N6-methyladenosine (m⁶A) 是mRNA上最丰富的转录后修饰,并在生理和病理过程中扮演着重要作用。研究表明,m6A的读码蛋白 (reader proteins) 决定了带有m6A修饰mRNA的命运。2014年以来,芝加哥大学何川实验室发表了一系列研究[1-3],发现YTH家族蛋白(YTHDF)通过特异识别m6A,介导mRNA的降解 (YTHDF2/3) 和翻译 (YTHDF1/3) ,提出了YTHDF家族的三个蛋白差异化调控m6A功能的机制模型[4-5]。然而,也有实验室认为YTHDF家族的三个蛋白具有完全冗余的功能,提出YTHDF1/2/3仅介导m6A-mRNA的降解[6]。随后,在不同体系中的系列研究也得出截然不同的结论。因此,m6A生物学的关键基础即YTHDF蛋白的功能机制仍不明确。
2023年11月9日,浙江大学林世贤/芝加哥大学何川/深圳湾实验室葛韵团队合作在Nature Cell Biology上发表题为"O-GlcNAcylation determines the translational regulation and phase separation of YTHDF proteins"的研究论文。该研究采用翻译后修饰的化学定量检测技术,解析了O-GlcNAc糖基化修饰水平对YTHDF蛋白的翻译促进功能与相分离性质的调控机制,提出了YTHDF1/3可逆调控m6A-RNA翻译的完善模型,解释了YTHDF蛋白功能研究争议的本质原因。
英文摘要:N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant internal mRNA nucleotide modification in mammals, regulating critical aspects of cell physiology and differentiation. The YTHDF proteins are the primary readers of m6A modifications and exert physiological functions of m6A in the cytosol. Elucidating the regulatory mechanisms of YTHDF proteins is critical to understanding m6A biology. Here we report a mechanism that protein post-translational modifications control the biological functions of the YTHDF proteins. We find that YTHDF1 and YTHDF3, but not YTHDF2, carry high levels of nutrient-sensing O-GlcNAc modifications. O-GlcNAcylation attenuates the translation-promoting function of YTHDF1 and YTHDF3 by blocking their interactions with proteins associated with mRNA translation. We further demonstrate that O-GlcNAc modifications on YTHDF1 and YTHDF3 regulate the assembly, stability and disassembly of stress granules to enable better recovery from stress. Therefore, our results discover an important regulatory pathway of YTHDF functions, adding an additional layer of complexity to the post-transcriptional regulation function of mRNA m6A.
Nature Cell Biology邀请西南医学中心的Jennifer J. Kohler教授为该论文撰写News & Views——O-GlcNAc regulates YTHDF1 and YTHDF3 activity,并与研究论文同时上线。
News & Views: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-023-01275-w
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2. Wang, X. et al. N(6)-methyladenosine Modulates Messenger RNA Translation Efficiency. Cell 161, 1388-1399 (2015).
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4. Shi, H., Wei, J. & He, C. Where, When, and How: Context-Dependent Functions of RNA Methylation Writers, Readers, and Erasers. Mol Cell 74, 640-650 (2019).
5. Zou, Z., Sepich-Poore, C., Zhou, X., Wei, J. & He, C. The mechanism underlying redundant functions of the YTHDF proteins. Genome Biol 24, 17 (2023).
6. Zaccara, S. & Jaffrey, S.R. A Unified Model for the Function of YTHDF Proteins in Regulating m(6)A-Modified mRNA. Cell 181, 1582-1595 e1518 (2020).
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