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已有 7255 次阅读 2016-9-11 18:20 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约实施细则


Chapter II Provisions governing the application















R. 41 Request for grant

(1)The request for grant of a European patent shall be filed on aform drawn up by the European Patent Office.

(2)The request shall contain:

(a)a petition for the grant of a Europeanpatent;

(b)the title of the invention, which shallclearly and concisely state the technical designation of the invention andshall exclude all fancy names;

(c)the name,address and nationality of the applicant and the State in which his residenceor principal place of business is located. Names of natural persons shall beindicated by the person's family name, followed by his given names. Names oflegal persons, as well as of bodies equivalent to legal persons under the lawgoverning them, shall be indicated by their official designations. Addressesshall be indicated in accordance with applicable customary requirements forprompt postal delivery and shall comprise all the relevant administrative units,including the house number, if any. It is recommended that the fax andtelephone numbers be indicated;

(d)if the applicant has appointed arepresentative, his name and the address of his place of business as prescribedin sub-paragraph (c);

(e)where appropriate, an indication thatthe application constitutes a divisional application and the number of theearlier European patent application;

(f)in cases covered by Article 61, paragraph 1(b), thenumber of the original European patent application;

(g)where applicable, a declaration claimingthe priority of an earlier application and indicating the date on which and thecountry in or for which the earlier application was filed;

(h)the signature of the applicant or hisrepresentative;

(i)a list of the documents accompanying therequest. This list shall also indicate the number of sheets of the description,claims, drawings and abstract filed with the request;

(j)the designation of the inventor, wherethe applicant is the inventor.

(3)If there is more than one applicant, therequest shall preferably contain the appointment of one applicant orrepresentative as common representative.










R. 42 Content of the description

(1)The description shall:

(a)specify the technical field to which theinvention relates;

(b)indicate the background art which, asfar as is known to the applicant, can be regarded as useful to understand theinvention, draw up the European search report and examine the European patentapplication, and, preferably, cite the documents reflecting such art;

(c)disclose the invention, as claimed, insuch terms that the technical problem, even if not expressly stated as such,and its solution can be understood, and state any advantageous effects of theinvention with reference to the background art;  

(d)briefly describe the figures in thedrawings, if any;

(e)describe in detail at least one way ofcarrying out the invention claimed, using examples where appropriate andreferring to the drawings, if any;

(f)indicate explicitly, when it is notobvious from the description or nature of the invention, the way in which theinvention is industrially applicable.

(2)The description shall be presented in themanner and order specified in paragraph 1, unless, owing to thenature of the invention, a different presentation would afford a betterunderstanding or be more concise.














R. 43 Form and content of claims

(1)The claims shall define the matter for which protection is soughtin terms of the technical features of the invention. Wherever appropriate,claims shall contain:

(a)a statement indicating the designationof the subject-matter of the invention and those technical features which arenecessary for the definition of the claimed subject-matter but which, incombination, form part of the prior art;

(b)a characterising portion, beginning withthe expression "characterised in that" or "characterisedby" and specifying the technical features for which, in combination withthe features stated under sub-paragraph (a), protection issought.

(2)Without prejudice to Article 82, a European patentapplication may contain more than one independent claim in the same category(product, process, apparatus or use) only if the subject-matter of theapplication involves one of the following:

(a)a plurality of interrelatedproducts,

(b)different uses of a product orapparatus,

(c)alternative solutions to a particularproblem, where it is inappropriate to cover these alternatives by a singleclaim.

(3)Any claim stating the essential featuresof an invention may be followed by one or more claims concerning particularembodiments of that invention.

(4)Any claim which includes all the featuresof any other claim (dependent claim) shall contain, if possible at thebeginning, a reference to the other claim and then state the additional features.A dependent claim directly referring to another dependent claim shall also beadmissible. All dependent claims referring back to a single previous claim, andall dependent claims referring back to several previous claims, shall begrouped together to the extent and in the most appropriate way possible.

(5)The number of claims shall be reasonablewith regard to the nature of the invention claimed. The claims shall benumbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.

