课题:研究肝毒易感性和NAT2等六个基因的40个tag SNP之间的关联性
来自GSTM1, SOD2, NAT2, CYP2E1, CES1 和 NQO1的40个tagSNP在600例样本中,平均检出率为99.0%。
在共显性遗传模型下,经二元Logistic分析,发现8个阳性位点,其中NAT2基因上三个位点显著性强烈。并且表现出强烈的基因型分布显著性P (2 df)和趋势显著性(Ptrend)。[Table 1]
Table 1 Genotype frequencies of SNPs of NAT2 genes among cases and controls and their associations with hepatotoxicity risk.
a. Global P values [2 degrees of freedom (df)]: genotype frequencies in cases and controls were compared using a χ2 test with 2 df.
b. P values from unconditional logistic regression analyses.
c. P values of linear trend for hepatotoxicity risk of genotype.
d. NA, not available because of the rarity of genotype.
二、连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium)和单体型(haplotype)分析:
在某一群体中,不同座位上某两个等位基因出现在同一条单体型上的频率与预期的随机频率之间存在明显差异的现象,称连锁不平衡 (linkage disequilibrium)。这种不同基因座位的某些等位基因非随机联合经常会在一起遗传。通过r2(左图)或D’(右图)等考察位点之间的连锁不平衡。使用Haploview 4.2软件完成。相邻SNP的等位位点倾向于以一个整体遗传给后代,位于染色体上某一区域的一组相关联的SNP等位位点被称作单体型(haplotype)。
通过基于连锁不平衡的单体型划分,在NAT2基因内发现两个block(右图),经二元Logistic分析,均表现为强烈的肝毒风险性或保护性(OR (95% CI), P) [Table 2];使用基于R语言软件包的Haplo.stat软件进行Haplo.score和Global score分析,同样发现这些位点对肝毒风险性的显著贡献(Hap. Score,Global score test P) [Table 2]。某一特定单体型,其在两条同源染色体上不同的份数,也表现出明显的剂量效应(OR (95% CI), P),趋势性(Ptrend)表现显著。[Table 3]
Table 2 Associations between NAT2 gene common haplotypes and hepatotoxicity risk.
a. P value for difference in haplotype frequency between cases and controls..
b. Generated by permutation test with 100 000 times simulation.
c. A positive (or negative) score for a particular haplotype would have suggested that the haplotype was associated with increased (or decreased) risk of hepatotoxicity
d. P values from unconditional logistic regression analyses
e. NA, not available because of the rarity of haplotype.
f. df, degrees of freedom.
Table 3 Diplotype analysis of NAT2 gene polymorphisms with hepatotoxicity risk
a. P values from unconditional logistic regression analyses.
b. Global P values [2 degrees of freedom (df)]: diplotype frequencies in cases and controls were compared using a χ2 test with 2 df.
c. P values of linear trend for hepatotoxicity risk of diplotype.
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