205)the Cipani behavioral classification system

已有 1294 次阅读 2019-4-30 09:46 |系统分类:科研笔记

Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Third Edition

Ennio Cipani, PhD

pages 91-100

there are four major categories in this system,these are:

(a)direct access

(b)socially mediated access

(c)direct escape

(d)socially mediated escape

what is a function-based classification system

diagnosis of behavior problem characteristics,not child characteristics

diagnosis behavior,not client

a function-based diagnostic classification system examines the contextual nature of the problem behavior,it does not presume that the exhibition of behavior is driven by characteristic s inherent in the client or child.

prescriptive differential treatment derived from a differential diagnosis

the behavioral designed takes into consideration the function of the problem behaviors,it is the case that different topographies of behavior displayed by a given client can produce the same behavioral contingency if their function is the same.

classifying problem behaviors according to environmental function does make a crucial difference in the design of a functional behavioral treatment.

assessment data collected provides information on context variables,not just rate of behavior

a useful functional behavioral assessment is concerned with more than just determining the rate of the target behavior,assessment is driven by the need to determine the environmen-tal factors that are present when the problem behavior occurs,tha is , the social and physical environmental context,the effects of both antecedent and consequent conditions of the problem behavior need to be considered.

assessment phase concludes with diagnosis phase,in which a function-based category is selected that best fits the problem behavior's putative function under the specific EO

functional behavior-analytic treatment stems from hypotheses about the function or purpose of the target behavior,these hypotheses(classifications or categories of function) are generated from the collection and examination of functional behavioral assessment data reviewing the information gathered during the functional behavioral assessment process such a process is analogous to procedures used in other science-based fields.

direct access functions

immediated sensory stimuli(specify type and location of stimulation)

sensory events can be produced directly through various behaviors can include autitory, visual,tactile,gustatory,and olfactory stimuli.

questions to consider

is there a reliable (every single occurrence)relation between the specific behavior and immediate production of the hypothesized desired sensory event?what is the specific form of the behavior?

what seems to be the auditory,visual,tactile,kinesthetic,or gustatory sensation that maintains contingency?

what evidence supports the hypothesis that a sensory event is the maintaining contingency?does this behavior occur across a variety of situations when the client is in a deprived state relative to the sensory event?in other words,does the client engage in this behavior(usually) irrespective of context?will it occur in the absence of people?

tangible reinforcers(specify tangible or class of tangible accessed)

socially mediated access functions

adult attention(specify which adults/staff)

peer attention(specify which peers)

tangible reinforcers(specify tangible or class of tangible accessed)

direct escape functions

unpleasant social situations(specify situations)

lengthy tasks/chores/assignments(specify length of task)

difficult tasks/chores/assignments(specify task that is difficult)

aversive physical stimuli/event(specify aversive physical stimulus)

socially mediated escape functions

unpleasant social situations(specify situations)

lengthy tasks/chores/assignments(specify length of task)

difficult tasks/chores/assignments(specify task that is difficult)

aversive physical stimuli/event(specify aversive physical stimulus)


上一篇:(206)the Cipani behavioral classification system
下一篇:(207)the Cipani behavioral classification system
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