a State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
b Faculty of Materials and Energy, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
The local mechanical properties and the serrated flow behavior of a Cu36Zr48Al8Ag8 bulk metallic glass (BMG) have been investigated using nanoindentation. The influence of structural inhomogeneity on the deformation behavior of the BMG is confirmed. The loading rate plays little role in the deviation degree of load-displacement (P-h) curves. It was found that the accumulation of different kinds of serrations leads to the deviation of the P-h curves under a low loading rate. The deviation degree is associated with the numbers and characteristics of the serrated flow. Under a high loading rate, the simultaneous operation of multiple shear bands leads to the disappearance of the serrated flows, and the deviation degree of the P-h curves with each other is assumed to be related to the accumulation of different inconspicuous serrated flows.
Bulk metallic glass; Structural inhomogeneity; Free volume; Serrated flow
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