分 类 目 录
(2010-2011 )
1, Run-Ran Liu, Wen-Xu Wang, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Bing-Hong Wang
Cascading dynamics on random networks: Crossover in phase transition
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, 026110 (2012)
2, Ren XZ(任学藻), Yang ZM(杨紫陌), Wang BH(汪秉宏), Zhou T(周涛)
Mandelbrot Law of Evolving Networks
Chinese Physics Letters 29-3(2012)038904
1, Jun-Fang Zhu, Ming Zhao, Wenwu Yu, Changsong Zhou, and Bing-Hong Wang
Better synchronizability in generalized adaptive networks
2, Haifeng Zhang,Ming Zhao,Binghong Wang
Directly Adjusting Node's Impacts To Realize The Synchronization Of Complex Networks
International Journal of Modern Physics C Vol. 21, No. 6 (2010) 785-793
3, Ma Peijie and Wang Binghong
The Optimum of Synchronizability in Complex Netwoks’
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C Vol 21, No.10 (2010) 1255-1261
4, Run-Ran Liu, Wen-Xu Wang, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Bing-Hong Wang
Cascading dynamics on random networks: Crossover in phase transition
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, 026110 (2012)
1, Jian-Guo Liu, Tao Zhou, Hong-An Che, Bing-Hong Wang, Yi-Cheng Zhang
Effects of high-order correlations on personalized recommendation for bipartite networks
Physica A 389 (2010) 881-886
2, Run-Ran Liu, Jian-Guo Liu, Chun-Xiao Jia, Bing-Hong Wang
Personal recommendation via unequal resource allocation on bipartite networks
3, Jian-Guo Liu, Tao Zhou, Bing-Hong Wang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Qiang Guo
Degree Correlation of Bipartite Network on Personalized Recommendation
International Journal of Modern Physics C 21 (2010) 137
4, 汪秉宏,周涛,刘建国:
5, 刘建国,郭强,张翼成,汪秉宏,车宏安
《系统科学与复杂网络》主编:许晓鸣、陈关荣, 副主编:高岩、汪秉宏、张宁
上海系统科学出版社(2010-10) 98-147
1, Haifeng Zhang, Jie Zhang, Changsong Zhou, Michael Small and Binghong Wang
Hub nodes inhibit the outbreak of epidemic under voluntary vaccination
New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 023015
2, Sheng-Jun Xue, Ruan Feng, Yin-Chuan Yang, Hai-Feng Zhang, Bing-Hong Wang,
Spread of epidemic on complex networks under voluntary vaccination mechanism,
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 9, 1197, 2010.
3, Haifeng Zhang, Binghong Wang
Different methods for the threshold of epidemic on heterogeneous networks
Physics Procedia 3(2010)1831 -1837
4, 李翔,刘宗华,汪秉宏: 网络传播动力学
5, YangHX(杨涵新) WangWX(王文旭) Lai YC(来颖诚),XieYB(谢彦波), WangBH(汪秉宏)
Control of epidemic spreading on complex networks by local traffic dynamics
PhysRevE.84 (2011) 045101 (Rapid Communication)
6, Haifeng Zhang(张海峰),Jie Zhang,Ping Li, Michael Small, Binghong Wang(汪秉宏).
Risk estimation of infectious diseases determines the effectiveness of the control strategy.
Physica D 240 (2011) 943–948.
7, 周涛,汪秉宏,韩筱璞,尚明生
系统工程学报 2011 复杂网络科学与工程的研究进展专辑
8, 张海峰,张文耀,孙桂全,汪秉宏,周涛,
中国科学, 物理学 力学 天文学
9, Han-Xin Yang, Wen-Xu Wang, Ying-Cheng Lai, Bing-Hong Wang:
Convergence to global consensus in opinion dynamics under a nonlinear voter model,
Physics Letters A 376 (2012) 282–285
1, Han-Xin Yang(杨涵新), Wen-Xu Wang(王文旭), Yan-Bo Xie(谢彦波), Ying-Cheng Lai(来颖成), and Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏):
Transportation dynamics on networks of mobile agents
Phys. Rev. E 83, 016102 (2011).
2, Yong Zhuang(庄勇), Dong-Mei Shi(史冬梅), Wen-Bo Du(杜文博), Hai-Feng Zhang(张海峰),Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏),
Integrating local dynamic and global static information for routing traffic on networks
IJMPC Volume 22, Issue 6 (2011)649-659
1, Ying-Ting Lin, Han-Xin Yang, Zhi-Hai Rong, and Bing-Hong Wang,
Effects of heterogeneous influence of individuals on the global consensus,
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21 1011-1019 (2010).
