


已有 1396 次阅读 2022-10-24 22:29 |个人分类:2022|系统分类:科研笔记

1. 算法中的算,包括计算和算计两部分


① 推理是有规则的。

② 规则一般不会变化,但变化却是一种规则。

③ 规则是产生式的,属于自动化范畴。

④ 自动化的本质就是计算的逻辑规则推理,包括与、或、非及其各种组合。

⑤ 人工智能的物理基础就是数字化与、或、非逻辑及其各种组合计算(尽管也会涉及一些非线性统计概率计算)。

⑥ 人工智能是自动化领域的一部分。


① 非逻辑不按推理程序进行。

② 算计穿透着各个推理领域的部分。

③ 这种启发式跨域的能力与感性有关。

④ 感性是生产式的,属于智能化范畴。

⑤ 智能化的核心就是算计的非逻辑、非规则跨域性感知,包括主要的与、或、非及其各种组合及其之外的洞察。

⑥ 自动化是智能化领域的一部分。

2. 算法中的法,是算计的算计


① 具身性使用耦合和涌现等概念解释认知过程,而不必要假设一个表征的概念。

② 反身性即认识可以产生认识,行为可以生产行为。

③ 画里的留白、话外的留白都是法,其他部分是算。


① 法不是计算的法则,是算计的法则。

② 计算的法则有情境,算计的法则无情境。

③ 人工智能有封闭性,智能没有封闭性。


① 法不是事实,而是价值。

② 事实适用于推算,价值适合觉察。

③ 法可以反事实推理,也可以反价值推理,还可以跨域(非)推理。

④ 算在下,自下而上,产生式,有理有据。

⑤ 法在上,自上而下,启发式,通情达理。

⑥ 法能看到远处,算能看到近处。

⑦ 人擅长法,机优于算。

3. “计算计与深度态势感知


① 计算用,算计用

② 计算有源,算计无本。

③ 计算是科学,算计为艺术。

④ 计算计就是深度态势感知。

⑤ 计算是已知条件,算计是未全知条件。


① 态是计算,势是算计,感是映射,知是联系。

② 态势感知就是用确定性计算计非确定性。

③ 深度态势感知就是计算计事实、价值、责任。

④ 计算一定要情境、场景、态势化,算计则可以非情境、非场景、非态势化。

⑤ 计算计过程中会衍生出自主机制,一种在计算与算计之间的恰当切换。

⑥ 计算计可以交易、变易、不易、简易,也可以同化、顺应、平衡。

4. “计算计不是科学问题,而是复杂性问题




3.1 The secret in algorithm

 1. The calculation in the algorithm includes two parts: calculation and suanji

(1)  Calculation is logical, and logic is ratiocination.

① The ratiocination has rules.

② The rules generally do not change, but change is a kind of rule.

③ Rules are productive and belong to the category of automation.

④ The essence of automation is the logical reasoning of calculation, including AND, OR, NOT and their various combinations.

⑤ The physical basis of artifificial intelligence is digital AND, OR, NOT and various combinations of calculation (but some nonlinear statistical probability computers are also involved).

⑥ Artifificial intelligence is part of the fifield of automation.

(2) Suanji, which is nonlogical, is not ratiocination.

① Nonlogic things do not follow the reasoning procedure.

② Suanji penetrates various parts of inference fifields.

③ This heuristic cross-domain ability is related to sensibility.

④ Sensibility is productive and belongs to the category of intelligence.

⑤ The core of intelligence is the nonlogical and irregular cross domain perception of suanji, including the main AND, OR,NOT and various combinations and insights beyond.

⑥ Automation is part of the fifield of intelligence.

2. The method in the algorithm is the suanji of the suanji

(1) The method includes embodiment and reflflexivity.

① Embodiment explains the cognitive process through concepts such as coupling and emergence, without assuming a concept of representation.

② Reflflexivity means that knowledge can produce knowledge,and behavior can produce behavior.

③ The blank-leaving in the painting and the blank-leaving in the talk are all methods, and the other parts are calculation.

(2) The method is not calculation.

① Method is not the rule of calculation, but the rule of suanji.

② The rule of calculation has its situation, but the rule of suanji has no situation.

③ Artifificial intelligence has the property of closure, but intelligence has no closure property.

(3) The method of algorithm is more important than calculation.

① The method is not fact but value.

② Facts are suitable for reckoning, and value is suitable for perceiving.

③ The method can be got through counterfactual ratiocination, antivalue ratiocination, and cross-domain (non-)ratiocination.

④ Calculation is basic, bottom-up, and based on logic.

⑤ Method is complex, top-down, and based on understanding.

⑥ Method can help us see something far away, while calculation can help us see something close.

⑦ Man is good at method, while machine is good at calculation.

3. Jisuanji” and deep situation awareness

(1) Calculation and suanji generate jisuanji.

① Calculation uses being” while suanji uses should.

② Calculation has the basis, while suanji does not.

③ Calculation is science, while suanji is art.

④ The jisuanji is deep situation awareness.

⑤ Calculation is based on known conditions, while suanji is not fully based on known conditions.

(2) The deep situation awareness is insight.

① The situation contains calculation and suanji; the percept contains reflflection and connection.

② Situation awareness is the use of certainty to calculate uncertainty.

③ The deep situation awareness is the jisuanji of facts, values, and responsibilities.

Calculation must be contextualized, scenario-oriented, and situational, while suanji can be noncontextualized, not scenario-oriented, and not situational.

⑤ In the process of jisuanji, an autonomous mechanism is derived, which is an appropriate switch between calculation and suanji.

⑥ The jisuanji can be changed, diffificult, and simple, and it can also be assimilated, adapted, and balanced.

4. Jisuanji” is not a scientifific problem, but a problem of complexity.

Machine” solves a large amount of problems of the same kind, and Man” solves problems that are different kinds.

From the  book P42-44:


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