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2013年10月22日江苏徐州肩关节镜微创手术Journal Club预告

已有 3805 次阅读 2013-10-21 17:32 |个人分类:学会、杂志、名院、名科、网站|系统分类:论文交流| 徐州, 肩关节, 江苏, Journal, 微创手术

2013年10月22日江苏徐州肩关节镜微创手术Journal Club预告

Shoulder Arthroscopy Journal Club in Xuzhou,Jiangsu province, China



Let's enjoy the charm of shoulder arthroscopy !

时间:2013年10月22日 19:00-20:00

Time: 19:00-20:00 October 22nd 2013


Place:The orthopaedic surgeons' office ,north district ,9th floor,the newest inpatient building, the affiliated hospital of Xuzhou medical college, 99 West Huaihai road,Xuzhou,Jiangsu province,China

主讲人:高绪仁 大夫

Speaker: Dr. Xuren Gao


Participants:Doctors and medical students from Xuzhou and nearby cities who are interested in shoulder surgery and shoulder arthroscopy



Open Orthop J. 2013 Sep 6;7:347-51. doi: 10.2174/1874325001307010347.

The painful shoulder: shoulder impingement syndrome.

Khan Y, Nagy MT, Malal J, Waseem M.


Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3BL, UK.


Rotator cuff disorders are considered to be among the most common causes of shoulder pain and disability encountered in both primary and secondary care.肩袖损伤是初级医疗机构和二级医疗机构最常遇到的肩关节疼痛原因。 The general pathology of subacromial impingment generally relates to a chronic repetitive process in which the conjoint tendon of the rotator cuff undergoes repetitive compression and micro trauma as it passes under the coracoacromial arch.肩峰下撞击的病理和慢性的反复损伤有关,即肩袖联合肌在喙肩弓下方经过的时候不断反复受到挤压及微创伤。 However acute traumatic injuries may also lead to this condition.然而,急性的肩关节创伤也可能导致肩峰下撞击。 Diagnosis remains a clinical one, however advances in imaging modalities have enabled clinicians to have an increased understanding of the pathological process.诊断主要还是依靠临床体格检查,但是影像学技术的不断进步使得临床医生对这个病的病理认识逐渐加深。 Ultrasound scanning appears to be a justifiable and cost effective assessment tool following plain radiographs in the assessment of shoulder impingment, with MRI scans being reserved for more complex cases.在评价肩关节撞击综合征时,首先进行平片检查,然后就可以采用超声检查,超声检查是一种合理的、经济的检查方法。核磁共振MRI检查可用于更复杂的肩关节病例。 A period of observed conservative management including the use of NSAIDs, physiotherapy with or without the use of subacromial steroid injections is a well-established and accepted practice. 观察发现,经过一段时间的保守治疗(如服用非甾体消炎药、理疗、肩峰下封闭注射疗法等)是可以使许多患者症状减轻。However, in young patients or following any traumatic injury to the rotator cuff, surgery should be considered early.但是,对于年轻的患者或者有肩袖损伤的患者,应该考虑早期手术治疗。 If surgery is to be performed this should be done arthroscopically and in the case of complete rotator cuff rupture the tendon should be repaired where possible. 如果要进行手术治疗,应该进行肩关节镜下微创手术治疗。对于肩袖完全撕裂损伤的患者,应尽可能地修复肩袖损伤。


Shoulder impingement syndrome,肩关节撞击综合征 arthroscopic subacromial decompression (ASAD).,肩关节镜下肩峰下减压术 rotator cuff 肩袖





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