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(171)assessment of developing language

已有 1321 次阅读 2019-3-24 19:36 |系统分类:科研笔记

Language Disorders:from Infancy through Adolescence:

Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Communicating

Rhea Paul, PhD, CCC-SLPProfessor, Yale Child Study Center

New Haven, Connecticut

Courtenay F. Norbury, PhD

Senior Research Fellow Department of Psychology Royal Holloway University of London London,England

pages 286-301

assessing collateral areas

knowing something about general developmental level does not necessarily dictate what language skills are targeted,but it may influence the context,pace,and intensity of the intervention.

screening for language disorders in the period of developing language

screening is deciding whether a child is significantly different from other children in terms of language skills.







using standardized tests in assessing developing language

stadardized testing is valuable for doing exactly what it was designed to do:pointing out the areas in which the child is performing significantly more poor than peers.using standardized tests to identify general areas of deficit is more efficient than doing in-depth criterion-referenced probing in every area,standardized tests can narrow down the range of areas we need to evaluate with criterion-referenced procedures.

criterion-referenced assessment and behavioral observation for children with developing language

nonstandardized assessment requires more planning than use of standardized tests,since the clinician must decide on the linguistic stimuli,specify a developmentally appropriate response,and choose materials and contexts for gathering the data,all without instruction from a standardized procedures.

we should plan to see each client at least twice,once for formal assessment and once to do some nonstandardized evaluations

assessing speech sound production

talking with the child for 5-10 mins to get a sense of general intelligibility

independent analysis:phonetic inventory


relational analysis:errors and error patterns

1.give the child a complex picture book,and ask him or her to tell about some of the things in the picture.or ask the child to engage in conversation around common play materials with the parent 

2.audio record the sample

3.while the child is talking,quickly get down the gloss and phonemic transcription of the first 100 different words(have a piece of paper already labeled with two columns and 100 numbered rows

4.later,check the recording for any glosses or transcriptions you aren't sure about.you also can collect your phonetic inventory during the same pass through the recording. save the recording for later analyses of other language areas.

final consonant deletion(such as saying /da/for dog)

velar fronting(such as saying /tʌb/for cub

stopping(such as saying /to/for sew

palatal fronting(such as saying /su/for shoe

liquid simplification(such as saying /wawi pap/for lollipop)

assimilation(such as saying /dadi/for doggy)

cluster reduction(such as saying/pe/for play)

unstressed syllable deletion(such as saying /næ næ / forbanana).

every child who present with sound delay should receive a thorough language assessment,to identify any areas of linguistic disorder that might not be obvious because the child's speech is so hard to understand.

assessing phonological processing:preventing reading failure

the term phonological processing refers to a child's ability to perceive,store,retrieve,and manipulate sounds for language.

children with speech and/or language delays as preschoolers are at risk for reading failure in school.and deficits in phonological processing increase this risk.

criterion-referenced language assessment

receptive vocabulary(by responding to words by picture pointing)

expressive vocabulary(by naming pictures or difining words)

rceptive syntax and morphology(by pointing to one of several pictures,including contrasting foils that depict a sentence spoken by the examiner  point to :the boys are here)

expressive syntax and morphology(by imitating sentences or filling in blanks with words containing grammatical morphemes "i have a dress;you have two ...")


guidelines for vocabulary assessment and intervention

the size of receptive vocabulary is larger than that of expressive vocabulary in children

methods of criterion-referenced vocabulary assessment

a particular cetegory of words

colors or spatial terms(in,on,under,over,out,on,top,between,below,above,beside,in front, be-hind, next to)

question word(what,where,who,whose,why,how many,how,when)

the child with autism uses a lot of echolalia when answering questions,children with autism often use echoing as a response when they don't know a more appropriate way to answer a question.

a variety of games and informal procedures can be used to probe children's knowledge of word meanings.

hiding game

assess the level of the child's understanding of spatial terms



syntax and morphology

receptive syntax and morphology

a child produces a sentence type does not necessarily mean that the child fully comprehends the same sentence if it spoken to him in a decontextualized format.

for the children with autism and specific language disorder a less naturalistic,more sturctured form of input may be needed to increase receptive skills

1.use a standardized test of receptive syntax and morphology to determine whether deficits exist in this area.

2.if the client performs below the normal range,use criterion-referenced decontextua- lized procedures to probe forms that appear to be causing trouble.

3.if the client performs poorly on the criterion-referenced assessments,test the same forms in a contextualized format,providing familiar scripts and nonlinguistic contexts; facial,gestural,and intonational cues;language closely tied to objects in the immediate environment;and expected instructions.

criterion-referenced methods for assessing receptive syntax and morphology

decontextualized formats

show me the apple/apples(一個/許多)

show me :the girl is jumping

assessing comprehension strategies

it was important to look at what children do when they don't understand all the words and sentences in decontextualized acitivities.

probable(the boy pushes the wagon) and improbable sentences(the wagon pushes the boy)

decontextualized criterion-referenced activity for probing understanding of past and future tense(p.300)

assessing comprehension in contextualized settings


上一篇:(170)assessment and intervention for emerging language
下一篇:(172)assessment of developing language
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