2, Yong Zhuang, Run-Ran Liu, Han-Xin Yang, Dong-Mei Shi, and Bing-Hong Wang,
Accelerating Consensus by Preferential Words in the Naming Game,
Chinese Physics Letters, 27, 108901 (2010).
3, Yu-Jian Li(李玉剑), Su Wang, Zhong-Lin Han(韩钟霖), Bao-Mei Tian(田宝美), Zhen-Dong Xi (席振东)and Bing-Hong Wang (汪秉宏)
Optimal view angle in the three-dimensional self-propelled particle models
Europhysics Letters,. 93, 68003 (2011).
1, Da-Hai Tang,_, Xiao-Pu Han, Bing-Hong Wang
Stretched exponential distribution of recurrent time of wars in China
Physica A 389 (2010) 2637-2641
2, ShangMS,陈冠雄,戴双星,WangBH,ZhouT
Interest-Driven Model for Human Dynamics
Chinese Physics Letters 27-4(2010)048701
3, ZHU Jun-Fang, HAN Xiao-Pu, WANG Bing-Hong
Statistic Property and Model for Inter-Event Time of Terrorism Attacks
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 27, No. 6 (2010) 068902
4, Guanxiong Chen, Xiaopu Han, Binghong Wang
Multi-Level Scaling Properties of Instant-Message Communications
Physics Procedia 3 (2010) 1897-1905
5, Xiao-Pu Han, Bing-Hong Wang
Impacts of Distance and Memory in the Emergence of Scaling Mobility Pattern of Human
PhysicsProcedia 3 (2010) 1907 -1911
6, Hai-Tao Zhang(张海涛), Ning Wang, Michael Z Q Chen, Ri-Qi Su(苏日启), Tao Zhou(周涛), Changsong Zhou,(周昌松)
Spatially quantifying the leadership effectiveness in collective behavior,
New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 123025
7, 汪秉宏,韩筱璞
Study of Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics for Human Behavior
8, 韩筱璞,汪秉宏,周涛:
9, Han Xiao-Pu(韩筱璞),Hao Qiang(郝强), Zhou Tao(周涛), and Wang Bing-Hong(汪秉宏),
Origin of the Scaling Law in Human Mobility: Hierarchy of Traffic Systems,
Phys. Rev. E 83 (2011) 036117
10, Han Xiao-Pu(韩筱璞), Zhou Tao(周涛), and Wang Bing-Hong(汪秉宏),
Scaling Mobility Patterns and Collective Movements: Deterministic Walks in Lattices,
Phys. Rev. E 83 (2011) 056108.
11, 汪秉宏,周涛,韩筱璞
《系统科学与复杂网络》主编:许晓鸣、陈关荣, 副主编:高岩、汪秉宏、张宁
上海系统科学出版社(2010-10) 72-86
12, P.Wang(王澎), Lei.Ting(雷霆), C.H.Yeung and B.H.Wang(汪秉宏),
Heterogenous human dynamic in intra and inter-day time scale ,
Europhysics Letters, 94,(2011) 18005.
13, Yan Xiao-Yong(阎小勇), Han Xiao-Pu(韩筱璞), Zhou Tao(周涛), Wang Bing-Hong(汪秉宏),
Exact Solution of Gyration Radius of Individual's Trajectory for a Simplified Human Regular Mobility Model,
Chin. Phys. Lett., 28 (2011) 120506.
14, Peng Wang(王澎) , Xiao-Yi Xie(谢晓宜) , Chi Ho Yeung , Bing-Hong Wang (汪秉宏)
Heterogenous scaling in interevent time of on-line bookmarking
Physica A, 390,(2011)2395-2400.
15, T.Zhou, X.-P. Han and B.-H. Wang;
Towards the Understanding of Human Dynamics
Science Matters -Humanities as Complex Systems,
( Maria Burguete, Lui Lam eds.)
Part III Raising Scientific Level, Chapter 12, p.207-233
World Scientific,Imperial College Press
1, 周涛,汪秉宏,韩筱璞,尚明生:
Social network analysis and its application in the prevention and control of propagation for public opinion and the epidemic
系统工程学报 2011 复杂网络科学与工程的研究进展专辑
1, Luo-Luo Jiang, Wen-Xu Wang, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Bing-Hong Wang
Role of adaptive migration in promoting cooperation in spatial games
2, Han-Xin Yang, Zhi-Xi Wu, and Bing-Hong Wang, (杨涵新,吴枝喜,汪秉宏)
Role of aspiration-induced migration in cooperation,
Phys. Rev. E 81, 065101(R) (2010).
