我的计划是在美国作访问学者1年,我在国内持有C1驾照,赴美后查了相关法律规定,看是否能不用考当地的驾照,直接凭国内驾照在美驾车。我所在的俄亥俄州的 motor vehicle law 专门有一段关于HOLDERS OF A FOREIGN DRIVER LICENSE,全文如下:
Motorists who are residents of other nations and who are bona fide touristsvisiting the United Statesmay drive up to one year with their own national license plates (registration tags) on their vehicle and with their own driver license. (United
States motorists may drive in foreign countries under the same conditions.)
These reciprocal privileges are made possible by the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva 1949). If the name of the foreign motorist’s nation is not recognized, a tourist will have to purchase license plates and obtain
a driver license upon arrival in the United States.
问了身边很多人,包括到美很多年的中国人,身边有中国的访问学者一直持中国驾照在开车,有些人不放心,又去考了个驾照,反正美国的驾照比较好考,程序也比较简单。可以明确的是有人在实践中有这样的经验,可以凭中国驾照租车、买车办保险什么的。但也有人告诉我,曾经有人在美国持中国驾照开车,第一次被警察查到警告,第二次就处罚。众说纷纭,还是不能得到一个明确的有依据答复,为了搞清楚这个问题,我特地给当地的BMV( Bureau of Motor Vehicle, 该机构属于当地Department of Public Safety) 写了封邮件,询问持中国驾照在美能否开一年车。
Foreign motorists from China who visits the United States as bona fide tourists can drive legally by using their valid domestic driver's license for a period not to exceed one year from date of arrival. This arrangement applies to driving either personal or rental cars. Bona fide tourists can also legally drive their own private cars bearing valid license plates/registration tags issued in their native country for a period not to exceed one year from date of arrival.
In addition to having a valid foreign driver license, visitors are advised to carry an International Driving Permit, as authorized by the 1943/1949 or 1968 conventions, or attach an English translation to their national driving license. The International Driving Permit is translated into the nine official languages of the United Nations, including English, and serves as a translation to be used in conjunction with the visitor's valid driver's license. It can be useful in emergencies such as traffic violations or auto accidents, particularly when a foreign language is involved.
Visitors from foreign counties must obtain their International Driving Permit in their native country, prior to arrival in the U.S.
Please note: If the valid driver license from China is displayed in English, the International driving permit is not required
If the visiting tourist accepts a job or attends school in the US, he/she then loses tourist status and may be required to obtain a state driver‘s license and plates.
I hope I've answered your question. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
接到她的回复后,经过我们有类似需求的群讨论,觉得红色的斜体字的那一段还是让人困惑。不知道我们这样作一年访问学者的是不是算attends school,所以我又回了一封邮件给她:
Dear Madam:
Thank you for your so specific answer. But I am still confused about following:If the visiting tourist accepts a job or attends school in the US, he/she then loses tourist status and may be required to obtain a state driver‘s license and plates. I am a visiting scholar at UC . Currently, I hold a J-1 Visa and myDS-2019 formcovers period from Jan 01, 2013 to Dec 31, 2013. I don’t accept a job, but I don’t know if I belong to this situation:“ Attends school”
For my particular case, I hope you can certainly tell me if I can drive a car in Ohioand other states in U.S. for a year by using my valid Chinese driver license.At least, if I can drive a car in Ohio for a period not to exceed one year from date of arrival.
The attachment is my VISA, valid Chinese driver license and DS-2019 form
You can drive legally by using your valid domestic driver's license for a period not to exceed one year from date of arrival. There is no need to apply for an Ohio driver license.
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