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已有 5441 次阅读 2008-8-11 20:59 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE| 英文刊, IJABE, 创刊, 贺词

Congratulatory Letter from AOC
Chenghai Yang

On behalf of the Association of the Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers (AOCABFE or AOC), I would like to warmly and sincerely congratulate on the publishing of the first issue of the International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (IJABE). This represents another successful collaboration between AOC and the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE). This newly launched journal will provide the scientific community and interested readers with latest research accomplishments and applications in six broadly defined technical divisions of the agricultural and biological engineering field. This is a significant contribution to the agricultural and biological engineering profession both in China and in the world.

To launch a joint academic journal has been one of the main goals of AOC since it was founded in 2001. All five AOC Past Presidents (Dr. Naiqian Zhang, Dr. Qiang Zhang, Dr. Juming Tang, Dr. Ruihong Zhang, and Dr. Xiusheng Yang) and six Executive Boards have worked hard on this effort. Although it was not an easy process, both AOC and CSAE wanted to see this come to fruition after several years of preparations. Therefore, to make this a reality has been the most important goal during my term as AOC President. In late 2007, both AOC and CSAE reached a tentative agreement to jointly launch the journal. Since then, tremendous efforts have been put forth by AOC and CSAE to work out the details under the leadership of Prof. Maohua Wang and Dr. Yingkuan Wang from CSAE and Prof. Roger Ruan and Dr. Paul Chen from AOC. I have had the pleasure and privilege to work with this fine group of people on this important task.

It is not a small task to launch such a comprehensive journal. It takes many people from both AOC and CSAE working together to accomplish this. For example, we now take the journal’s title for granted, but it was a difficult process for us to select from more than a dozen proposed titles. It took us several weeks to come to agree on the current title after intensive discussion among the AOC Executive Board members and many CSAE members. Similar efforts were devoted to determining the names and scopes of the six technical divisions. Another more difficult process has been to establish the editorial board. Although we have tentatively put together the editorial board, it is by no means complete and more editorial members from different countries will be invited. More importantly, we need a large number of reviewers to review the manuscripts to ensure the technical quality of the journal. I am very glad to see six of our AOC members assume the responsibility as division editors and many more as associate editors.

Although there are many challenges ahead of us, this has been a significant step forward. On behalf of AOC, I would like to express our appreciations to Profs. Maohua Wang and Roger Ruan, Editors-in-Chief, and Drs. Yingkuan Wang and Paul Chen, Managing Editors, for a job well done. I would like also to thank the AOC members who have been involved in the process and encourage all our members to actively contribute to the journal and serve as reviewers.

Again, congratulations on the launch of IJABE and best wishes for the success of the journal.

Chenghai Yang, Ph.D.
AOC President for 2007-2008
Agricultural Engineer
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Weslaco, Texas, USA


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