3, Chun-Xiao Jia, Run-Ran Liu, Han-Xin Yang and Bing-Hong Wang
Effects of fluctuations on the evolution of cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game
EPL90 (2010) 30001
4, Dong-Mei Shi, Yong Zhuang and Bing-Hong Wang
Group diversity promotes cooperation in the spatial public goods game
EPL, 90 (2010) 58003
5, Run-Ran Liu, Zhihai Rong, Chun-Xiao Jia and Bing-Hong Wang
Effects of diverse inertia on scale-free–networked prisoner’s dilemma games
EPL, 91 (2010) 20002
6, Dan Peng, Han-Xin Yang, Wen-Xu Wang, Guanrong Chen, and Bing-Hong Wang,
Promotion of cooperation induced by nonuniform payoff allocation in spatial public goods game ,
European Physical Journal B, 73, 455-459 (2010).
7, Haifeng Zhang_, Hanxin Yang, Wenbo Du, Binghong Wang, Xianbin Cao
Evolutionary public goods games on scale-free networks with unequal payoff allocation mechanism
PHYS A 389 (2010) 1099 -1104
8, Haifeng Zhang, Michael Small, Hanxin Yang, and Bing-Hong Wang,
Adjusting learning motivation to promote cooperation,
Physica A, 389, 4734-4739 (2010).
9, Run-Ran Liu, Chun-Xiao Jia, and Bing-Hong Wang,
“Heritability promotes cooperation in spatial public goods games”,
Physica A 389, (2010) 5719.
10, Yong Zhuang, Run-Ran Liu, Han-Xin Yang, Dong-Mei Shi, and Bing-Hong Wang,
Accelerating Consensus by Preferential Words in the Naming Game,
Chinese Physics Letters, 27, 108901 (2010).
11, HAO Jia-Bo(郝加波), YANG Han-Xin(杨涵新), LIU Run-Ran(刘润然), WANG Bing-Hong(汪秉宏), ZHANG Zhi-Yuan(张志远)
Effect of Geometric Distance on Agreement Dynamics of Naming Game
CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 27, No. 9 (2010) 090202
12, Run-Ran Liua, Chun-Xiao Jiaa, Bing-Hong Wang
Effects of heritability on evolutionary cooperation in spatial prisoner’s dilemma games
Physics Procedia 3 (2010) 1853-1858
13, Han-Xin Yang and Bing-Hong Wang
Effects of social diversity on the evolutionary game and opinion dynamics
Physics Procedia 3 (2010) 1859-1865
14, Luo-Luo Jiang, Wen-Xu Wang , and Bing-Hong Wang
Pattern formation in spatial games
Physics Procedia 3 (2010) 1933-1939
15, Hai-Feng Zhang(张海峰), Run-Ran Liu(刘润然), Zhen Wang, Han-Xin Yang(杨涵新), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏),
Aspiration-induced reconnection in spatial public goods game,
Europhysics Letters, 94, (2011).18006,
16, Luo-Luo Jiang(姜罗罗), Matjaˇz Perc, Wen-Xu Wang(王文旭), Ying-Cheng Lai(来颖成), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏)
Impact of link deletions on public cooperation in scale-free networks
Europhysics Letters, 93 (2011)40001
17, Dong-Mei Shi(史冬梅), Yong Zhuang(庄勇), Yu-Jian Li(李玉剑) and Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏)
Depreciation of public goods in spatial public goods games
J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P10007
18, Run-Ran Liu(刘润然), Wen-Xu Wang(王文旭), Ying-Cheng Lai(来颖成), Guanrong Chen(陈关荣), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏)
Optimal convergence in naming game with geography-based negotiation on small-world networks
Physics Letters A 375 (2011) 363–367
19, Ying-Ting Lin(林颖婷), Han-Xin Yang(杨涵新), Zhi-Xi Wu(吴枝喜), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏),
Promotion of cooperation by aspiration-induced migration,
Physica A 390, 77-82 (2011).
