【成长花絮:自嘲和幽默】 (698 bytes)
Posted by: 立委
Date: October 25, 2007 01:23AM
甜甜不时冒出来的傻气和自嘲,极富幽默感,让人忍俊不住。今天早上就有一段,正在她随口胡编顺口溜的时候,我说她nonsense, 然后不知怎么又谈到了乔老爷的名言:Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
“Dad, it actually makes sense to me.”
“well”, 她边想边造,”colorful green really means fancy green, shining green, …”
No, not colorful green, it is colorless green.
“Oh, yeh, colorless green is even better, it means transparent green, right? ideas sleep in a beauty sleep dream, too.”
beauty sleep? it sleeps FURIOUSLY.
“right, that must be a nightmare!”
Wow you are really good at inpterpreting nonsenses.
“hehe”, 甜甜狡黠地一笑,”I am a nonsense person after all.”
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