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已有 10565 次阅读 2012-8-21 17:10 |个人分类:学海无涯|系统分类:博客资讯| 2012, 蔡诗东奖


林晨(北京大学博士,北大重离子所博士后),for her significant contribution in the experimental studies of laser wakefield acceleration of electrons in plasmas, in particular, on the generation of high quality electron beam by use of specially designed two-stage targets and the diagnostic of the electron beam structure by measuring its optical transition radiation. 基于她在激光等离子体尾场电子加速实验研究上的重要贡献,特别是在通过制备特定的双级靶体产生高质量电子束以及利用光学渡越辐射诊断电子束结构上的工作。)

The committee was very impressed by her significant work, both experimental and theoretical, at the front of this exciting and relatively new field in plasma physics. Her thesis was well-written, demonstrating her commanding knowledge in all aspects of the relevant experiments.

王立锋(中国矿业大学博士,北大应用物理与技术中心博士后),for his novel and detailed study, using independently-developed numerical tools, on linear and weakly nonlinear evolutions of ablative Rayleigh-Taylor and ablative Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, in particular on the effects of electron heat conduction on these two instabilities.基于他运用独立发展的数值程序,从模拟和理论两方面对烧蚀瑞利-泰勒和烧蚀开尔文-亥姆霍兹不稳定性在线性和弱非线性阶段的演化进行的细致和创新研究,特别是在电子热传导对演化过程的作用方面作出的贡献。

The committee was impressed by his noval and detailed work on two fundamental instabilities important to both ICF and astrophysics. The work on ablative Kelvin-Helmholtz was an international first. This totally domestic-based work was well received internationally, including by the scientists at LLE of University of Rochester.

张桦森(北京大学博士,北大聚变模拟中心Fellow), for his outstanding contribution to nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of energetic particle-driven instabilities in tokamak plasmas, in particular the identification of phase space structure evolution as the mechanism for the observed fast and repetitive frequency chirping. (基于他用非线性回旋动理学数值模拟研究在托卡马克等离子体中高能粒子驱动不稳定性方面做出的突出贡献,特别是发现了高能粒子的相空间结构演化作为beta阿尔芬波的快速反复扫频现象的重要机制。

The committee was impressed by his ability of using large gyrokinetic simulations to illustrate novel physical mechanisms that can potentially explain observed phenomena. The committee also recognized the impact of his work, evidenced by the Sherwood invited talk given by him as a student.








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