


已有 3655 次阅读 2012-11-28 11:28 |个人分类:教学资源|系统分类:科研笔记| 三篇硕士学位论文摘要




硕士研究生:呙娓佽   导师:吴超









6)提出了含能物质性能及安全性的模糊动态聚类综合评价法。对通过文献收集到代表炸药能量和安全性能的各项评价指标进行动态聚类,寻找最佳阈值 ,灵活选择动态结果进行综合评判,以分析性能及安全性的优劣差异。



In recent years, the demands for energetic materials surge due to the development of the national defense industry, space undertakings and civil profession. As the basic ingredients of mixed explosives, pyrotechnics and propellants, energetic materials are possessed with high energy and detonation potential, thus they have great risks in the production, procession and storage process in accordance. With the expansion of their application, the safety issues of energetic materials become increasingly prominent. In this context, mutual discipline and comprehensive effect research on the energy and safety aspects of energetic materials are studied in this paper, aiming to improve energy utilization on the premise of ensuring safety.

On the basis of literature retrieval and data recollection of physical and chemical parameters and performance qualities, focusing on energy and safety aspects of energetic materials and by adoption of theoretical analysis, statistical principles and comprehensive evaluation methods, single factor analysis of performance and sensitivity of energetic materials is proceeded firstly, in which parameter correlation and prediction modeling studies are carried out and safety overall judgment is conducted as well. The conversion relationship is explored on that portfolio and the synthetic evaluation approach is proposed based on performance and sensitivity characteristics. Main concrete research contents and conclusions as listed as follows:

(1) Energy hazards of energetic materials are discussed in the beginning. Reviews on research status and advance at home and abroad are summarized and literature retrieval is conducted on energy and safety aspects of energetic materials.

(2) The characteristics and classification of energetic materials are briefly described. Physical attributes, chemical attributes, thermodynamic parameters, kinetic parameters, detonation qualities and sensitivity properties are introduced. By literature retrieval and recollection, the parameters of 65 energetic materials of different kinds are obtained.

(3) Correlation of performance qualities of energetic materials is explored by the application of parameter correlation method from the viewpoint of energy. Correlation scatter diagram and simple correlation coefficient demonstrate that detonation velocity D corresponds highly with oxygen balance index OB100 and density ρ. Regression analysis is applied to establish the linear regression model of the anaphoric factor lgA and activation energy Ea to prove the kinetic compensation effect of energetic materials of same type in their thermal decomposition process. Then the multiple linear regression and BP neutral network approach are utilized to establish the QSPR prediction model of detonation velocity repsctively. Results show that the selected descriptors of both models can reflect the explosion characteristics and BP neutral network exceeds the traditional linear model in prediction accuracy.

(4) Comprehensive sensitivity eigenvalue is analyzed from the viewpoint of safety. Based on the BZA-1 method, different weights are assigned to different sensitivity data on dissimilar test condition. Risk sort of comprehensive sensitivity eigenvalue of 12 energetic materials is acquired by fussy weighted hierarchical method.

(5) Experimental data from several performance and sensitivity tests have been combined after normalization to define a single performance and a safety characteristic term, respectively. This allows evaluating energetic compounds with regard to a well balanced ratio of performance and sensitivity. A graph shows an imaginary border line what has to be interpreted in the sense that high performance is accompanied by an enhanced sensitivity and that an insensitive explosive will not exhibit a top performance.

(6) Fussy dynamic clustering evaluation method is proposed to comprehensively assess performance and sensitivity characteristics of energetic materials. Multiple energy and safety indexes are selected for dynamic clustering and optimal threshold value are chosen to flexibly select dynamic results to roundly evaluate the discrepancy of performance and safety of energetic materials.

KEYWORDS: energetic materials, energy, safety, statistical analysis, parameter correlation, performance estimation, comprehensive evaluation



硕士研究生:李冀    导师:吴超


近年来,随着我国经济和化工产业的飞速发展,越来越多的危险化学品出现在生产、经营、运输及使用中,这无疑对人类和社会带来了潜在的威胁,因此对化学物质进行危险性评价显得越来越重要。理化性质是评价化学品危险性的重要指标,但由于各种原因,目前还没有一个完整的数据库。定量结构-性质/活性关系(Quantitative Structure-Property/Activity Relationship, QSPR/QSAR)方法的出现为化学品的危险性预测提供一个可靠的手段。一旦建立了可靠的模型,既可以用它来预测新的甚至是尚未合成的化合物的各种性质,而且可以在微观上了解分子结构对性质的影响,这对新分子的设计有一定的指导作用。

本论文利用遗传函数算法(Genetic Function Approximation, GFA)来选择描述符,用多元线性回归(Multivariable Linear Regression, MLR)的方法建立线性模型;随后还使用BP神经网络(Back-Propagation Network, BPNN)和支持向量机(Support Vector Machines, SVM)来建立非线性模型,得到的结果令人满意。具体可分为以下几个方面的内容:






关键词 化学信息学;定量结构性质/活性关系;遗传函数算法;BP神经网络;支持向量机


In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the chemical industry, a growing number of hazard chemicals appear in the production, management, transport and usage process, which will undoubtedly bring potential threats to human and society. Therefore it becomes increasingly important to assess the hazards of chemicals. Physical-chemical properties are essential attributes for the evaluation of hazard chemicals. Due to various reasons, there is no such complete database to record the chemicals’ physical-chemical properties. Quantitative Structure-Property/Activity Relationship (QSPR/QSAR) provides a reliable means for assessing the hazard chemicals. Once a reliable model is established, it can then be used to predict various properties of new materials and even compounds yet not synthesized, and micro molecular structure nature can be understood as well. It is constructive to the design of new molecules.

