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已有 1749 次阅读 2023-7-9 17:45 |系统分类:博客资讯

摘要: [目的]探讨新闻传播学类核心期刊的封面论文和非封面论文在下载量、被引量等学术影响力上的差异,以期为提升新闻传播学类学术期刊传播力和影响力提供借鉴。[方法]对《新闻与传播研究》《国际新闻界》《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》《新闻大学》等4本新闻传播学类核心期刊2018年和2019年发表的450篇封面论文和821篇非封面论文的下载量和被引量进行实证研究。[结果] 4本期刊封面论文在下载量、总被引量、被核心期刊引用量、被非新传类核心期刊引用量等方面均普遍显著高于非封面论文,下载量与被引量各指标呈正相关关系。[结论] 封面论文有助于提升学术期刊影响力,新闻传播学期刊应重视选择封面论文,增强封面整合设计,努力拓宽封面论文传播渠道,加大社交媒体传播力度,探索全媒体融合出版,提升封面论文和期刊的学术影响力。

Abstract: [Purposes] To explore the differences in academic influence between cover papers and non-cover papers in core journals of journalism and communication science in terms of download volume, citation volume, etc., in order to provide reference for improving the communication and influence of academic journals of journalism and communication science. [Methods] An empirical study was conducted on the download and citation of 450 cover papers and 821 non cover papers published in four core journals of journalism and communication science, including journalism and communication, including Journalism Communication, Chinese Journal of Journalism Communication, Modern Communication (Journal of Communication University of China), and Journalism Research, in 2018 and 2019. [Findings] The four journal cover papers were generally significantly higher than non-cover papers in terms of download volume, total citation volume, citation volume by core journals, and citation volume by core journals from other disciplines. There was a positive correlation between download volume and various indicators of citation volume. [Conclusions] Cover papers can help enhance the influence of academic journals. Journalism and communication journals should pay attention to selecting cover papers, enhancing cover integration design, striving to expand the communication channels of cover papers, increasing social media communication efforts, exploring full media integration publishing, and enhancing the academic influence of cover papers and journals.

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