Safemetrics分享 以勤奋、谦虚、严谨、规范、持久的习惯和态度做安全科学研究。 'Wonder en is gheen Wonder'


Scholar Tree

已有 5467 次阅读 2016-8-21 22:24 |个人分类:知识图谱|系统分类:科研笔记

Scholar Tree  

Tree Feature Mappings:

Stick: Paper
Trunk Side: Conference paper (left)
Branches: Published year
Branch Interval: 1234567


Branch Side: First authored papers (lower side)
Fruit: Paper length (> 4 pages)
Leaf: Co-author
Leaf Color: First co-authored year
Leaf Size: Total co-authored papers
Leaf Color Legend:
< 1997
< 2000
< 2003
< 2006
< 2009
< 2012
<= 2015

A Design Study of Personal Bibliographic Data Visualization
Tsailing Fung, Jia-Kai Chou, and Kwan-Liu Ma
In Proceedings of In Proceedings of IEEE PacificVis 2016
2016, pp. 244-248
This paper presents a comparative study on personal visualizations of bibliographic data. We consider three designs for egocentric visualization: node-link diagrams, adjacency matrices, and botanical trees to depict one’s academic career in terms of his/her publication records. Case studies are conducted to compare the effectiveness of resulting visualizations for conveying particular aspect of a researcher's bibliographic records. Based on our ...
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Contact Trees: Network Visualization beyond Nodes and Edges
Arnaud Sallaberry, Yang-Chih Fu, Hwai-Chung Ho, and Kwan-Liu Ma
Volume 11, Number 1, 2016, pp. 1-23
Node-Link diagrams make it possible to take a quick glance at how nodes (or actors) in a network are connected by edges (or ties). A conventional network diagram of a “contact tree” maps out a root and branches that represent the structure of nodes and edges, often without further specifying leaves or fruits that would have grown from small branches. ...
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Visual Characterization of Personal Bibliographic Data Using a Botanical Tree Design
Tsailing Fung and Kwan-Liu Ma
In Proceedings of In Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2015 Workshop on Personal Visualization: Exploring Data in Everyday Life
This paper presents a preliminary study on egocentric visualization of a bibliographic database. The visualization design is based on a botanic tree metaphor, resulting in a visually interesting and information rich depiction of one's research career in terms of publication records. The case studies reveal both the strengths and limitations of the current design.
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