Stick: Paper
Trunk Side: Conference paper (left)
Branches: Published year
Branch Interval: 1234567
Branch Side: First authored papers (lower side)
Fruit: Paper length (> 4 pages)
Leaf: Co-author
Leaf Color: First co-authored year
Leaf Size: Total co-authored papers
A Design Study of Personal Bibliographic Data Visualization
Tsailing Fung, Jia-Kai Chou, and Kwan-Liu Ma
In Proceedings of In Proceedings of IEEE PacificVis 2016
2016, pp. 244-248
This paper presents a comparative study on personal visualizations of bibliographic data. We consider three designs for egocentric visualization: node-link diagrams, adjacency matrices, and botanical trees to depict one’s academic career in terms of his/her publication records. Case studies are conducted to compare the effectiveness of resulting visualizations for conveying particular aspect of a researcher's bibliographic records. Based on our ...
Contact Trees: Network Visualization beyond Nodes and Edges
Arnaud Sallaberry, Yang-Chih Fu, Hwai-Chung Ho, and Kwan-Liu Ma
Volume 11, Number 1, 2016, pp. 1-23
Node-Link diagrams make it possible to take a quick glance at how nodes (or actors) in a network are connected by edges (or ties). A conventional network diagram of a “contact tree” maps out a root and branches that represent the structure of nodes and edges, often without further specifying leaves or fruits that would have grown from small branches. ...
Visual Characterization of Personal Bibliographic Data Using a Botanical Tree Design
Tsailing Fung and Kwan-Liu Ma
In Proceedings of In Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2015 Workshop on Personal Visualization: Exploring Data in Everyday Life
This paper presents a preliminary study on egocentric visualization of a bibliographic database. The visualization design is based on a botanic tree metaphor, resulting in a visually interesting and information rich depiction of one's research career in terms of publication records. The case studies reveal both the strengths and limitations of the current design.