20, YANG HanXin(杨涵新) & WANG BingHong(汪秉宏):
Universal role of migration in the evolution of cooperation
Chinese Science Bulletin (Brief Communication), Special Issue of Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex System Vol.56, No.34(2011) 3693-3696
21, Dong-Mei Shi, Yong Zhuang, Bing-Hong Wang,
Effect of the depreciation of public goods in spatial public goods games,
Physica A 391 (2012) 1636–1641
22,Yu Peng(彭煜), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏), Qing-Ke Zeng, Qian Lu(卢谦), Hong Wang(汪红)
The use of a data envelopment analysis efficient rule to produce a steady and high cooperation frequency in a spatial evolvement game
Physica A 391 (2012) 2000–2006
1, Yu-Han Chen(陈育涵), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏), Li-Chao Zhao, Changsong Zhou(周昌松), and Tao Zhou(周涛)
Optimal transport on supply-demand networks,
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 81, 066105 (2010)
2, Dong Chuan-Fei, Ma Xu, Wang Bing-Hong
Weighted congestion coefficient feedback in intelligent transportation systems
Physics Letters A 374 (2010) 1326–1331
3, Chuanfei Dong, Xu Ma, Binghong Wang, Xiaoyan Sun
Phys A 389(2010)3274-3281
4, Zhong-Jun Ding_, Xiao-Yan Sun, Run-Ran Liu, Qiao-Ming Wang and Bing-Hong Wang, 丁中俊,孙晓燕,刘润然,王巧鸣,汪秉宏:
Traffic Flow At A Signal Controlled T-Shaped Intersection
International Journal of Modern Physics C Vol. 21, No. 3 (2010) 443-455
5, Xiao-Yan Sun,Rui Jiang,Qiao-Ming Wang,Bing-Hong Wang
Influence Of Traffic Bottleneck On Two-Route Scenario with Mean Velocity Information Feedback
International Journal of Modern Physics C 21-5(2010)695
6, Duo Sun, Rui Jiang, and Bing-Hong Wang.
Timing of traffic lights and phase separation in two-dimensional traffic flow,
Computer Physics Communications 181, 2010, 301-304.
7, Chuanfei Dong, Xu Ma and Bing-Hong Wang
Advanced Information Feedback Strategy in Intelligent Two-Route Traffic Flow Systems
SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 53-10(2010)p.1-7
8, SUN Xiao-Yan(孙晓燕), JIANG Rui(姜锐), WANG Bing-Hong(汪秉宏)
Increase of Traffic Flux in Two-Route Systems by Disobeying the Provided Information
9, 董川飞, 马旭, 汪秉宏:
中国科学 F辑 2010年 40卷11期: 1∼7页
10, 李启朗,孙晓燕,汪秉宏,刘慕仁
11, 汪秉宏:
12, DingZJ(丁中俊) JiangR(姜锐),WangBH(汪秉宏)
Traffic flow in the Biham-Middleton-Levine model with random update rule
13, YangHX(杨涵新) WangWX(王文旭) Lai YC(来颖诚), XieYB(谢彦波),WangBH(汪秉宏)
Control of epidemic spreading on complex networks by local traffic dynamics
PhysRevE.84 (2011) 045101 (Rapid Communication)
14, Han Xiao-Pu(韩筱璞),Hao Qiang(郝强), Zhou Tao(周涛), and Wang Bing-Hong(汪秉宏),
Origin of the Scaling Law in Human Mobility: Hierarchy of Traffic Systems,
Phys. Rev. E 83 (2011) 036117
15, Zhong-Jun Ding(丁中俊), Rui Jiang(姜锐), Wei Huang and Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏)
Effect of randomization in the Biham–Middleton–Levine traffic flow model
J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P06017
16, Ming Li(李明), Zhong-Jun Ding(丁中俊), Rui Jiang(姜锐), Mao-Bin Hu (胡茂斌)and Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏)
Traffic flow in a Manhattan-like urban system,
J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P12001
17, Bo-Kui Chen(陈博奎),Wei Tong(童蔚), Wen-Yao Zhang(张文耀), Xiao-Yan Sun(孙晓燕), Bing-Hong Wang:(汪秉宏)
Flux information feedback strategy in intelligent traffic systems
Europhysics Letters 95(2012)-14119
18, Qiao-Hong Sui(隋巧虹), Zhong-Jun Ding(丁中俊), Rui Jiang(姜锐), Wei Huang, Duo Sun(孙舵),
Bing-Hong Wang,Slow-to-start effect in two-dimensional traffic flow
Computer Physics Communications 183(2012)547-551
19, Qi-Lang Li(李启浪), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏), Mu-Ren Liu(刘慕仁):
Phase diagrams on an unsignalized intersection for the cases of different maximum velocities of vehicles
Physica A 391 (2012) 328–336
20,Bo-Kui CHEN(陈博奎), Meng-Su CHEN, Zi-Ling ZHANG, Yan-Bo XIE(谢彦波), Bing-Hong WANG(汪秉宏)
International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 22, No. 7 (2011) 745-753
21, Bokui Chen(陈博奎) , Xiaoyan Sun(孙晓燕) ;Hua Wei ;Chuanfei Dong(董川飞) ,Binghong Wang(汪秉宏)
Piecewise Function Feed Back Strategy In Intelligent Traffic Systems With A Speed Limit Bottleneck
IJMPC Vol.22,No.8 (2011) 849-860
22, Qi-Lang Li(李启浪), Bing-Hong Wang(汪秉宏), Mu-Ren Liu(刘慕仁):
An improved cellular automaton traffic model considering gap-dependent delay probability
Physica A 390 (2011) 1356–1362
23,Yan Xiao-Yong(阎小勇), Han Xiao-Pu(韩筱璞), Zhou Tao(周涛), Wang Bing-Hong(汪秉宏),
Exact Solution of Gyration Radius of Individual's Trajectory for a Simplified Human Regular Mobility Model,
Chin. Phys. Lett., 28 (2011) 120506.
