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来自心怿的诗 (134)

已有 2951 次阅读 2012-5-7 15:55 |系统分类:海外观察| 科玄幻




我继续探测周围各类型的讯息。 蓦地精神一振。


















于是我干脆从上下来,漫加入湖边,用风声当琴, 用意念奏乐。强大的思感波的奏兴使原来的琴音,如梦如幻,如痴如醉,淋漓尽致。












我悠闲地看着这两千多年的人造湖, 湖水深不见底,不见鱼游的涟绮,中疑问湖里鱼的模样。





Temporarily I am safe, but this is also no significance, because I am not fear to them.



I continue to survey various types of information. Suddenly my spirit is inspired.



I caught almost not observable information, this information has apparently quantum cryptography, quantum entanglement is a band with ultra high energy photon group, the purpose is to avoid any interception.



This is not difficult for me; I adjust the thinking wave into entangled state, through an extension of frequency space, the wave enters into the message, succeeds in decoding.



"Chau Jie appears, there seems to be a background.”



"Perform first plan immediately."



All of these are jokes! I should let them worry my leisure and bored.



So I just get out of the car, walk into the lake, with the wind when the harp, with the idea of music. The powerful thinking wave plays to enjoy so that the original music of instrument as dreamlike, delude one to folly, most incisive.



This is my first time to play the think feeling wave as possible as I can. When I play this instrument in the lakeside, the bund bird group and unusual animals can encircle the space closely, and slowly diverge until the music sound finished a long time.



For several days, I have more or less the same program, seemingly pay no heed to, indulge in nature; in fact, I had thought, why the Overfly girl wandering in the coast of East Lake?



Communication each other around the ups and downs, is crazy, but what is the effect?




I watch the two thousand years of artificial lake, the lake is deep and does not see the bottom, not see the fish swim wave circle, my heart guess fish shape in the lake.






So I prepare and jump into the lake, and have not seen a fish. As a seagull fierce deep dive a great bitterly cold blow to my face, and my body as knife sharp thorns, I am shock and escape for avoiding frozen to come up.





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