In this study, molecule descriptors are selected by the genetic function algorithm (GFA), using multiple linear regression (MLR) method to create a linear model; then non-linear model are built by BP neural network (BPNN) and support vector machines (SVM), and the results are satisfactory. Concrete main contents are listed as follows:

The first chapter presents the basic principles of QSPR/QSAR, research steps and research progress, and detailed explanation of the basic principles of BPNN and SVM are introduced.

The second chapter establishes a QSAR model which is used to study the acute toxicity of fatty compounds. Molecular descriptors are selected by GFA, using the MLR and BPNN to establish the linear and nonlinear models of acute toxicity and molecular descriptors. Multiple correlation coefficient (R2) of the test set are 0.760 and 0.814, and the average absolute error (AAE) are 0.314mmol/L and 0.296mmol/L respectively. Results show that the non-linear model fitting and forecasting accuracy are better than the linear model. The method provides a way to predict the acute toxicity of fatty compounds based on the molecular structure.

The third chapter predicts lower flammable limit of 1056 different kinds of organic compounds. Four structural parameters closely related to the lower flammable limits are seletced through GFA. MLR and BPNN method are used to establish the linear and nonlinear models. Multiple correlation coefficient (R2) of the test set are 0.956 and 0.978, respectively, the root mean square error (RMSE) are 0.107vol% and 0.077vol% respectively. The results show that the BPNN model performance is better than the MLR.

The fourth chapter establishes the relationship of flash point and molecular structure of 91 fatty alcohol compounds by MLR and SVM methods. In the test set, multiple correlation coefficients (R2) are 0.976 and 0.979, and the average absolute error (AAE) are 2.870K and 2.706K. The results show that three descriptor selected through GFA can be a good characterization of the flash point of the fatty alcohol compounds.

In the fifth chapter, QSPR method is used to study the quantitative structure-property relationship of liquid hydrocarbons. Correlation model of heat combustion with three descriptors of liquid hydrocarbons is established by application of MLR and SVM approach. The multiple correlation coefficient (R2) of the test sets are 0.992 and 0.993, and the average absolute error (AAE) are 121kJ/mol and 88kJ/mol respectively. This method provides an effective way to predict the heat combustion of liquid hydrocarbon.

Key words: chemoinformatics; quantitative structure-property/activity relationship; genetic function approximation; back-propagation network; support vector machines



硕士研究生:谭波    导师:吴超












Safety science has been developing rapidly for many years in China. The GB/T13745-2009 “subject classification and code” expanded five grade-2 subjects which include safety material science. The research of safety material science is still in the initial exploratory stage. This paper selected a series of organic peroxides as object to explore the research contents and methods of safety material science.

Based on the collection and access to relevant literature, systematic review was given to the research status of the safety material science and organic peroxides at home and abroad. The parameter data of organic peroxides were count and analyzed by correlation analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and Copeland score sort. Five common factors affecting the safety of organic peroxides and classification results based on their safety were obtained. Then the main physical parameters were predicted by group contribution method, BP neural network, multiple linear regression, partial least squares and support vector machine. The main research and conclusions in this paper are as follows:

(1) The statistics parameter data of 72 organic peroxides were divided into three categories: molecular composition parameter, molecular structure parameter and physical parameter. Through the correlation analysis among three categories data and the definition of the parameter, few parameters were deleted.

(2) By the factor analysis of 23 parameters of 72 organic peroxides, five common factors were extracted and respectively defined as combustion and explosion, decomposition, diffusion, pollution and corrosion, and toxicity. Compared to previous studies, the result showed that the five common factors can be a good characterization to the safety of organic peroxides.

(3) Based on the result of factor analysis and the integrity of the statistical data, 33 organic peroxides and their 10 parameters were selected. 28 organic peroxides were classified as three categories by the cluster analysis. 5 unknown types’ organic peroxides were analyzed by discriminant analysis. Then 33 organic peroxides were sort by Copeland score. The comparison among the results of the three methods demonstrated that there was high consistent.

(4) According to combustion and explosion can best represent flash point, a method based on BP neural network and group contribution method to predict the flash point of organic peroxides was designed. 50 organic peroxides were chosen as training set and 16 organic peroxides were chosen as testing set. The result showed that the predicted values were in good agreement with literature values. The prediction method didn’t require calculation of the parameters, and the results were reliable.

(5) According to previous research, it was known that the reaction hazards of organic peroxides depend on the initial decomposition temperature and heat of decomposition. 14 organic peroxides were chosen as training set, 3 organic peroxides were chosen as testing set, and 13 parameters were determined as the descriptors. The initial decomposition temperature and heat of decomposition were predicted by multiple linear regression, partial least squares and support vector machine. The effectiveness of three methods were compared and verified. Finally, the predicted models of PLS or SVM had a higher linear fit with literature data and a good predictability.

KEY WORDS: organic peroxides, safety, factor analysis, classification, BP neural network, partial least squares, support vector machine

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