近日,云南师范大学化学化工学院青年教师胡蓉团队在农林科学类一区TOP期刊以“A novel method for detection of ochratoxin A in foods-Co-MOFs based dual signal ratiometric electrochemical aptamer sensor coupled with DNA walker”发表最新研究成果,该成果报道了一种检测食品中基于Co-MOFs的双信号DNA walker耦合电化学传感检测赭曲霉毒素A(OchratoxinA)的新方法。
A DNA walker-based electrochemical ratiometric platform was developed.
These dual signal ratiometric strategy overcome the changes of a variety of factors.
A detection limit of 0.31 fg/mL for ochratoxin A (OTA) was achieved.
The method was applied for determining OTA content in red wine samples.
Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a naturally occurring mycotoxin that poses serious threats, such as kidney damage, to human health. Therefore, we developed a DNA walker-based dual-signal electrochemical ratiometric platform for OTA detection, which could overlook the variations in environmental and instrumental factors and DNA load densities. Cobalt metal–organic frameworks (Co-MOFs) and toluidine blue were used as the electrochemical signal tag and internal reference probe, respectively. In the presence of OTA, this developed machine resulted in the DNA labelled-Co-MOFs far away from the electrode. Thus, Co-MOFs signal at −1.18 V decreased, while toluidine blue at −0.28 V increased. This proposed strategy has displayed superior sensitivity (limit of detection = 0.31 fg/mL, linear range = 1–50 ng/mL) and high reproducibility. The sensor was also applied for determining OTA content in red wine samples and the results were comparable to those of commercial enzyme-linked immunoassay kits with satisfactory results.
1、DLISA:A DNAzyme-Based ELISA for Protein Enzyme-Free Immunoassay ofMultiple Analytes
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ANALYTICALCHEMISTRY 卷: 87 期: 15 页: 7746-7753 出版年: AUG4 2015
2、DNANanoflowers for Multiplexed Cellular Imaging and Traceable TargetedDrug Delivery
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3、MulticolorFluorescent Biosensor for Multiplexed Detection of DNA
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4、Double-strandDNA-templated formation of Copper nanoparticles as fluorescentprobe for label free nuclease enzyme detection
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5、Anefficient fluorescent sensing platform for biomolecules based onfenton reaction triggered molecular beacon cleavagestrategy
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6、Aproximity-dependent surface hybridization strategy for constructingan efficient signal-on electrochemical DNAzyme sensingsystem
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7、Nucleicacid-functionalized nanomaterials for bioimagingapplications
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8、Robustelectrochemical system for screening single nucleotidepolymorphisms
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9.Bifunctional MOFs-Based Ratiometric Electrochemical Sensor for Multiplex Heavy Metal Ions
10.A Universal Aptameric Biosensor: Multiplexed Detection of Small Analytes via Aggregated Perylene-based Broad-Spectrum Quencher
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