2024年6月19日,Elsevier旗下国际著名期刊《Renewable Energy》(影响因子:8.7)在线发表了云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院马逊副教授课题组的最新研究成果《Frequency optimisation and performance analysis of photovoltaic-battery water pumping system》。云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院为第一作者单位,马逊副教授为通讯作者。
Photovoltaic-battery water pumping systems (PVBWPSs) can provide fresh water and irrigation in off-grid areas. Previous research has focused on direct current (DC) voltage versus frequency to control the speed of a pump. However, the use of photovoltaic (PV) modules with batteries to create a high-performance hybrid system with fixed and variable frequencies of supply power remains challenging, particularly in an off-grid water pumping system with limited power and water supplies. Based on a conventional frequency conversion mode and power balance, this work addresses fixed and variable frequencies under changing solar irradiance conditions for a PV system and a PV system combined with a battery (PVB) mode to improve energy utilisation. According to DC power balance and centrifugal pump theories, a mathematical model of the power supply frequency in the PVBWPS is presented, as well as the loss of load probability (LLP) and pumping coefficient (Cp), through which the performance metrics are obtained. The formulated models are validated through the experimental PVBWPS, which includes 2.19 kWp PV modules, a 9.6 kWh battery bank, and a 0.75 kW centrifugal pump. The experimental results show that the root mean square error (RMSE) and maximum relevant error (RE) of the frequency are 0.14 Hz and 0.74%, respectively. Consequently, the output performances are revealed via software simulation. The calculated results indicate that the maximum pumping volume for fixed-power-frequency operation is 48 Hz, which is 27.56 m3 on a sunny day and 17.63 m3 on a cloudy day. On a rainy day, the maximum pumping volume is 3.27 m3 at 41 Hz. Similarly, the Cp values reach maxima of 2.51 m3/kWh and 2.11 m3/kWh at 48 Hz in both sunny weather and cloudy weather, respectively, while on rainy days, the Cp peaks at 0.77 m3/kWh at 41 Hz. Moreover, every 1 Hz increase in the fixed frequency mode leads to a rise in the LLP, while the minimum change is at 46-48 Hz for cloudy and rainy days. Furthermore, the simulations revealed that for variable frequency control, the volume of water pumped in the PVB mode reached 40.19 m3, 29.36 m3, and 15.11 m3, which are increased by 4.91%, 21.83% and 103.09% compared with the variable frequency PV mode, and 45.83%, 66.53% and 362.08% higher than in PV fixed frequency mode, respectively. Compared with the PV mode, the system weighted efficiency of the variable-frequency PVB mode is increased by 2.06%, 4.98%, and 8.36% under three weather conditions. This work provides critical theoretical guidelines for the design and operation of high-performance PVBWPs.
1. 云南省高校太阳能供热与制冷技术重点实验室,副主任
2. 云南电机工程学会理论电工专委会,委员
3. 云南省土木建筑学会电气专业委员会,理事
1. 农业电气化与自动化
2. 能源动力
1. 光伏系统“网-源-荷-储”优化调控
2. 光伏温室系统研究
3. 晶体硅光伏组件衰退特性研究
4. 晶体硅太阳电池制备
1. 1998年9月-2002年6月,华中科技大学,本科生,光电子工程专业
2. 2002年9月-2005年6月,云南师范大学,硕士研究生,农业生物环境与能源工程专业
3. 2006年9月-2011年6月,中国农业大学,博士研究生,农业生物环境与能源工程专业
4. 2013年1月-2017年4月,云南师范大学,博士后流动站,农业工程专业
1. Ma X*(马逊), Li M, Peng Y. Development of thermos-electrical loss model for photovoltaic module with inhomogeneous temperature [J]. Energy, 2022, 248, 123542.(JCR一区)
2. Lu GS, Ma X*(马逊), Li M. Performance characteristics of direct contact refrigeration system based on phase change materials and different refrigerants [J]. Applied Thermal Energy, 2022, 215, 118974. (JCR二区)
3. 周晓艳,马逊*,李明. 基于动态阻抗匹配控制下的光伏冷库性能研究[J]. 太阳能学报 ,2022,43(3):180-187. (EI期刊收录)
4. Tang Y, Ma X*(马逊), Li M. The effect of temperature and light on strawberry production in a solar greenhouse [J]. Solar Energy, 2020, 159, 318-328. (JCR二区)
5. Du LW , Li MX, Ma X(马逊). A Fast Positive Sequence Components Extraction Method with Noise Immunity in Unbalanced Grids [J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2020,35(7), 6682-6685(JCR一区)
6. Ma X(马逊), Li M, Du LW. Online extraction of physical parameters of photovoltaic modules in a building-integrated photovoltaic system [J]. Energy Conversion and Management 2019 (199) 112028. (JCR一区)
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2. 2022年7月指导硕士研究生参加云南省“第八届互联网+大学生创新创业大赛”,获得云南省铜奖
3. 2021年度云南省科学技术奖自然科学二等奖,排名第四
4. 2021年度云南师范大学教学成果三等奖,排名第四
5. 2020-2021学年《光伏科学基础实验》过程性评价优秀课程
6. 2018年7月指导硕士研究生参加云南省“第四届互联网+大学生创新创业大赛”,获得云南省金奖
1. 2019年度云南师范大学“红云园丁”奖荣誉称号
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2. 基于作物最佳光合效率下光伏温室系统“源-储-荷”协同机理与调控研究,国家自然科学基金项目(51867022),2019.1-2022.12
3. 2022年“智汇云南”计划-青年科学家、青年企业家Vilaythong AIRMIXAY,云南省科技厅科技重点研发计划(202203AM140016),2022.6-2023.5
4. 光伏组件PID效应与热斑效应机理研究,云南省科技厅基础研究面上项目(2017FB089),2017.6-2020.5
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1. 2006年至今:《光伏科学》,本科生课程
2. 2008年至今:《光伏科学实验》,本科生课程
3. 2017年至今:《电工与电子技术》,本科生课程
4. 2020年至今:《光伏农业技术》,农业工程专业硕士研究生课程
5. 2021年至今:《能源利用与节能技术》能源动力专业硕士研究生课程
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