当上面两种可信度区间都不可用时,该用哪种可信度区间呢?下面是两种可以使用的可信度区间:BCa and tilting interval.
The bootstrap bias-corrected accelerated (BCa) interval is a modification of the percentile method that adjusts the percentiles to correct for bias and skewness.
The bootstrap tilting interval adjusts the process of randomly forming resamples (though a clever implementation allows use of the same resamples as other bootstrap methods).
The BCa method requires more than 1000 resamples for high accuracy. Use 5000 or more resamples if the accuracy of inference is very important. Tilting is more efficient, so that 1000 resamples are generally enough. Don’t forget that even BCa and tilting confidence intervals should be used cautiously when sample sizes are small, because there are not enough data to accurately determine the necessary corrections for bias and skewness.
参考自:Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests by Tim Hesterberg et al.