08:30 – 09:00 Tentative Title: In-vivo studies on Mg implants in musculoskeletal and cardiovascular applications: Current and past experiences.
Speaker: Frank Witte, Hannover Medical School, Germany Topics to address: General concept of Biodegradable Metals Mg implants has been used in humans already
Challenges of in-vivo and in-vitro testing (general)
Methods to measure corrosion in-vivo Corrosion control in-vivo Corrosion products and elemental distribution
09:15 – 09:45 Tentative Title: Biodegradable Iron implants for cardiovascular applications - and outlook on musculoskeletal applications Speaker: Diego Mantovani, Uni. Laval, Quebec, Canada Topics: Idea of biodegradable stents, advantage of metals Production of pure iron stents and iron alloys Influence of microstructure Results of in-vitro and in-vivo studies
10:30 – 11:00 Tentative Title: Production of Mg alloys for biomedical purposes: the influence of microstructure and impurities on mechanical and corrosion properties Speaker: Norbert Hort, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
Topics: Production routes for magnesium and its alloys Influence of production route on impurities and microstructure Designing biodegradable Mg
11:15 – 11:45 Tentative Title: From material to device design with biodegradable metals Speaker: William Wagner, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA Topics: Alloy design and characterization Coatings and surface modification
Sensors to evaluate biocompatibility Orthopedic, craniofacial and cardiopulmonary devices
13:00 – 13:45 Tentative Title: Cytotoxicity and in-vitro test-systems for evaluation of biodegradable metals Speaker: Frank Feyerabend, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany Topics: Challenges of in-vitro tests for biodegradable Mg How to modify existing ISO standards for cytotoxicity to test biodegradable metals
Jag Sankar介绍的时候说他把GKSS 的Frank叫 other Frank以便和Frank Witte区别开来。Other Frank的报告是我认为最有吸引力的报告,尤其是关于各种影响体外生物相容性等的测试方面的问题和挑战说的很透。包括元代细胞作为模型测试细胞毒性。