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已有 1908 次阅读 2021-5-26 22:52 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


Biophysics and Human Health

July 23-26, 2021  Hefei · China


The 19TH CHINESE BIOPHYSICS CONGRESS will be held by the Biophysical Society of China from Jul.23-26.2021, Hefei, China. The CHINESE BIOPHYSICS CONGRESS is the largest-scale and high-level academic event in the field of biophysics in China. Prof. Tao                    Xu, the chairman of the Chinese society of Biophysics, will be the chair of the organizing committee. The main theme is Biophysics and Human Health, focusing on the latest research progress and development trend of Biophysics and related research fields.  




Plenary Speakers

Senfang Sui
Ph.D., Professor, CASM
Tsinghua University, China

Mu-ming Poo
PhD, Distinguished Adjunct Professor from CAS,CASM
Institute of Neuroscience, CAS

Weihong Tan
Ph.D., Professor, CASM
The Institute of Cancer and Basic Medicine, CAS, China

Xiuwu Bian
PH.D., Professor, CASM
Third Military Medical University

Zijiang Chen
MD, Obstetrician/Gynecologist, CASM
Shandong University

Chen Dong
PH.D., Professor, CASM
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Jinsong Li
Ph.D., Professor
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS

Xiaohua Shen
Ph.D., Yantz Professor of the Ministry of Education Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, China

Huaqiang Xu
Ph.D,Director Center for Structure &Function of Drug Targets;Director Key Laboratory of Receptor Research, SIMM,CAS
Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica


  • 结构与计算生物学I, II
    Structural and Computational Biology I, II

  • 膜生物学与人类健康 
    Biomembrane and Health 

  • 环境与健康
    Environment and Health

  • 单分子动态结构 
    Dynamic Structures of Single Molecules

  • 代谢生物学
    Metabolic Biology

  • 氧化还原平衡在健康与疾病中的作用
    Redox Balance in Health and Diseases

  • 基于冷冻电镜的新技术及应用
    Cryo-EM Based Technology Developments and Applications

  • 脂代谢相关罕见病
    Rare Diseases Related to Lipid Metabolism

  • 细胞衰老的表观遗传机制
    The Epigenetic Mechanism of Cell Senescence

  • 听觉、言语和交流
    Hearing, Speech and Communication

  • 生物医学应用的纳米生物技术
    Nanobiotechnology for Biomedical Application

  • 临床分子诊断
    Molecular Diagnostics Committee

  • 代谢组学:新功能、新机制
    Metabolomics:New Functions and Mechanisms

  • 铁死亡及微量元素代谢前沿进展
    Ferroptosis, Metal Metabolism and Beyond

  • 面向健康,体医融合

  • 表型组学与临床应用
    Phenomics and Clinical Application

  • 神经生物物理-细胞和分子 
    Neurobiophysics – Cell & Molecule 

  • 神经生物物理学-神经环路和系统 
    Neurobiophysics-Circuit & System

  • 生物大分子相分离与相变 
    Biomolecular Phase Separation and Phase Transition 

  • 纳米酶:新一代模拟酶的机遇与挑战 
    Nanozymes: the Opportunities and Challenges for Next Generation of Artificial Enzymes 

  • 运动与公共健康 
    Exercise and Public Health 

  • 核酸药物的纳米智能递送 
    Intelligent Nucleic Acid Based Nanomedicine 

  • 高原低氧环境与主动健康 
    High Altitude Hypoxia Environment and Active Health 

  • 太赫兹生物物理 
    Terahertz Biophysics 

  • 肠道菌群与健康 
    Gut Microbiome and Health 

  • 线粒体与疾病 
    Mitochondria with Diseases 

  • 光生物物理 

  • 先进生物物理技术与人类健康 
    Advanced Biophysical Technologies and Human Health 

  • 蛋白质组与系统生物学前沿技术
    Frontiers in Proteomics and Systems Biology

  • 多尺度力学生物学
    Multiscale Mechanobiology

  • 糖生物学在药物中的应用
    Application of Glycobiology in Drug Discovery


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