(6)Except where absolutely necessary, claimsshall not rely on references to the description or drawings in specifying thetechnical features of the invention. In particular, they shall not contain suchexpressions as "as described in part ... of the description", or"as illustrated in figure ... of the drawings".

(7)Where the European patent applicationcontains drawings including reference signs, the technical features specifiedin the claims shall preferably be followed by such reference signs relating tothese features, placed in parentheses, if the intelligibility of the claim canthereby be increased. These reference signs shall not be construed as limitingthe claim.




R. 44 Unity of invention

(1)Where a group of inventions is claimed in a European patentapplication, the requirement of unity of invention under Article 82 shall be fulfilledonly when there is a technical relationship among those inventions involvingone or more of the same or corresponding special technical features. Theexpression "special technical features" shall mean those featureswhich define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions considered asa whole makes over the prior art.

(2)The determination whether a group ofinventions is so linked as to form a single general inventive concept shall bemade without regard to whether the inventions are claimed in separate claims oras alternatives within a single claim.





R. 45 Claims incurring fees

(1)Any European patent applicationcomprising more than fifteen claims shall, in respect of the sixteenth and eachsubsequent claim, incur payment of claims fees as laid down in the Rules relating to Fees.

(2)The claims fees shall be paid within onemonth of filing the first set of claims. If the claims fees have not been paidin due time, they may still be paid within one month of a communicationconcerning the failure to observe the time limit.

(3)If a claims fee is not paid in due time,the claim concerned shall be deemed to be abandoned.


(1)在包含附图的页面上,可用的表面区域不应当超过655px x 425px。可用或已用的表面不应当具有边框。最小的边距应当如下:


左侧2.5 cm

右侧1.5 cm














R. 46 Form of the drawings

(1)On sheets containing drawings, the usable surface area shall notexceed 26.2 cm x 17 cm. The usable or used surface shall not besurrounded by frames. The minimum margins shall be as follows:

top 2.5 cm

left side 2.5 cm

right side 1.5 cm

bottom 1 cm

(2)Drawings shall be executed asfollows:

(a)Drawings shall be executed withoutcolourings in durable, black, sufficiently dense and dark, uniformly thick andwell-defined lines and strokes.

(b)Cross-sections shall be indicated byhatching which should not impede the clear reading of the reference signs andleading lines.

(c)The scale of the drawings and theirgraphical execution shall be such that electronic or photographic reproductionwith a linear reduction in size to two-thirds will allow all details to bedistinguished without difficulty. If, exceptionally, the scale is given on adrawing, it shall be represented graphically.

(d)All numbers, letters, and referencesigns appearing on the drawings shall be simple and clear. Brackets, circles orinverted commas shall not be used in association with numbers andletters.

(e)Generally, all lines in the drawingsshall be drawn with the aid of drafting instruments.

(f)Elements of the same figure shall beproportional to one another, unless a difference in proportion is indispensablefor the clarity of the figure.

(g)The height of the numbers and lettersshall not be less than 0.32 cm. For the lettering of drawings, theLatin and, where customary, the Greek alphabets shall be used.

(h)The same sheet of drawings may containseveral figures. Where figures drawn on two or more sheets are intended to forma single figure, the figures on the several sheets shall be so arranged thatthe whole figure can be assembled without concealing any part of the partialfigures. The different figures shall be arranged without wasting space,preferably in an upright position, clearly separated from one another. Wherethe figures are not arranged in an upright position, they shall be presentedsideways with the top of the figures at the left side of the sheet. Thedifferent figures shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals,independently of the numbering of the sheets.

(i)Reference signs not mentioned in thedescription and claims shall not appear in the drawings, and vice versa.Reference signs to features shall be consistent throughout theapplication.

(j)The drawings shall not contain textmatter. Where indispensable to understand the drawings, a few short keywords,such as "water", "steam", "open","closed" or "section on AB", may be included. Any suchkeywords shall be placed in such a way that, if required, they can be replacedby their translations without interfering with any lines of the drawings.

(3)Flow sheets and diagrams shall be deemedto be drawings.







