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Grassland Research | 通过探索基因型、环境、管理间相互作用培育耐旱多年生黑麦草和高羊茅品系

已有 1302 次阅读 2023-7-28 10:11 |个人分类:科技期刊|系统分类:论文交流

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多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)和高羊茅(Lonium arundinaceum [Schreb.] Darbysh.)是世界上温带和过渡地区种植最多的两种草坪草。这两个物种都是凉季的,自交不亲和,同种异体,属于禾本科。多年生黑麦草在水分胁迫条件下通常无法茁壮成长,干旱后恢复能力较差。尽管高羊茅比其他冷季草坪草表现出更好的耐旱性,但提高高羊茅的耐旱性将增加该物种在较低水分输入下的持久性。随着园林灌溉的限制性越来越强,开发水胁迫耐受性更强的品种变得越来越重要。鉴定和选择能够承受水分胁迫的草坪草改良品种,同时保持优异/可接受的草坪质量(TQ),可以推迟对补充灌溉的需求,并有助于保护水资源。一些研究已经记录了高羊茅和多年生黑麦草品种之间的耐旱性差异。但是,大多数研究只关注耐旱性,没有探索草坪草管理实践的额外影响。施肥量和刈割高度会影响草坪草的水分利用效率,因为它与冠层高度和植物生长速度有关。全面了解不同管理措施下草坪草在胁迫条件下的响应机制,对于培育优质耐旱品种至关重要。本研究通过量化一组选定的多年生黑麦草和高羊茅育种系的耐旱水平,主要评价了其耐旱性(DT),不同割草高度(MH)下的耐旱性,肥力水平(FL)对耐旱性的影响。

实验所使用的44个多年生黑麦草实验选育系和38个高羊茅实验选育系是通过多个表型和/或基因型循环选择的方式培育而成。其父本系来自多个来源的选育系,包括发布的栽培品种、生态型选择和来自USDA-GRIN的引种。实验于2011年9月在俄勒冈州NexGen Plant Science Center开展。采用随机完全区组设计,3个重复。试验分为三个亚试验,每个亚试验由2年的重复测量组成。在第一个亚试验(2012-2013)中,仅评价条目和年份的主效应。在第二个亚试验(2014-2015)中,将样地分为两个不同的刈割高度水平;评估了条目、年份和刈割高度的影响。在第三个亚试验(2016-2017)中,还对带状样地的两个肥力水平进行了评估,并评估了肥力、条目和年份的影响。为了避免刈割高度处理对肥力水平处理的影响,两个肥力水平在样地的南北方向施用,而刈割高度处理在东西方向施用。每个子试验分别使用混合模型方法进行分析。



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TABLE 1 Summary of fertilizer (NPK 19‐3‐16) application (kg ha-1) and mowing height (cm) practices by year.

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TABLE 2 Estimates of variance components for the first trial, spatial, and temporal autocorrelations, and heritability estimate in 48 perennial ryegrass and 38 tall fescue genotypes for seven traits.

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FIGURE 1 Genotype × trait biplot for percent cover (Cover), turf grass color (TC), turf density (TD), turf quality (TQ), and days to reach 25%,50%, and 75% of coverage (DR25, DR50, and DR75) for perennial ryegrass (a) and tall fescue (b) in 2012 and 2013.

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FIGURE 2 Predicted values (95% confidence interval) for 48 perennial ryegrass (left) and 38 tall fescue (right) genotypes phenotyped in 2012 (red) and 2013 (blue) for turf quality (a) and days to reach 50% of coverage under drought (DR50) (b).

TABLE 3 Estimates of variance components for the second trial, spatial, and temporal autocorrelations, and heritability measured in 48 perennial ryegrass and 38 tall fescue genotypes for seven traits under two mowing heights.

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FIGURE 3 Genotype × trait biplot for coverage (Cover), turf color (TC), turf density (TD), turf quality (TQ), and days to reach 25%, 50%, and 75% of coverage (DR25, DR50, and DR75) for perennial ryegrass (a) and tall fescue (b) in 2014 and 2015.

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FIGURE 4 Predicted values (95% confidence interval) for 48 perennial ryegrass and 38 tall fescue genotypes in two levels of mowing height: high (red) and low (blue). Predicted values for turf quality (TQ) (a) and days to reach 50% of coverage (DR50) (b).

TABLE 4 Estimates of variance components for the third trial, spatial and temporal autocorrelations, and heritability measured in 48 perennial ryegrass and 38 tall fescue genotypes for seven traits in two levels of fertility.

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FIGURE 5 Genotype × trait biplot for coverage (Cover), turf color (TC), turf density (TD), turf quality (TQ), and days to reach 25%, 50%, and 75% of coverage (DR25, DR50, and DR75) for perennial ryegrass (a) and tall fescue (b) in 2016 and 2017.

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FIGURE 6 Predicted values (95% confidence interval) for 48 perennial ryegrass and 38 tall fescue genotypes in two levels of fertility: high (red) and low (blue). Predicted values for turf quality (TQ) (a) and days to reach 50% of coverage (DR50) (b).

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FIGURE 7 Ranked checks (red) and breeding lines (blue and gray) by the additive index, in which blue breeding lines are the selected genotypes, and the solid black line represents the selection intensity (20%).

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罗栋  兰州大学草地农业科技学院  博士后


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内容来源:Grassland Research(草地研究)第2卷第1期(投稿:2022-12-16;接收:2023-03-16;刊发:2023-05-01)


引用格式:Fernandes Filho, C. C.,Murad Leite Andrade, M. H., Rodrigues Nunes,J. A., Wipff, J., Hignight, D. L., Rios, E. F., Kenworthy, K., & Hignight, K. (2023). Breeding for drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum [Schreb.] Darbysh.) by exploring genotype by environment by management interactions. Grassland Research, 2(1), 22-36.

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Grassland Research是我国草业科学领域第一本国际学术期刊,季刊,由中国草学会和兰州大学共同主办。该刊受中国科技期刊卓越计划高起点新刊项目支持,由国际出版集团John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.提供出版及宣传服务,于2022年正式出版。

 Grassland Research论文刊发范围广,综合性强。从分子到全球变化层面,全维度聚焦草业科学及其在人类可持续发展中的作用。期刊将刊登天然草原,栽培草地、草坪和生物能源作物,以及草地生态系统三大板块的基础性和应用性研究成果、综述、论点等类型的文章。优先考虑发表青年学者优秀研究成果,期待成为青年科学家喜爱的国际学术交流主阵地。

在创刊前三年,Grassland Research将免收版面费,以OA形式通过全球化出版平台Wiley Online Library出版。


执行编辑 | 王楚怡

审核|彭京伦 武艳培 王新宇

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上一篇:Grassland Research | 加州大学E. Charles Brummer教授等:基于多点试验的紫花苜蓿秋眠
下一篇:Grassland Research|模拟干旱条件下两种非洲C4植物的叶片气体交换特征、生物量分配和水分利用效率
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