氢分子医学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/孙学军 对氢气生物学效应感兴趣者。可合作研究:sunxjk@hotmail.com 微信 hydrogen_thinker



已有 6356 次阅读 2012-12-16 18:02 |个人分类:氢气医学临床|系统分类:科研笔记| office, style, 治疗


最近看到日本学者写的一篇关于获奖介绍的综述,Multifaceted Approach to Analyzing the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease Motoaki Sano, MD, PhD其中有一段关于呼吸氢气治疗急性心肌梗死的介绍,作者介绍的内容来自他们08年发表的氢气呼吸治疗心肌缺血再灌注损伤的研究.该论文是目前氢气领域引用第二的论文,该论文作者之一主要从事心血管方面的研究,他们在这一领域获得非常多的成就,2011年获得SATO AWARD,不了解这个奖励的细节,但从这篇文章中可以看出,这一小组在心脏损伤保护方面水平很高。文章中他们透露正在开展呼吸氢气的临床研究,就是针对急性心肌梗死经皮冠状动脉介入治疗中呼吸氢气。由于介入治疗同样会存在心脏损伤,而呼吸氢气具有保护作用。但没有任何这方面的临床证据,他们的这一研究将填补这一领域的空白。期待他们获得满意的结果,也希望国内氢气生物学和心血管领域的同行关注这一动向。

   Figure 4. H2 is a novel antioxidant with unique properties. (A) Inhaled H2 gas can reach “at risk” ischemic myocardium even before coronary blood flow of the occluded infarctrelated artery is reestablished. (B) Inhalation of H2 gas (2%) prior to reperfusion reduces the infarct size. Representative photographs of triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining obtained from rats subjected to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in the presence or absence of H2 inhalation.

Multifaceted Approach to Analyzing.pdf


Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a novel antioxidant with certain unique properties.30 (1) H2 is permeable to cell membranes and can target organelles, including mitochondria and nuclei. (2) H2 specifically quenches exclusively detrimental ROS, such as ·OH and peroxynitrite (ONOO–), while maintaining the metabolic oxidation-reduction reaction and other less potent ROS, such as O2 −·, H2O2, and nitric oxide (NO·). (3) Inhalation of hydrogen (H2) gas limits the infarct volume of brain by reducing IR injury in rodents. When translated into clinical practice, this therapy must be most frequently applied in the treatment of patients with acute MI, because angioplastic recanalization of the infarct-related occluded coronary artery is routinely performed. Therefore, my group investigated whether H2 gas confers cardioprotection against IR injury in rats.

   As a first step to confirm the efficacy of H2 gas, we confirmed that inhaled H2 gas is rapidly transported and can reach at risk” ischemic myocardium even before coronary blood flow of the occluded infarct-related artery is reestablished (Figure 4A).31 Inhalation of H2 gas at incombustible levels during IR reduces infarct size without altering hemodynamic parameters, thereby preventing deleterious LV remodeling (Figure 4B). Thus, inhalation of H2 gas is a promising strategy to alleviate IR injury coincident with recanalization of coronary artery. The efficacy of H2 gas was also confirmed in a canine model of IR injury by the Asanuma Group.32 We thus decided to perform a first-in-human study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of inhalation of H2 gas during PCI in patients with acute MI (UMIN000006825). This study has just started at Keio University School of Medicine.





Open public recruiting
(outpatients can be recruited publicly)
Unique trial Number : UMIN000006825
Title of the study : The safety and efficacy of inhalation of H2 gas during PCI in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Date of formal registration
(=Date of ICMJE and WHO compliant trial information registration and disclosure)
: 2011/12/04
Date and time of last update : 2012/11/20 17:10:25



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