R. 47 Form and content of the abstract

(1)The abstract shall indicate the title of the invention.

(2)The abstract shall contain a concisesummary of the disclosure as contained in the description, the claims and anydrawings. The summary shall indicate the technical field to which the inventionpertains, and shall be drafted in a manner allowing the clear understanding ofthe technical problem, the gist of the solution of that problem through theinvention, and the principal use or uses of the invention. The abstract shall,where applicable, contain the chemical formula which, among those contained inthe application, best characterises the invention. It shall not containstatements on the alleged merits or value of the invention or on speculativeapplications thereof.  

(3)The abstract shall preferably not containmore than one hundred and fifty words.

(4)If the European patent applicationcontains drawings, the applicant shall indicate the figure or, exceptionally,the figures of the drawings which should be published with the abstract. TheEuropean Patent Office may decide to publish one or more other figures if itconsiders that they better characterise the invention. Each essential featurementioned in the abstract and illustrated by a drawing shall be followed by areference sign placed in parentheses.

(5)The abstract shall be drafted in such amanner as to constitute an efficient instrument for the purpose of searching inthe particular technical field. In particular, it shall make it possible toassess whether consultation of the European patent application itself isnecessary.








R. 48 Prohibited matter

(1)The European patent application shall not contain:

(a)statements or other matter contrary to"ordre public" or morality;

(b)statements disparaging the products orprocesses of any third party or the merits or validity of the applications orpatents of any such party. Mere comparisons with the prior art shall not beconsidered disparaging per se;

(c)any statement or other matter obviouslyirrelevant or unnecessary under the circumstances.

(2)If the application contains matterprohibited under paragraph 1(a), the European PatentOffice may omit such matter from the application as published, indicating theplace and number of words or drawings omitted.

(3)If the application contains statementsreferred to in paragraph 1(b), the European PatentOffice may omit them from the application as published, indicating the placeand number of words omitted. Upon request, the European Patent Office shallfurnish a copy of the passages omitted.




(3)构成申请的文件应当在A4纸上(29.7 cm x 21 cm),其应当柔韧、结实、洁白、光滑、亚光并且耐用。根据第9款以及第46条第2(h)款,每个页面应当以其短边在上方和下方(纵向)的方式被使用。



   2 cm

左侧  2.5 cm

右侧  2 cm

  2 cm


   4 cm

左侧  4 cm

右侧  3 cm

  3 cm








R. 49 General provisions governing the presentation of theapplication documents

(1)Any translation filed under Article 14, paragraph 2, or Rule 40, paragraph 3, shall bedeemed to be a document making up the European patent application.

(2)The documents making up the applicationshall be presented so as to allow electronic and direct reproduction, inparticular by scanning, photography, electrostatic processes, photo offset andmicrofilming, in an unlimited number of copies. All sheets shall be free fromcracks, creases and folds. Only one side of the sheet shall be used.

(3)The documentsmaking up the application shall be on A4 paper (29.7 cm x21 cm) which shall be pliable, strong, white, smooth, matt and durable.Subject to paragraph 9 and Rule 46, paragraph 2(h), eachsheet shall be used with its short sides at the top and bottom (uprightposition).

(4)Each of the documents making up theapplication (request, description, claims, drawings and abstract) shallcommence on a new sheet. The sheets shall be connected in such a way that theycan easily be turned over, separated and joined together again.

(5)Subject to Rule 46, paragraph 1, the minimummargins shall be as follows:

top 2 cm

left side 2.5 cm

right side 2 cm

bottom 2 cm

The recommended maximum for the margins quoted above is asfollows:

top 4 cm

left side 4 cm

right side 3 cm

bottom 3 cm

(6)All the sheets contained in theapplication shall be numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals. These shall becentred at the top of the sheet, but not placed in the top margin.

(7)The lines of each sheet of the descriptionand of the claims shall preferably be numbered in sets of five, the numbersappearing on the left side, to the right of the margin.

