黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2016年8月7日发布
为了让中国美国史研究成果进入美国历史学界的顶级杂志Journal of American History的书目介绍中,我们三位中国特约编辑(杨生茂、刘绪贻、黄安年)在1992-21世纪初年间,采取三人一致原则,陆续向美国推荐中国美国史书目、论文和博士学位论文,倾注了大量的精力也自费付出了一定的费用。其间发往美方的信件多经商议和反复修改。
4月7日我已将"The list recommended recent Chinese scholarship in American history(1990--1992) (Books, Articles, Dissertations)" 寄给了JAH Dr. David Thelen 和 Dr. Chad Berry 。共六件88页,系按您们和玉圣的意见综合后的修改稿。考虑到邮费, 副本在本月底天津会晤时我会带来的。我在信中同时告诉他们《美洲华人华侨史》的正确译名等, 刘先生建议增加《美国内战与镀金时代》一书, 因杨先生处尚未正式表明意见, 这次暂未提起。根据您们的意见综和, 我同时通知他们, 所要4部书主要由于经济上的实际困难,请他们直接向出版社邮购,并开列了详细地址。这次选编费了我整整3个月时间,小杨实际费时并不多(正遇有家事),但您们却费心不少。有了这一初步成果,如能在美刊部分推出,无异有利于我国的美国史学术成果走向世界,因此, 虽都无私奉献, 却会心安的。考虑到美方不可能全部利用,我们如何充分利用这一成果,不知您们有何高见 (如向年会提交, 以至在刊物上发表等)。就经济上来说, 仅这份资料成果的成本估算如下:
邮费(toJAH) 39元
电脑打印费 616元 (按校内每版7元计)
复印费(两份) 53元
再加上初编时的打印(每版按0.30计, 共三份79.2元,及邮件等费用约40元, 合119.2元。
加上以上数款,共达3072元,不计2200元,也有872元前者合341.3美元, 后者合97美元。
所以,仅此最低计算,美方所说50-100美元,是不能解决问题的,我们估算的1500美元左右是有理由的(包括邮书,挂号,FAX 等。
为便于本月底会晤时,讨论复信David Thelen 的内容, 并达成共识, 现将初步拟定的复信稿打出, 请事先改好, 如何?
1993年4月10日 黄 安 年
Yang, Sheng-mao, Institute of History,
Nankai University
Liu, Xu-yi, Department ofHisyory,
Wuhan University
Huang, An-nian,Department of History,
Beijing Normal University
May 31,1993
Editor David Thelen
Journal of American History
1125 E. Atwater
Bloomington, Indiand47401
Dear Dr. Thelen:
1993年3月16日, Editorial AssistantChad Berry 的 FAX 我们早已收到,1993年3月31日, Professor HuangAn-nian 已将 "The list recommended recentChinese scholarship in American history (1990--1992) (Books, Articles,Dissertations)" 寄给你们, 想已收到。为了进一步做好这件很有学术意义的工作, 结合我国实际情况, 我们提出以下建议请研究后通知我们:
1.据Dr.David Thelen 1992年9月18日给我们的来信的精神, 我们理解应每年向您们推荐3-6部中国学者近年来所著的有关美国史最佳著作, 它的范围按您们当时的通知, 似并不限于1993年3月16日Dr. Chad Berry 发来 FAX 中集中于美中关系方面的书。如果这一理解无误的话,我们是否仍按1992年9月18日来信推荐1993年中国美国史方面的最佳著作。
2.近年来中国美国史研究成果颇多, 1993年3月31日寄上88页选目是其中的一部分, 如果您们认为量过大, 请给一个数量限制, 以免造成不必要的浪费。考虑到选目过程所需的时间, 看来1993年1-6月的成果, 在1993年10间送给您们为宜, 而1993年7-12月的成果, 在1994年4月送给您们如何?
3.考虑到我们对最佳书目的推荐, 并不一定都是您们最终决定要推荐的, 更由于我们作为正在发展中国家的教授低工资的实际情况和繁忙的工作, 无力上街购书并自费邮寄美国, 为了不致影响您们尽早得到准备书评的图书, 请您们直接发信或 FAX 给有关出版社。为推动这一工作的进展, 请您们给我们一个副本以便配合。
4.黄安年在1993年1月31日的信中, 已通知您们我们三人推荐的中国书评人的名单, 如无问题, 请直接通知他们本人, 当然也可有一正式通知由我们转达。
5.您在1992年9月8日给我们的信中曾明确谈到:"We understand your request for a small amout of money. Please give usan idea the amount you think you will need and we will see whether theOAH can make a modest execption in youe case." 根据我们的实际情况, 黄安年在1992年12月3日给您信中提出"We hope JAH provides usfinancial means to cover necessary expenses such as purchasing, editing, mialing, plone calls etc. 1500-2000US$ each year." 1993年2月2日,您在致黄安年的信中谈到:"We could afford to pay$50-100 a year to coverdirect costs of postage orFAX or e-mail."
