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已有 6482 次阅读 2011-9-19 17:51 |个人分类:科研随想|系统分类:科研笔记| nature, 文章, 学术价值

Fenglin Niu, Paul G. Silver, Thomas M. Daley, Xin Cheng & Ernest L. Majer,在Nature》杂志上发表了一篇题为“Preseismic velocity changes observed from active source monitoring at the Parkfield SAFOD drill site”的文章,先看看其研究有没有价值。

It is well known from laboratory experiments that seismic velocities vary with the level of applied stress3–5. Such dependence is attributed to the opening and closing of microcracks due to changes in the stress normal to the crack surface6–8. In principle, this dependence constitutes a stress meter, provided that the induced velocity changes can be measured precisely and continuously. Indeed, there were several attempts in the 1970s to accomplish this goal using either explosive or non-explosive surface sources9–11. The source repeatability and the precision in travel-time measurement appeared to be the main challenges in making conclusive observations.



It is not clear to us why the larger M=2.6 event is not observed while the smaller M=1 event shows clearly in the delay time data. But we noticed that data collected in the second period had a better SNR than those of the first period. The associated stress change of the M=2.6 event thus might be below the resolution of the first-month data.



We put forward the hypothesis that there is a change in effective elastic moduli before rupture, such as a sudden increase in microcrack density, which is a phenomenon related to dilatancy and observed in many laboratory studies1,2. As such, further continuous seismic monitoring might provide an effective tool for understanding the stress changes that accompany and perhaps precede seismic activity.

点评:假定如微破裂密度的增加与与诸多实验研究中观测到的岩石膨胀相关,这句话更有问题了。实际上在岩石膨胀开始前,还有一个稳定破裂阶段,稳定破裂也会导致密度增加。在该文中,作者在200510292006110日,只是根据波速变化探测到了一个1.03.0级的地震,不可能是膨胀开始后的地震事件(预震或前震事件),因期待已久的Parkfield 6.0级地震发生在2004928,公认为一次主震事件,其后一定时间范围的地震为余震事件。



Preseismic velocity changes observed from active.pdf



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2 陈小润 李学宽

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