and he took a year preparing for the examinations. He was tutored by Catalan in 1841-42 and certainly Hermite fared better than Galois had done for he passed. However it was not a glorious pass for he only attained sixty-eighth place in the ordered list.)。仅用一年时间就考上法国顶级名校,称为“不会考试”甚至“考试白痴”(见于附5),国人的想像力不可谓不丰富矣。对于尚未入学、但已才华横溢的埃尔米特、对于公众的期望来说,名校总排名第68确实不够威风"However it was not a glorious pass"。
造成参加5次考试的讹传可能来自本科5年后参加的学位考试。据,After spending five years working towards his degree he took and passed the examinations for the baccalauréat and licence which he was awarded in 1847. In the following year he was appointed to the école Polytechnique, the institution which had tried to prevent him continuing his studies some four years earlier; he was appointed répétiteur and admissions examiner.埃尔米特在本科5年之际(1847年)参加了结业考试顺利通过(据有关消息介绍,法国人习惯于用baccalauréat 加上年限来说明大学学历,比如大一是Bac +1 ,大二是Bac+2, 大三是Bac+3, 如果大三考试合格,得到的学位是Licence,也就是本科学位。法国的学制和欧洲学制是统一的,也就是LMD学制( Licence-Master-Doctorat 分别是Bac+3,Bac+5和Bac+8)),并荣获奖励,很快(即1848年)被巴黎综合工科学校聘用。
In 1848 Hermite was appointed a répétiteur and admissions examiner at the école Polytechnique. The next ten years were his most active period. On 14 July 1856 he was elected a member of the Académie des Sciences, receiving forty out of forty-eight votes.
In 1862, through Pasteur’s influence, a position of maître de conférence was created for Hermite at the école Polytechnique; in 1863 he became an examinateur de sortie et de classement there. He occupied that position until 1869, when he took over J. M. C. Duhamel’s chair as professor of analysis at the école Polytechnique and at the Faculté des Sciences, first in algebra and later in analysis as well. His textbooks in analysis became classics, famous even outside France. He resigned his chair at the école Polytechnique in 1876 and at the Faculté in 1897. 埃尔米特1848年刚一毕业即被巴黎综合工科学校聘用。
另据介绍,Hermite had no academic diploma. Hence, in 1847, he obtained his baccalauréat and a licence in physics one year later. But he was already a renowned mathematician, and was nominated as examinateur temporaire d’admission at école Polytechnique on July 10, 1848.
我所以认为“5次”之讹解疑出passed the examinations for the baccalauréat,是因为在法语中,baccalauréat似乎既指“高中”又指“大学”,“examinations”更使部分国人将之混同于国内的大学入学考试。然而,“he obtained his baccalauréat and a licence”中的“licence”在此处主要指本科学位。
Like GALOIS, he hoped to study at the école Polytechnique, but unlike GALOIS, he passed the entrance examination, though to be sure with a rather mediocre performance.
In some ways Hermite was similar to Galois for he preferred to read papers by Euler , Gauss and Lagrange rather than work for his formal examinations.
If Hermite neglected the studies that he should have concentrated on, he was showing remarkable research ability publishing two papers while at Louis-le-Grand. Also like Galois he was attracted by the problem of solving algebraic equations and one of the two papers attempted to show that the quintic cannot be solved in radicals.
据介绍,In 1862 Hermite was appointed maître de conférence at the école Polytechnique, a position which had been specially created for him. In the following year he became an examiner there. The year 1869 saw him become a professor when he succeeded Duhamel as professor of analysis both at the école Polytechnique and at the Sorbonne. Hermite resigned his chair at the école Polytechnique in 1876 but continued to hold the chair at the Sorbonne until he retired in 1897. 1862年埃尔米特就正式获聘巴黎高等师范学校专门职位,1876年才辞去该校教职。
Apart from being such a great mathematician, Hermite was also known for his teaching skills. He is regarded as one of the most inspiring teachers of the nineteenth century. He kept his topics simple while teaching, which aroused interest in most of his students. Some of his famous students included Henri Poincare and L. Bourguet, to name a few.
据称:Although Hermite had proved himself a creative mathematician at the age of 20, his difficulty in passing his formal examinations forced him to devote five of his most productive years to preparing for his examination for the bachelor of science degree, which he obtained in 1848. 其他科目是否都好,似乎不得而知。
For Hermite certain areas of mathematics were much more interesting than other areas. Hadamard, who unlike his teacher Hermite worked in all areas of mathematics, spoke of Hermite's dislike for geometry:-
[Hermite] had a kind of positive hatred of geometry and once curiously reproached me with having made a geometrical memoir.
Hermite's great love was for analysis and, not surprisingly, he had a great respect for Weierstrass. When Mittag-Leffler arrived in Paris to study with him, Hermite greeted him warmly but said:-
You have made a mistake, sir, you should follow Weierstrass's course in Berlin. He is the master of us all.
