to 9婵犲痉鏉库偓妤呭Υ鐎n剚顫曢柨鐕傛嫹 闂傚倸鍊哥€氥劑宕愰幘鎯板С闁跨喓濮甸埛鏃堟煕閳╁喚娈曢柛鏇熷劤閳藉骞樼粵鐟板濠电偛鐗婇崹鐢革綖濠靛绫嶉柛銉簼濠㈡牜绱撴担瑙勨拹闁荤喆鍎甸獮蹇斿閺夋垹顔婇梺闈涚箚閹冲洭寮崟顓犵<闁哄啠鍋撻柣鐔村姂閿濈偤宕堕‖鈥虫贡閳ь剨绲芥晶搴g矆婢舵劕绾ч柍鍝勪紥閹存繐鑰垮ù锝呭閸ゆ鏌涢锝囩婵☆垰顑夐弻娑滅疀閺冣偓閺嬪嫮绱掗鍛闁瑰弶鎸冲畷鎺戔槈濮樸儱浠﹂梻浣哥秺濞佳囶敄閸℃侗鏁婄€光偓閸曨剚娅栭柣蹇曞仧閻℃柨煤閵堝鐓曟俊銈咃工娴滄繃淇婄拠褏鐣甸柡灞芥婵$兘鏁冮埀顒佷繆閹惰姤鐓欓柟顓熷笒閻忣亞绱掓担瑙勫唉闁轰礁绉撮悾婵嬪礋椤掑倶鍋掗梺鍝勵槸閻楀﹤鐣峰鈧敐鐐哄炊椤€虫贡閳ь剨绲芥晶搴g矆婢舵劖鐓犻柛婵勫労閺€浼存煕閳哄偆娈橀柟鍙夋尦瀹曟帒鈽夊銉ヤ沪闂備焦瀵х粙鎴︽儗閸岀倛澶愭晲婢跺﹤鐝樻俊銈忛檮椤戞瑥岣挎惔銏㈢闁哄鍩堥崕鎴︽煟閳╁啫鐏村┑鈩冩尦瀹曟帒顫濋鈧欢顓熺箾閹寸偞鎯勯柛妯煎帶閻i攱绺界粙鍨挤闂佺粯妫冨Λ鍨庨鈧弻鐔煎箥椤斿吋鐏嗗銈庡亜濞层倝婀侀柣搴秵娴滄粓宕甸幒妤佺厵閻庢稒锚婵啴鎮归幇顔兼灈鐎规洘顨婃俊姝岊槼闁稿﹥鐗犻弻鈩冩媴鐟欏嫮鍑¢梺閫炲苯澧伴柛妯犲洤桅濠㈣泛饪村ḿ鈺呮煛閸愩劎澧遍柡鍡樻礋閺岀喖鐓幓鎺戝Б濠电偛鐗婇崹鍓佺矙婢舵劕鍙婇煫鍥风稻閻姊洪崫鍕垫Ф闁稿氦灏欓懞閬嶎敋閳ь剚淇婇幘顔肩<婵炴垶鐟﹂宥夋⒑缁嬪尅宸ラ柛姘儓閸燁垶鎮楀▓鍨灈缂佺粯甯掗埢鎾诲箣閻橆偄浜炬繛鎴烆伆閹达箑违闁稿瞼鍋涢弸渚€鏌eΔ鈧悧鍡欑矈閿曞倹鐓曟繝濠傚暢鐎氫即鏌涢悢鎻掍壕闂備礁鎲$敮鎺懳涘▎鎾村€靛ù鐘差儐閺咁剟鏌涜閺侇摟nalysis)闂備浇妗ㄩ懗鑸垫櫠濡も偓閻e灚绗熼埀顒勫箖閹惰棄绾ч柟绋挎唉閸氼偊姊洪崫鍕伌闁搞劑浜堕幆鍐偨缁嬭法锛欏┑鐐叉缁绘劙鎮楁繝姘厸閻庯綆鍋勬慨澶嬬箾閸喎鐏撮柡灞借嫰椤撳ジ宕奸锝囩厬濠电偞鎸荤喊宥囨崲閸愩劎鏆ゅù锝呮贡閳绘洟鎮楅敐鍌涙珖妞ゅ繘浜堕弻鏇㈠幢椤撶喎顏�
About your third question, the answer is either too depressing or too uncertain. If you are interested in where we humans as a race stand in terms of "point of no return," this lecture at the Fall AGU 2012 is the latest (depressing) outlook I have seen:
Union Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture - Professor Sir Bob Watson, CMG, FRS, Chief Scientific Adviser to Defra
I have B.S. and M.S. in meteorology and Ph.D. in physical oceanography. So, in theory I can understand all experts' views on global warming and climate change.
What I have been saying all along is that it is A BIG MISTAKE to use "global warming" or "climate change" to label human's contribution of CO2 emission into the atmosphere (and eventually the world ocean). Temperature changes daily and seasonally, much more than "the warming trend" for the last 100 years. (Does anyone know the answer of how much the global mean surface temperature has warmed up for the last 100 years?) Even for sea level changes, some parts of the world ocean experienced sea level DROP while the rest saw increase.
However, if we look at sea water acidification, there is NO DOUBT that humans are impact the Earth system. Roughly, 1/3 of the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere ends up in the world ocean. I doubt any "anti-global warming" scientists or politicians can dispute this FACT.
How about my third question?