第一张图 分子模拟中的DNA“花篮”
第二张图 DNA构建的三维维纳斯像
Douglas et al.1 report a method for designing and constructing three-dimensional nanostructures from DNA. a, The computer-aided design process begins with a block of tubes arranged in a honeycomb lattice. b, A template for the desired DNA structure is designed by removing sections of the tubes, just like carving a sculpture from a block. The remaining tubes will become DNA duplexes in the final object. The DNA structure is designed by routing a single-stranded scaffold DNA (a virus genome) through every section of the tube template. Hundreds of short strands of DNA are then designed to bind to the folded scaffold, cross-linking between different tubes and 'stapling' together the overall structure. When the staple molecules are synthesized and mixed with the scaffold DNA in solution under appropriate conditions, they direct the folding of the scaffold into the desired nanostructure. The structure shown here is more complex than those prepared by the authors (see Fig. 2 on page 416).
第三张 俯视DNA
第四张 科学家用DNA制造的微电子器件
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