Poincaré is almost certainly the best known of Hermite's students. He once suggested that Hermite's mind did not proceed in logical fashion. He wrote:-
But to call Hermite a logician! Nothing can appear to me more contrary to the truth. Methods always seemed to be born in his mind in some mysterious way.
Hadamard like Poincaré was very interested in the way that mathematics was discovered. He also had this to say about the way that Hermite made his discoveries:-
Hermite used to observe [that biology] may be a most useful study even for mathematicians, as hidden and eventually fruitful analogies may appear between processes in both kinds of studies.
Hadamard had great respect for Hermite as a teacher. He said:-
I do not think that those who never listened to him can realise how magnificent Hermite's teaching was, overflowing with enthusiasm for science, which seemed to come to life in his voice and whose beauty he never failed to communicate to us, since he felt it so much himself to the very depth of his being.
[Hermite] was making a deep impression on us, not only with his methods and those of Weierstrass, but also with his enthusiasm and love of science; in our brief but fruitful conversations, Hermite loved to direct to me remarks such as: "He who strays from the paths traced by providence crashes." These were the words of a profoundly religious man, but an atheist like me understood them very well, especially when he added at other times: "In mathematics, our role is more of servant than of master." It goes without saying that gradually, as years and my scientific work unfolded, I came to understand more and more deeply the aptness and scope of his words.
Hermite was born on December 24th, 1822 at Dieuze, Moselle located in the North-Eastern part of France. He was the sixth son to Ferdinand Hermite and Madeleine Lallemand. Hermite’s father was an engineer in a salt mine. By the time Charles Hermite turned seven, the family had to move to Nancy, another city in the North-East France, as their family business was moved to there.
Hermite had a defective right leg that crated a difficulty in walking. This caused his parents to worry too much as it was quite evident that this defect would pose a difficulty during the later stages of his life. In fact, they were right about it as it did pose a difficulty at one point of time in his life, when he set out to make his career. However, little Hermite accepted this defect with a broad smile on his face and had a very positive attitude towards life.
也就是在 1842 年,他做出了他在数学上的第一个贡献 :gave a simple proof of the proposition of Niels Abel concerning the impossibility of obtaining an algebraic solution for the equation of the fifth degree。
在1843年至1844年间,通过与 Carl Jacobi 的通讯联系,该数学家完成了另一个数学上的成果。(懒得再 copy 了,我也不懂怎么翻译)
同时,Charles Hermite 在他的一些著名数学家朋友的帮助下,用了五年时间(1843-1847)【PS,这是该人物词条,出现的唯一的一个“five “,或许这就是所谓的“他大学入学考试考了整整五次”的来源 】,通过私底下的学习,在1847年参加并通过了 baccalauréat 学校的考试,取得了学位。然后在1848年,与他一个数学家朋友的姐妹结婚。(After spending five years working privately towards his degree, in which he befriended eminent mathematicians Joseph Bertrand, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, and Joseph Liouville, he took and passed the examinations for the baccalauréat, which he was awarded in 1847. He married Joseph Bertrand's sister, Louise Bertrand in 1848.)
1869年,获得 数学教授 职称 (In 1869, he succeeded Jean-Marie Duhamel as professor of mathematics)(此时他 47 岁,没到 49 岁),而他在 école Polytechnique 一直待到 1876年(此时他已经54岁)。
从1876年到他逝世,Charles Hermite 一直待在巴黎(?大学?)(and in the Faculty of Sciences of Paris, which was a post he occupied until his death)
Charles Hermite, (born Dec. 24, 1822, Dieuze, Fr.—died Jan. 14, 1901, Paris), French mathematician whose work in the theory of functions includes the application of elliptic functions to provide the first solution to the generalequation of the fifth degree, the quintic equation.
Although Hermite had proved himself a creative mathematician at the age of 20, his difficulty in passing his formal examinations forced him to devote five of his most productive years to preparing for his examination for the bachelor of science degree, which he obtained in 1848. He was given a minor teaching position at the école ... (100 of 285 words)
Career Initially Hermite studied at College de Nancy and later, went on to study in College Henry IV and Lycee Louis-le-Grand in Paris. Hermite’s dream was to study at Ecole Polytechnique for which he prepared all year long. He was trained by Catalan for his exams with Ecole Polytechnique. After a yearlong hard work, Hermite gained entry to Ecole Polytechnique where he was a student for a very short period of time. He was forced to leave the college because of his disability. However, he fought back and won his place at Ecole Polytechnique but with rigid conditions. Such strict conditions angered Hermite and he left the college even without graduating.
Although Hermite lost interest in studies, he never forgot to pay attention to the research work of Lagrange and Gauss, which helped him publish his two papers while at Louis le Grand. In fact, he described in one of the papers that the quintic theory cannot be solved by radicals. He did his graduation privately in a span of five years during which he befriended famous mathematicians like Joseph Bertrand and Carl Jacobi. He had come up with general solutions to the differential equations in terms of theta function. In 1847, he was awarded the certificate after having cleared baccalaureat examination, which most French students take up immediately after secondary education. He was also appointed by Ecole Polytechnique, the same institute that banned him from continuing education, as an admissions examiner and repetiteur.
hillside:上条消息中也提到,大多数法国学生能够顺利通过此项考试(which most French students take up immediately after secondary education. )到底是哪些科目影响了埃尔米特的结业考试?
out of school, Hermite had to worry for their livelihood. There is no place willing to accept a cripple.
