2024年7月26日,Ieeexplore旗下控制领域的top期刊《 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》在线发表了云南师范大学数学学院青年教师耿孝雪博士的最新研究成果《Achieving the Social Optimum in a Nonconvex Cooperative Aggregative Game: A Distributed Stochastic Annealing Approach》。云南师范大学数学学院耿孝雪博士为通讯作者。Abstract:
This brief designs a distributed stochastic annealing algorithm for nonconvex cooperative aggregative games, whose players’ cost functions not only depend on players’ own decision variables but also rely on the sum of players’ decision variables. To seek the social optimum of cooperative aggregative games, a distributed stochastic annealing algorithm is proposed, where the local cost functions are nonconvex and the communication topology between players is time-varying. The weak convergence to the social optimum of the algorithm is further analyzed. A numerical example is finally given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
姓 名:耿孝雪
职 称:讲师
l 研究领域:系统辨识与控制、分布式优化
n 2023.10--至今 云南师范大学数学学院
u 2017.09--2023.06 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,系统分析与集成,博士
u 2013.09--2017.06 山东科技大学数学与系统科学学院,信息与计算科学,学士
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