Creep Behavior and Its Influence on the Mechanics of Electrodeposited Nickel Films
Zengsheng Ma, Shiguo Long, Yong Pan and Yichun Zhou
In order to improve the accuracy and comparability of hardness and elastic modulus measurements in nanoindentation, an evaluation of the creep behavior and its in°uence on the mechanical properties of the electrode-posited nickel fillm has been conducted. The influence of loading time and hold period on the hardness and elastic modulus results at maximum load 5000 ¹N has also been examined. It is found that with increasing the loading time, the creep value is decreased. However, the creep value is increased when the hold period is increased. The elastic modulus results are more reliable if the hold period is longer. If the hold period is long enough, the loading time has no remarkable effect on the hardness and elastic modulus measured.
Journal of Material Science and Technology, 25, (2009) 90–94.