(8)The request forgrant of a European patent, the description, the claims and the abstract shallbe typed or printed. Only graphic symbols and characters and chemical ormathematical formulae may, if necessary, be drawn or written by hand. Thetyping shall be 1½ spaced. All text matter shall be in characters, thecapital letters of which are not less than 0.21 cm high, and shall be in adark, indelible colour.

(9)The request for grant of a Europeanpatent, the description, the claims and the abstract shall not containdrawings. The description, claims and abstract may contain chemical ormathematical formulae. The description and abstract may contain tables. Theclaims may contain tables only if their subject-matter makes the use of tablesdesirable. Tables and chemical or mathematical formulae may be placed sidewayson the sheet if they cannot be presented satisfactorily in an upright position.Tables or chemical or mathematical formulae presented sideways shall be placedso that the tops of the tables or formulae are at the left-hand side of thesheet.

(10)Values shallbe expressed in units conforming to international standards, whereverappropriate in terms of the metric system using SI units. Any data not meetingthis requirement shall also be expressed in units conforming to internationalstandards. Only the technical terms, formulae, signs and symbols generallyaccepted in the field in question shall be used.

(11)The terminology and the signs shall beconsistent throughout the European patent application.

(12)Each sheet shall be reasonably free fromerasures and shall be free from alterations. Non-compliance with this rule maybe authorised if the authenticity of the content is not impugned and therequirements for good reproduction are not thereby jeopardised.





R. 50 Documents filed subsequently

(1)Rules 42, 43 and 46 to 49 shall apply to documents replacingdocuments making up the European patent application. Rule 49, paragraphs 2 to 12, shall also apply to the translation ofthe claims referred to in Rule 71.

(2)All documents other than those making upthe application shall generally be typewritten or printed. There shall be amargin of about 2.5 cm on the left-hand side of each page.

(3)Documents filed after filing theapplication shall be signed, with the exception of annexed documents. If adocument has not been signed, the European Patent Office shall invite the partyconcerned to do so within a time limit to be specified. If signed in due time,the document shall retain its original date of receipt; otherwise it shall bedeemed not to have been filed.


Chapter III Renewal fees














R. 51 Payment of renewal fees

(1) A renewal fee for the European patentapplication in respect of the coming year shall be due on the last day of themonth containing the anniversary of the date of filing of the European patentapplication. Renewal fees may not be validly paid more than threemonths before they fall due.

(2)If a renewal fee is not paid in due time,the fee may still be paid within six months of the due date, provided that anadditional fee is also paid within that period.

(3)Renewal fees already due in respect of an earlier application atthe date on which a divisional application is filed shall also be paid for thedivisional application and shall be due on its filing. These fees and any renewalfee due within four months of filing the divisional application may be paidwithin that period without an additional fee. Paragraph 2 shall apply.

(4)If a European patent application has beenrefused or deemed to be withdrawn as a result of non-observance of a timelimit, and if the applicant's rights are re-established under Article 122, a renewal fee

(a)which would have fallen due under paragraph 1 in the periodstarting on the date on which the loss of rights occurred, up to and includingthe date of the notification of the decision re-establishing the rights, shallbe due on that latter date.

This fee and any renewal fee due within four months from that latterdate may still be paid within four months of that latter date without anadditional fee. Paragraph 2 shall apply.

(b)which, on the date on which the loss of rights has occurred, wasalready due but the period provided for in paragraph 2 has not yet expired,may still be paid within six months from the date of the notification of thedecision re-establishing the rights, provided that the additional fee pursuanttoparagraph 2 is also paid withinthat period.

(5)If the Enlarged Board of Appeal re-opens proceedings before theBoard of Appeal underArticle 112a, paragraph 5, secondsentence, a renewal fee

(a)which would have fallen due under paragraph 1 in the periodstarting on the date when the decision of the Board of Appeal subject to thepetition for review was taken, up to and including the date of the notificationof the decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal re-opening proceedings beforethe Board of Appeal, shall be due on that latter date.

This fee and any renewal fee due within four months from that latterdate may still be paid within four months of that latter date without anadditional fee. Paragraph 2 shall apply.

