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已有 5870 次阅读 2014-11-20 08:15 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察


a, Schematic of MNV mono-association procedure (see Methods for additional details). GF breeder pairs (F0) within a gnotobiotic isolator were infected with 3 × 106 p.f.u. of MNV.CR6, which was allowed to transmit naturally to offspring (F1). Weaned offspring were maintained in isolators until adulthood, and then either used for analysis or as breeders to generate additional experimental animals (F2). b, Successful transmission to offspring and the persistent presence of the virus in mono-associated GF mice (GF+MNV) was confirmed by performing a plaque assay using stool harvested from 8-week-old offspring (~1 month after weaning). The amount of virus in stool from GF mice, antibiotic (ABX)-treated wild-type (WT) and Ifnar1−/− mice, and conventional (Conv) mice infected with 3 × 106 p.f.u. of the indicated strains of MNV for 10 days are also shown, n = 5 mice per group. cf, Mice receiving the indicated treatments did not display marked histopathology in the small intestine (c, e) and colon (d, f) based on blind quantification of H&E-stained sections using a previously described scoring system37. Mice receiving a pathology score of 1 displayed mild blunting of villi (additional details in Methods). No histopathology was detected in spleens, and no other signs of disease were noted. Note that a previous publication in which mice were reported to display pathologies after MNV infection used a different strain of MNV, an early time point (24 h after infection), and mice on a different background (129/Sv)38. The lack of pathology in C57BL/6 mice persistently infected with MNV.CR6 is consistent with our previous publication15. n = 5–7 mice per group. All graphs show means ± s.e.m.


最新研究为确定一种普通的肠RNA病毒是否能取代肠道共生菌的功能,研究将诺沃克病毒感染给无菌动物或经过抗生素处理的小鼠,观察对肠道形态和淋巴功能的影响,以及在炎症方面的表现。结果发现,无菌动物组2先天淋巴样细胞增生,感染了诺沃克病毒的动物能抑制这种变化,也能诱导肠道免疫系统的发育相关的基因转录和I 型干扰素信号系统的变化。进一步研究发现,干扰素α受体是产生上述效应的重要条件。诺沃克病毒感染能对抗抗生素治疗或致病菌感染导致的肠道损伤,不可思议!病毒感染能对抗细菌感染!结果就是这样。这些研究结果说明,真核细胞的病毒具有维持肠道稳态的功能,能启动黏膜免疫功能,这非常类似肠道菌群的功能。

a, Representative images of H&E-stained colonic small intestinal sections of GF, GF+MNV (mono-association with MNV.CR6) and conventional (Conv) mice. Scale bar, 100 μm. b, In these mice the crypt height was measured, showing a significant difference between GF and conventional mice. c, Percentages of NK T cells (CD1d+, TCR-β+) in colonic lamina propria of GF, GF+MNV and conventional mice. dg, Percentages of CD4+TCR-β+ (d) and CD8+TCR-β+ cells (f), and percentages of IFN-γ-producing CD4+ (e) and CD8+ T cells (g) in the colonic lamina propria of GF, GF+MNV and conventional mice. n = 5 mice per group. NS, not significant. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. ANOVA with Holm–Sidak correction. All graphs show means ± s.e.m. from at least two independent experiments.




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