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介绍国外几位生物信息学家(1)~~Richard Karp

已有 6330 次阅读 2011-5-17 15:38 |个人分类:生物信息|系统分类:科研笔记| 生物信息学

  Richard Karp1935年生于美国BostonUniversity of California, Berkeley的教授。主管计算机科学的职务,并兼职数学、生物工程和运筹学。他曾进入Boston拉丁学校和Harvord大学学习,1959年得到了应用数学专业的博士。从19591968年他是在坐落在YorktownHight, NYIBM研究中心数学科学部的成员。从1968年开始成为University of California, Berkeley的教师(除了1995-1999时期,他是University of Washington的教授),从1988年开始,他也是国际计算机科学研究所,一个非盈利公司的成员。







Richard Karp, born 1935 in Boston, is a Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, with a principal appointment in computer science and additional appointments in mathematics, bioengineering, and operations research. He attended Boston Latin School and Harvard University, where he received a PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1959. From 1959 to 1968 he was a member of the Mathematical Sciences Department of the IBM Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY.He has been a faculty member at the University of California at Berkeley since 1968 (with the exception of the period 1995–99, when he was a professor at the University of Washington). Since 1988 he has also been a research scientist at the International Computer Science Institute, a non-profit research company in Berkeley. Karp says:
   Ever since my undergraduate days I have had a fascination with combinatorial algorithms. These puzzle-like problems involve searching through a finite but vast set of possibilities for a pattern or structure that meets certain requirements or is of minimum cost. Examples in bioinformatics include sequence assembly, multiple alignment of sequences,phylogeny construction, the analysis of genomic rearrangements, and the modeling of gene regulation. For some combinatorial problems, there are elegant and efficient algorithms that proceed like clockwork to find the required solution, but most are less tractable and require either a very long computation or a compromise on a solution that may not be optimal.

In 1972, Karp developed an approach to showing that many seemingly hard combinatorial problems are equivalent in the sense that either all of them or none of them are efficiently solvable (a problem is considered efficiently solvable if it can be solved by a polynomial algorithm). These problems are the “NP-Complete” problems. Over the years, thousands of examples have been added to his original list of twenty-one NP-complete problems, yet despite intensive effort none of these problems has been shown to be efficiently solvable. Many computer scientists (including Karp) believe that none of them ever will be.
    Karp began working in bioinformatics circa 1991, attracted by the belief that computational methods might reveal the secret inner workings of living organisms. He says:
    [I hoped] that my experience in studying combinatorial algorithms could be useful in cracking those secrets. I have indeed been able to apply my skills in this new area, but only after coming to understand that
solving biological problems requires far more than clever algorithms: it involves a creative partnership between biologists and mathematical scientists to arrive at an appropriate mathematical model, the acquisition
and use of diverse sources of data, and statisticalmethods to show that the biological patterns and regularities that we discover could not be due to chance. My recent work is concerned with analyzing the transcriptional regulation of genes, discovering conserved regulatory pathways, and analyzing genetic variation in humans.
    There have been spectacular advances in biology since 1991, most notable being the sequencing of genomes. I believe that we are now poised to understand—and possibly even reprogram— the gene regulatory networks and the metabolic networks that control cellular processes. By comparing many related organisms, we hope to understand how these networks evolved. Effectively, we are trying to find the genetic basis of complex diseases so that we can develop more effective modes of treatment.


下一篇:介绍国外几位生物信息学家(2)~~Russell F. Doolittle
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