(b)which, on the day on which the decision of the Board of Appealwas taken, was already due but the period provided for in paragraph 2 has not yet expired,may still be paid within six months from the date of the notification of thedecision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal re-opening proceedings before theBoard of Appeal, provided that the additional fee pursuant to paragraph 2 is also paid withinthat period.

(6)A renewal fee shall not be payable for a new European patentapplication filed underArticle 61, paragraph 1(b), inrespect of the year in which it was filed and any preceding year.








R. 52 Declaration of priority

(1)The declaration of priority referred to in Article 88, paragraph 1, shallindicate the date of the previous filing, the State party to the ParisConvention or Member of the World Trade Organization in or for which it wasmade and the file number. In the case referred to in Article 87, paragraph 5, thefirst sentence shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(2)The declaration of priority shall preferably be made on filingthe European patent application. It may still be made within sixteen monthsfrom the earliest priority date claimed.

(3)The applicant may correct the declaration of priority withinsixteen months from the earliest priority date claimed, or, where thecorrection would cause a change in the earliest priority date claimed, withinsixteen months from the corrected earliest priority date, whicheversixteen-month period expires first, provided that such a correction may besubmitted until the expiry of four months from the date of filing accorded tothe European patent application.

(4)However, a declaration of priority may not be made or correctedafter a request underArticle 93, paragraph 1(b), hasbeen filed.

(5)The particulars of the declaration of priority shall appear inthe published European patent application and the European patentspecification.





R. 53 Priority documents

(1)An applicant claiming priority shall file a copy of the previousapplication within sixteen months of the earliest priority date claimed. Thiscopy and the date of filing of the previous application shall be certified ascorrect by the authority with which that application was filed.

(2)The copy of the previous application shall be deemed to be dulyfiled if a copy of that application available to the European Patent Office isto be included in the file of the European patent application under theconditions determined by the President of the European Patent Office.

(3)Where the previous application is not in an official language ofthe European Patent Office and the validity of the priority claim is relevantto the determination of the patentability of the invention concerned, theEuropean Patent Office shall invite the applicant for or proprietor of theEuropean patent to file a translation of that application into one of theofficial languages within a period to be specified. Alternatively, adeclaration may be submitted that the European patent application is a completetranslation of the previous application. Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatismutandis. If a requested translation of a previous application is not filed indue time, the right of priority for the European patent application or for theEuropean patent with respect to that application shall be lost. The applicantfor or proprietor of the European patent shall be informed accordingly.



R. 54 Issuing priority documents

On request, the European Patent Office shall issue to the applicanta certified copy of the European patent application (priority document), underthe conditions determined by the President of the European Patent Office,including the form of the priority document and the circumstances under whichan administrative fee shall be paid.



Part IV Implementing Regulations to part IV of the Convention


Chapter I Examination by the Receiving Section



R. 55 Examination on filing

If the examination under Article 90, paragraph 1, revealsthat the application fails to meet the requirements laid down in Rule 40, paragraph 1(a) or (c), paragraph 2 or paragraph 3, first sentence, theEuropean Patent Office shall inform the applicant of any deficiencies andadvise him that the application will not be dealt with as a European patentapplication unless such deficiencies are remedied within two months. If theapplicant does this, he shall be informed of the date of filing accorded by theOffice.














R. 56 Missing parts of the description or missing drawings

(1)If the examination under Article 90, paragraph 1, revealsthat parts of the description, or drawings referred to in the description or inthe claims, appear to be missing, the European Patent Office shall invite theapplicant to file the missing parts within two months. The applicant may notinvoke the omission of such a communication.

(2)If missing parts of the description or missing drawings are filedlater than the date of filing, but within two months of the date of filing or,if a communication is issued under paragraph 1, within two months of thatcommunication, the application shall be re-dated to the date on which themissing parts of the description or missing drawings were filed. The EuropeanPatent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly.

