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(178 )intervention for developing language

已有 1176 次阅读 2019-3-31 08:31 |系统分类:科研笔记

Language Disorders:from Infancy through Adolescence:

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Communicating

Rhea Paul, PhD, CCC-SLPProfessor, Yale Child Study Center

New Haven, Connecticut

Courtenay F. Norbury, PhD

Senior Research Fellow Department of Psychology Royal Holloway University of London London,England

pages 377-392

intervention for older clients with severe impairment and ASD at the developing language level

student with severe disabilities

the family's desires and perceptions of the client's needs will play an important role in determining intervention targets.


the client needs to find the correct place to wait for the bus by "reading"the sign or at least identifying the sign that says"bus stop" and finding the stop with the correct bus number.then the client might need to check the number on the bus that stop;get on the right one;show the dirver a bus pass;and say ,"please tell me when we get to washington school." the client might need to sit near the front of the bus to hear the driver announcement,get up when it is heard,and say,"thank you"to driver before getting off the bus.去哪坐車,做幾路車,在哪裡下車

1.focus intervention o helping students develop functional abilities for participating with as much independence as possible in mainstream settings.

2.goals for older individuals in this phase of language development should be functional, rather than based on the normal developmental sequence,instead of attempting to teach all the grammatical morphemes,choose specific language forms that are useful for particular situations selected by means of an ecological inventory.

3.provide specific communication services for client who:

have trouble understanding instructions in their daily living activities

cannot produce enough communication to function independently in a variety of mainstream settings(such as travel,school,work,shopping,leisure)

violate rules of politeness and appropriateness in social interaction

lack functional abilities to read important environmental signs and use funcional written communication

have difficulty making their speech understood,speaking fluently,or using audible voice

use activities and materials in intervention that are appropriate and functional.

develop early literacy skills,using specific behavioral techniques,even if cognitive less usually associated with reading have not been achieved.

develop opportunities for students to participate as indenpendently as possible in  important social context(athletics,church,clubs,leisure activities,etc.,)

elements of functional communication training

functional behavior analysis:identify functions of maladaptive behavior(child bites peers;observe when child bites and identify antecedent,such as inability to gain access to toy peer has)

identify a form of communicative response available to the client(a word or sentence, sign or gesture,picture book or board,AAC device such as a voice output communication aid)

match adaptive response to the communicative function of the maladaptive behavior( teach child to use sign for "want" when he wishes to gain access to a peer's toy)

establish response mastery:make sure new communication achieves desired outcome( teach "want" sign to peers and encourage them to respond when child requests in this way,or to call teacher if they cannot respond)

establish appropriate schedule of reinforcement(ensure that at the first desired response is achieve quickly less than 20s.gradually time delay can increase,teach child to use "want" sign with clinician and adults first to guarantee quick response;later bring in peers)

provide an alternative form if first is unsuccessful(teach child if "want" sign does not achieve goal to use "please" sign)

use mild punishment when problem behavior occur;quickly redirect to new communication behavior(if child or begins to bite,use brief facial screening hands over eyes,then hand-over-hand guidance to produce"want" sign)


children with ASD are often seen to echo what others say during early stages of language development.

immediate echolalia can consist of the last word(s) of another person's sentence,or the whole of the previous utterance.

response interruption and redirection

language form

language use 

a system of least prompts

level 1:visual cue;for example,pointing to a picture on a visual schedule showing the steps to entering a play interaction

level 2:nospecific verbal cue;for example,"would you like to say something to your friedn?"

level 3:nonspecific verbal prompt;for example."say something to your friend"

level 4:cloze propmt;for example.telling the child "say,can i ..."

level 5:imitation prompt;for example,telling the child,"say,can i play with you ?"


peer-mediation:typical peers are especially powerful agents of social skills intervention

buddy skills for peer-mediated pragmatic skills training


socio-dramatic script training(p.382)



the goals of intervention for clients in the developing language period are to increase the elaboration,maturity,and efficiency of communication and to help the clients use that communication in life's important contexts,including play,problem solving,and real social interaction.

vocabulary training targets during the developing lanugage period(p.387)

commonly used verbs

descriptive terms

quantity terms

noun classes

spatial terms

temporal terms


children‘s books that use semantic and syntactic patterns commonly targetd in language intervention(p.388)


上一篇:(177)intervention for developing language
下一篇:(179 )language,reading,and learning in school
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