24,Bokui Chen, Yanbo Xie, Wei Tong, Chuanfei Dong, Dongmei Shi, Binghong Wang
A comprehensive study of advanced information feedbacks in real-time intelligent traffic systems
Physica A 391 (2012) 2730–2739
1, Wang Y, Wu C(吴春国), Ji Z, Wang B(汪秉宏), Liang Y.
Non-Parametric Change-Point Method for Differential Gene Expression Detection,
PLoS ONE 6(5): e20060. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020060 (2011)
1, Bai, Liang(白亮), Du, Wen-Yuan(杜文园), Li, Shu-Min(李书民), Wang, Bing-Hong(汪秉宏)
Photoelectric effect in the presence of a bichromatic laser field
Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 43(22), 225203, (2010)
2, Bai, Liang(白亮), Zheng, Ming-Yang(郑明杨), Wang, Bing-Hong(汪秉宏)
Multiphoton processes in laser-assisted scattering of a muon neutrino by an electron,
Physical Review A, 85(1), 013402,(2012)
1, CHEN Bo-Kui,MING Song-Qiang,and WANG Bing-Hong
Exact Solutions of Generalized Burgers-Fisher Equation with Variable Coefficients
Commun. Theor. Phys. 53-3(2010)443-449
2, Bing-Hong Wang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Tao Zhou, Wei-Xing Zhou and Claudio Castellano (Editorial Office)
The International Conference on Complexity and Interdisciplinary
Sciences and The 3rd China-Europe Summer School on Complexity Sciences(2009 China-EU Summer School)
Physics Procedia Volume 3, Issue 5, Pages 1621-1966 (August 2010)
主编:许晓鸣、陈关荣, 副主编:高岩、汪秉宏、张宁
3, Yan-Bo Xie(谢彦波), Yu-Jian Li(李玉剑), Bing-Hong Wang (汪秉宏)
Generalized Edenmodel with the screening effect
PhysRevE.83.(2011) 052105
4, 汤雷翰,赵鸿,刘宗华,周涛,汪秉宏:
上海理工大学学报33卷5期(2011)409-417 (统计物理复杂系统专辑)
5, Lui Lam(林磊), David C Bellavia, Xiao-Pu Han(韩筱璞),
Chih-Hui Alston Liu, Chang-Qing Shu, Zhengjin Wei, Tao Zhou(周涛) and Jichen Zhu:
Bilinear effect in complex systems
Europhysics Letters: 91_6_(2011)68004
6, Ren XZ(任学藻), Yang ZM(杨紫陌), Wang BH(汪秉宏), Zhou T(周涛) :
Mandelbrot Law of Evolving Networks
Chinese Physics Letters 29-3 (2012) 038904
7, Run-Ran Liu, Wen-Xu Wang, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Bing-Hong Wang
Cascading dynamics on random networks: Crossover in phase transition
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, 026110 (2012)
8, Guanrong Chen, Ming Zhao, Tao Zhou and Bing-Hong Wang:
Synchronization Phenomena on Networks
Book Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science,Robert A. Meyers (Ed.)Publisher Springer New York Copyright 2009
ISBN 978-0-387-75888-6 (Print) 978-0-387-30440-3 (Online) Part 19DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-30440-3_532 Pages 8910-8926 Subject Collection: Physics and Astronomy Springer Link Date Tuesday, July 21, 2009
9, 何大韧,刘宗华,汪秉宏 (编著):
《 复杂系统与复杂网络》
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