先读Douglas E. Comer《Internetworking With TCP/IP,Vol I:Principles,Protocols,and Architecture》。我认为关键在于抓住三个问题:一是地址,如地址分配、地址获取,IP地址与网络硬件地址映射关系及DNS。二是路由,主要是协议和路由算法。如EGP和IGP协议,而IGP中又有RIP、HELLO和OSPF算法。三是层次,即TCP、UDP与IP之间关系,为何要分层? 其他可省略,如FTP。
the past and future history of the internet》,CACM,1997
一片老文章,主要讲the past hisotry of the internet, 对于Future,作者认为:
“ The most pressing question for the future of the Internet is not how the technology will change, but how the process of change and evolution itself will be managed”