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已有 4601 次阅读 2013-10-10 09:54 |个人分类:土地相关|系统分类:科研笔记| 土地利用结构, 土地基尼系数


【摘要】 研究目的:如何判断城市土地利用结构的合理性,需要从新的视角并采用新的方法加以研究。研究方法:数据包络分析(DEA)方法。研究结果:(1)沿海城市的用地结构有效性不如内陆城市;(2)不同等级的城市用地结构不合理的用地类型不同;(3)高级别城市土地利用结构效率高于低级别城市和城镇;(4)县级市城区的道路广场用地失调明显。研究结论:判定城市土地利用结构是否合理,必须考虑其历史、社会经济水平,盲目类比国外是不可取的。DEA方法可以较好地定量刻画城镇土地利用结构效率。提出了中国的城镇用地结构的建议标准。

引用:郑新奇, 王筱明. 城镇土地利用结构效率的数据包络分析[J]. 中国土地科学, 2004, 18(2): 34-39.



【摘要】 为了优化城乡用地结构和分布,需要了解其动态变化,信息熵的演变(1996-2003年)在一定程度上可以反映区域各类土地利用类型的动态演变规律,信息熵在空间上的分布可以反映区域土地的分布,因此利用信息熵对济南市城乡用地结构及分布进行研究。结果表明济南市城乡用地结构的有序性呈下降趋势,用地分布呈现由中部向外围有序性降低。

引用:张培学, 姚慧, 郑新奇. 基于信息熵的济南市城乡用地结构及分布动态研究[J]. 国土资源科技管理, 2006, 23(2): 74-78.



【摘要】 研究目的:分析不同城市间建设用地结构的差异。研究方法:统计分析法。研究结果:(1)以东部、中部、西部和东北部4个区域为单位计算出的同一地类城市建设用地结构基尼系数很小,但不同地类间差异较大,而且随时间变化呈现出不同的变化趋势;(2)大多数省份的城镇建设用地结构基尼系数略有下降,说明中国整体的城市建设用地结构逐渐趋于合理化;(3)依据基尼系数的计算结果,与《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》(GBJ137-90)进行了对比。研究结论:使用基尼系数衡量城市建设用地结构是一种行之有效的方法。

引用:郑新奇, 孙元军, 付梅臣. 中国城镇建设用地结构合理性分析方法研究[J]. 中国土地科学, 2008, 22(5): 4-10.


4、The Land Gini Coefficient and Its Application for Land Use Structure Analysis in China

【Abstract】We introduce the Gini coefficient to assess the rationality of land use structure. The rapid transformation of land use in China provides a typical case for land use structure analysis. In this study, a land Gini coefficient (LGC) analysis tool was developed. The land use structure rationality was analyzed and evaluated based on statistical data for China between 1996 and 2008. The results show: (1)The LGC of three major land use types–farmland, built-up land and unused land–was smaller when the four economic districts were considered as assessment units instead of the provinces. Therefore, the LGC is spatially dependent; if the calculation unit expands, then the LGC decreases, and this relationship does not change with time. Additionally, land use activities in different provinces of a single district differed greatly. (2) At the national level, the LGC of the three main land use types indicated that during the 13 years analyzed, the farmland and unused land were evenly distributed across China. However, the built-up land distribution was relatively or absolutely unequal and highlights the rapid urbanization in China. (3) Trends in the distribution of the three major land use types are very different. At the national level, when using a district as the calculation unit, the LGC of the three main land use types increased, and their distribution became increasingly concentrated. However, when a province was used as the calculation unit, the LGC of the farmland increased, while the LGC of the built-up and unused land decreased. These findings indicate that the distribution of the farmland became increasingly concentrated, while the built-up land and unused land became increasingly uniform. (4) The LGC analysis method of land use structure based on geographic information systems (GIS) is flexible and convenient.

引用:Xinqi Zheng, Tian Xia, Xin Yang, Tao Yuan, Yecui Hu.The Land Gini Coefficient and Its Application for Land Use Structure Analysis in China,published 09 Oct 2013 | PLOS ONE.10.1371/journal.pone.0076165


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