虽然进化论被越来越多的人理解和接受, 但是仍然有反对进化论的声音存在. 为此, 我们做了一些工作, 利用分子数据重建祖先序列, 并结合统计学的方法试图验证进化论的其中一个观点. 由于此问题的敏感性和争议性, 投稿历尽艰辛万苦,最终发表于PLoS ONE.
We demonstrate quantitatively that, as predicted by evolutionary theory, sequences of homologous proteins from different species converge as we go further and further back in time. The converse, a non-evolutionary model can be expressed as probabilities, and the test works for chloroplast, nuclear and mitochondrialsequences, as well as for sequences that diverged at different time depths. Even on our conservative test, the probability that chance could produce the observed levels of ancestral convergence for just one of the eight datasets of 51 proteins in is ≈1x10-19 and combined over 8 datasets is ≈1x10-132. By comparison, there are about 1080 protons in the universe, hence the probability that the sequences could have been produced by a process involving unrelated ancestral sequences is about 1050 lower than picking, among all protons, the same proton at random twice in a row. A non-evolutionary control model shows no convergence, and only a small number of parameters are required to account for the observations.Archiver|手机版|科学网 ( 京ICP备07017567号-12 )
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