钟伟的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wzhong 南京大学微结构国家实验室,教授,博士生导师



已有 12722 次阅读 2017-10-18 15:37 |个人分类:论文交流|系统分类:科研笔记| 纳米材料, 量子点






Fig. 1Dispersions of MoS2 prepared with different ultrasonic power intensities. (a)UV-vis absorption spectra of MoS2 dispersions in NMP prepared with 100, 200,250, 285, 320, 350 and 400 W, respectively. In all the cases, the spectra areshown as measured absorbance, A, divided by cell length, l. Inset in (a) showsthe same spectra on a log–log scale. A straight dash line in the highwavelength region of this plot indicates a scattering background. (b) A/lsubtracted background for each sample of A excitonic peak is plotted as afunction of ultrasonic power. (c) Scattering exponent, n, as a function ofultrasonic power. Inset in (c) shows the variation of the position of Aexcitonic peaks (lA). (d) Image of the final dispersions after allowing them tostand for several weeks.

研究结果表明,随着超声功率的增加,悬浮液的浓度先增加,在320 W功率下浓度最高,超过320 W,浓度显著地下降。从100 W250 W,纳米片的尺寸减小,200 W250 W情况下,尺寸大多小于60 nm,且尺寸分布较均匀,285 W以后略有增加;350 W后,纳米片的平均横向尺寸的急剧增加。这种变化是由于空化泡引起的微射流敲击强度受到大量气泡散射的结果(图2)。

Fig. 2(a) Illustration of the two types of cavitation mechanism. (b) Mean flakelength and width (based on more than 300 randomly selected nanoflakes for eachsample) obtained at different ultrasonic power intensities. (c) Schematicrepresentation of the exfoliation procedure to obtain MoS2 nanoflakes in fourdistinct regions (I to IV). (d) Images of the acoustic cavitation bubbles inNMP solvent at different input powers. (e) SEM images of the sediment aftercentrifugation of 100, 200, 285 and 400 W samples.




3、快速取出抽滤膜上的LixMoS2,使之与去离子水反应,液体中会有大量气泡产生,为LixMoS2与水反应生成的氢气。与水反应后,放入超声微波协同反应工作站XO-SM50)中在180 W的功率下辅助超声1 h,即可获得单层的MoS2纳米片悬浮液。


我们发现,初始的MoS2粉体尺寸在几微米至几十微米量级,经过一次插层剥离以后,得到的纳米片的尺寸在100-800 nm之间,尺寸明显减小,因此,如果将一次剥离的纳米片干燥重堆积后进行再次剥离,重复几次,最终即可以得到纳米级量子点。

干燥后重堆积的MoS2纳米片重复上面的步骤进行第二次、第三次Li离子插层剥离,如图4所示。最终得到平均粒径3 nm,粒径分布窄且为单层的MoS2量子点。

Fig. 4.Schematic illustration of the preparation of monolayer MoS2QDs using multipleexfoliation with Li intercalation.


1.      “Effects of ultrasonic cavitationintensity on the efficient liquid-exfoliation of MoS2 nanosheets” W. Qiao, S.M.Yan, X.M. He, X.Y. Song, Z.W. Li, X. Zhang, W. Zhong*, You-Wei Du, RSC Advances 4 (92), 50981-50987(2014)

2.      “Enhancement of magnetism bystructural phase transition in MoS2”, S. M. Yan, W. Qiao, X.M. He, X.B. Guo, L.Xi, W. Zhong*, Y. W. Du, Appl. Phys.  Lett., 106 (1), 012408(2015)

3.      “Luminescent monolayer MoS2quantumdots produced by multi-exfoliation based on lithium intercalation”, W. Qiao,S.M. Yan, X.Y. Song, X. Zhang, X.M. He, W.Zhong*, Y.W. Du, Applied Surface Science 395, 130-136(2015)

4.      “Monolayer MoS2 quantum dots ascatalysts for efficient hydrogen evolution”, W. Qiao, S.M. Yan, X.Y. Song, X.Zhang, Y. Sun, X. Chen, W. Zhong*,Y.W. Du, RSC Advances 5, 97696-97701 (2015)


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