我们提供您一个这次为完成"The list recommended recent Chinese scholarship inAmerican history (1990-1992) (Books, Articles, Dissertations)" 项目所花费用的清单: 邮费(普通), 电脑打印费和复印费共 RMBY1740(合 US$ 300),如计算编辑费则另加 RMBY 2320 (合US$ 400),此外,为作好这一工作三人所付邮费,资料费,信息费,收取FAX费用等已支出RMBY2900(合US$500美元)》(note: We have to pay our institution concerned some money for eachFAX receive)
我们想在美国这笔费用对于中产阶层是不足道的。然而对于没有任何赞助,现代化信息手段缺乏,又一切自理的低薪教授(每人每月工资不足100美元)的我们来说,长此以往,无疑是难于负担的。若使这一有意义的学术工作得以正常进行,须有基本的财力保障。我们frankly and resolutely希望您能认真考虑这一种实际情况。
International Contributing Editors of China
下面是按照杨先生修改初稿的英文稿,杨先生写道:“给Thelen 的信,用红笔改了。主要是力求简洁明了,不引起外国人模糊不解。有些地方是不合文法,一并修订。改动者不免主观成分,是否合适,请多指正。
杨生茂 5,16”
Yang, Sheng-mao, Institute of History,
Nankai University,Tianjin 300071
Liu, Xu-yi, Department of History,
Wuhan University,Wuchang, Hubei
Province 430072
Huang, An-nian, Department ofHistory,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
May 31, 1993
Journalof American History
1125 E. Atwater
Bloomington, Indiana 47401
DearDr. Thelen:
We received the FAX from editorialassistant Chad Berry on the16th of March, 1993. And Professor Huang An-nian sent to you "thelist of recommended recent Chinesescholarship in Americanhistory Š(1990--1992)(Books, Articles,Dissertations)" on the 31st of March,1993 which must have reached you. Nowwe put forward some suggestionsbasedon our actualsituation.Please inform us after yourconsiderations over thesefollowing suggestions.
1) According to the letter you sent to usthe 18th of September,1992,weshould recommend to you three to six latestbest works onAmerican history by Chinesescholars. We will sent to you at the comingApril,the best works of 1993 on American historyby Chinese scholars.
2) There has been a great achievement in recent Chinese studieson Americanhistory, some ofwhich were on the list of 88 pagesenclosed in the letter ofMarch 31, 1993. If you thinkthe list istoo long, please give us afixed number of topicsso as to avoidunnecessary wastes. The fruitful results of the first half of 1993will be sent to you October,1993 and those of the second half of1993Šwill reachyou April of 1994.
3) Considering that the best booksrecommended by us not to be theones youwill eventually decide to recommend for review,and we areunable to buy and send thebooks to you at our own expenses,we suggestyou send order-mail orFAX directly to publishing houses concerned, andmeanwhile give us a duplicatecopy so that we will do our best toexpedite the publishing houses.
4) Professor Huang An-nian sent you a name-listof Chinesereviewers, which were recommended by us three, in his letter of JanuaryŠ31, 1993. If you approveit, you can notify them direcly or send us aformal notice to be passed on tothem.
5) In reply to what you stated in theletter of September 8th,Š1992 saying "We understand your request fora small amout of money.Please give us an idea the amountyou think you will need andwe willsee whether the OAH can make a modest execption in your case."Professor Huang An-nian,according to our real situation, wrote in theletter of December 3, 1992that "We hope JAH provides us financialmeans to cover necessary expensessuch as purchasing, editing,mailing,plone calls, etc. The total amount would be U.S. $ 1500-2000 eachyear."Answering Professor Huang, you said in the letter of February 2, 1993Šthat "We could affordto pay $ 50-100 a year to cover direct costs ofpostage or FAX or e-mail."
We provide you with a detailedcost-list which includes postagecomputer typing and printing charges, and xeroxing charges,and totalsRMBY 1740 (equals US$300, official exchange rate).Ifediting chargesare added, the total sumwill amount to RMBY 2320 (equalsUS$400,Šofficaal exchange rate). In addition,we three hare paidtotal amountŠof RMBY 2900 (equals US$500,offical exchange rate), includingpostage,data charges,informationcharges,pay FAX servicecharges, ect. (Note: We havetopay our institution concerned some money for each FAXwe receive) We think this sum of money is very modest tomiddleclass people inthe U.S., but it is fairly large,for Chineseindividual professors (ourwages amount to US$ 100 each month), If thisacademic work will becontinued regularly,elementaryfinancial aidis needed.We three frankly and resolutelyhope you would take thissituation into consideration.
With best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
Yang Seng-mao
cc:Professor Joyce Appleby
Professor Lawrence W. Levine
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