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已有 4569 次阅读 2009-3-7 10:57 |个人分类:科学人生|系统分类:科研笔记| 生态农业, 畜南下, SciDev报道


        今天一大早,收到新华通讯社中国特稿社(China Features)记者宫一栋来的emial,他兴奋地告诉我,我们在山东平邑的“畜南下”试验被SciDev报道了。SciDev是Science and Development Network 的简称。报道News, views and information about science, technology and the developing world。为Nature创办的网络杂志,对稿件要求及其严格。就是这样一篇400字的短文,宫记者两下平邑(2007年9月和2008年10月),期间英国编辑与他通讯20多次,宫记者与我通讯5次,回答问题十几个。通讯和回答问题的文字为发表出来的文章十几倍。足见一个好的稿子是需要下很大功夫的,也可见Nature办杂志的理念。


        生态学的办法能不能解决粮食安全,能源危机和农田环境污染问题?我们的试验数据是很有说服力的。至今,县里一些领导不知道我们做什么,连研究所的同行们也不理解。这个报道鼓励我们将这个试验继续进行下去。现将SciDec的报道文章在这里转发,供网友们参考。文章只有400多单词,这是他们 New报道的风格,一般350-400字,非常严格的。

Wasted Chinese straw 'could be food and energy source'

Yidong Gong


5 March 2009 | EN | 中文


Cattle are central to Jiang's ecological farming method

Flickr/ egorgrebnev

[BEIJING] A pilot project that has turned waste straw into rich cattle food and biogas could be expanded to help improve food security and rural energy supply across China, says its leader.

Jiang Gaoming, an ecologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, initiated the programme in Pingyi County, in eastern China in an effort to find a better use for the 700 million tonnes of straw produced annually in China, of which 37 per cent is burned. Less than a quarter is used as food.

By adding bacteria to the waste straw his team was able to ferment it to produce "bread grass". This has been used to raise cattle in the village. Dung from the cattle is turned into methane — a source of electricity and cooking fuel — at one of 120 household biogas plants built under houses in the village.

So far 30 cattle are being raised in the village. Interim results from the project show that beef cattle weighing 200 kilograms grew to 420 kilograms in seven months when fed bread grass. A family with three cattle can earn more than 7,000 Chinese yuan (US$1,025) per year from selling the beef, says Jiang.

His goal is to raise 200–300 cattle, build 200 biogas plants, and set up a small biogas power plant for the whole village. 

In addition, Jiang estimates that an amount of fertiliser equal to around twice the annual consumption in China can potentially be generated from the sediment and liquid waste from the biogas plant.

But the model has financial obstacles to tackle. With average income less than 4,600 yuan per year in Pingyi County, many farmers cannot afford to buy calves. And large-scale raising of livestock cannot be maintained in places like Pingyi, where urbanisation is decreasing the amount of available arable land.

"We are appealing to the government to provide microcredit loans for the farmers to buy the calves at the beginning," Jiang says. And according to a national plan on the overall use of land passed by the State Council of China last August, the Chinese government has legally protected 120 million hectares of farmland.  

Wang Kun, a professor of animal husbandry at China Agricultural University, says Jiang's practice is a good example of ecological agriculture. But considering the low-protein and high-fibre quality of straw, he says, other high-protein food such as clover must be added to guarantee nutrition for the cattle.


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