(3)If the missing parts of the description or missing drawings arefiled within the period underparagraph 2, and the applicationclaims priority of an earlier application, the date of filing shall, providedthat the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings arecompletely contained in the earlier application, remain the date on which therequirements laid down in Rule 40, paragraph 1, werefulfilled, where the applicant so requests and files, within the periodunder paragraph 2:

(a)a copy of the earlier application, unless such copy is availableto the European Patent Office under Rule 53, paragraph 2;

(b)where the earlier application is not in an official language ofthe European Patent Office, a translation thereof in one of these languages,unless such copy is available to the European Patent Office under Rule 53, paragraph 3; and

(c)an indication as to where the missing parts of the description orthe missing drawings are completely contained in the earlier application and,where applicable, in the translation thereof.  

(4)If the applicant:

(a)fails to file the missing parts of the description or the missingdrawings within the period under paragraph 1 or 2, or  

(b)withdraws under paragraph 6 any missing part ofthe description or missing drawing filed under paragraph 2,

any references referred to in paragraph 1 shall be deemed to bedeleted, and any filing of the missing parts of the description or missingdrawings shall be deemed not to have been made. The European Patent Officeshall inform the applicant accordingly.

(5)If the applicant fails to comply with the requirements referredto in paragraph 3(a) to (c)within the period under paragraph 2, the application shall bere-dated to the date on which the missing parts of the description or missingdrawings were filed. The European Patent Office shall inform the applicantaccordingly.

(6)Within one month of the notification referred to in paragraph 2 or 5, last sentence, the applicant maywithdraw the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings filed, inwhich case the re-dating shall be deemed not to have been made. The EuropeanPatent Office shall inform the applicant accordingly.













R. 57 Examination as to formal requirements

If the European patent application has been accorded a date offiling, the European Patent Office shall examine, in accordance with Article 90, paragraph 3, whether:

(a) a translation of the application required under Article 14, paragraph 2,under Rule 36, paragraph 2, secondsentence, or under Rule 40, paragraph 3, secondsentence, has been filed in due time;

(b)the request for grant of a European patent satisfies therequirements of Rule 41;

(c)the application contains one or more claims in accordancewith Article 78, paragraph 1(c), or areference to a previously filed application in accordance with Rule 40, paragraphs 1(c), 2 and 3, indicating that it replaces also theclaims;

(d)the application contains an abstract in accordance with Article 78, paragraph 1(e);

(e)the filing fee and the search fee have been paid in accordancewith Rule 17, paragraph 2,Rule 36, paragraph 3, or Rule 38;

(f)the designation of the inventor has beenmade in accordance with Rule 19, paragraph 1;

(g)where appropriate, the requirements laid down in Rules 52 and 53 concerning the claim to priorityhave been satisfied;

(h)where appropriate, the requirements of Article 133, paragraph 2, havebeen satisfied;

(i)the application meets the requirements laid down in Rule 46 and Rule 49, paragraphs 1to 9 and 12;

(j) the application meets the requirements laid down in Rule 30.



R. 58 Correction of deficiencies in the application documents

If the European patent application does not comply with therequirements of Rule 57(a) to (d), (h) and (i), the European Patent Office shallinform the applicant accordingly and invite him to correct the deficienciesnoted within two months. The description, claims and drawings may be amendedonly to an extent sufficient to remedy such deficiencies.



R. 59 Deficiencies in claiming priority

If the file number of the previous application under Rule 52, paragraph 1, or the copyof that application under Rule 53, paragraph 1, have notbeen filed in due time, the European Patent Office shall inform the applicantaccordingly and invite him to file them within a period to be specified.




R. 60 Subsequent designation of the inventor

(1)If the designation of the inventor has not been made inaccordance with Rule 19, the European Patent Officeshall inform the applicant that the European patent application will be refusedunless the designation is made within sixteen months of the date of filing ofthe application or, if priority is claimed, of the date of priority, thisperiod being deemed to have been observed if the information is communicatedbefore completion of the technical preparations for the publication of theEuropean patent application.

(2)Where, in a divisional application or a new applicationunder Article 61, paragraph 1(b), thedesignation of the inventor has not been made in accordance with Rule 19, the European Patent Officeshall invite the applicant to make the designation within a period to bespecified.



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