Alain Richard to persuade Amy Stewart,supra, from the creative turn to prepare for the exam, so as to enter the integrated engineering school, to avoid repeating the tragedy of Galois.
exam results once again proved that Charles Hermite (Charles the Hermite) is a mathematical genius, but not mathematics candidates. He almost planted in the engineering school in Paris on the math test again.
the disability Professor of the self-proclaimed Hermite not only proved the transcendence of the natural logarithm base e, also modern mathematics branch, leaving several concepts named to his last name. More importantly,louboutin pas cher, he trained at the University of Paris, Poincaré, etc. a whole generation of excellent French mathematician, his classic education of his contemporaries around the world.
math textbook is a bunch of garbage, mathematics, and are second-rate minds of the people only know how to garbage removal. Publicly declared that
Hermite in full for 27 years. The mathematics classroom simply cancel the exam.
do well Mathematics is also a mathematical
Amy Stewart 5th to take the exam. The 20-year-old young mathematical talent extraordinary in mathematics magazine published an article
Hermite thought When the math teacher, but he still must first take the exam in order to obtain the qualification to teach. Fortunately,polo ralph lauren pas cher, the mathematicians of the two examiners know Amy Stewart is a mathematical players deliberately spared. Otherwise, Amy Stewart may simply pass the exam.
until 1869, Hermite, 47-year-old to find a suitable job. Ecole Normale employ the world-famous French Academy of Sciences as a professor. However,franklin marshall, the second year, he went to the University of Paris as a professor.
but his interest in mathematics remained unchanged, his research paper on Abelian functions sent to the French mathematician Ya comparable. The other letter not only to encourage, also look forward to the future one day to the young man to learn, because he opened up a new field.
all of this,burberry pas cher, are derived from his respect for knowledge itself. In 1870, the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, Prussian winning an insult to the Frenchman. The Hermite full of patriotic enthusiasm, but still maintained a cool head, a high degree of recognition and appreciation of the achievements of the mathematicians of Germany, to give. In his eyes, science transcends national boundaries, the value of each other's knowledge and wisdom,air jordan femme, not because of hostility in the other no longer exists.
However,louboutin The hotel day and night play pornographic films , was closed down thre, just over a year, he will have to transfer into a department. Education authorities suddenly ordered with disabilities are not allowed to learn in the Engineering Science Department. Born right leg disability, Amy Stewart had transferred to the Department of Literature.
There, he met a math teacher Alain Richard. Alain Richard told the old Hermite, his favorite son of independent thinking is a young Lagrange. The math teacher but also understand that the exam's focus on that, originality is a poison sometimes. 15 years ago,burberry, he who quite mathematical talented students Galois, too with originality and time lost to the exam.
but in the end still lose him. Each well on the exam, the teacher hit him on the foot strips of wood. Until 1840, the Hermite transferred to the College of Louis the Great.
Amy Stewart accepted the advice of the teacher,ralph lauren, but he really is not suitable for examination -
26-year-old young man employed at the College de France to do a teaching assistant,jordan, the task is to give students correcting homework. This change is more than 20 years. In these 20 years, he successively in terms of function theory,air jordan, advanced algebra, differential equations have an important discovery, but in school, this is not the examination we are unable to get a higher degree, only to continue correcting homework.
首先对 Hermite 的数学成绩,我提出来源请求。从题目提供的维基页面看,他就读的高中是法国的顶尖高中 [3],基本是 X 的预科班,数学教学应该非常超前。他只花了一年时间准备 X 的竞考并成功(1842年),说明他数学非常了得,因为 X 在法国的竞考以难出名,万里挑一。他在准备过程中如果挂过几次模拟考,那倒正是 X 的风格。Hermite 竞考的名次不出众(68名),但是被录取已经非常厉害了。
注意,传说当年 X 是不能重考的(待验证),至少目前是年龄限制加次数限制 [4],重考五次是万万不可能的。 只有少数特例,比如有人提到的 Galois(和 Hermite 一个高中老师教的)[5]
X 在科学方面有众多杰出校友 [6,7] ,是当时法国数学最好的学校,所以 Hermite, Galois 等都拼了命考。 其次,就算他在 X 挂过数学课,那也太正常不过了。X 的数学课是世界上最艰深的之一(或者不用加之一)。我的第一堂代数课上的是 P 进数。考试经常一题都写不出,写出半题就是 A 了。挂掉2/3考生是常有的事。X 学生的数学能力在西方是有名的,都是一路打击过来的。我本人也是在 X 挂了数学考试,一气之下转了数学的。
最后,他的确被 X 退过学,原因不是成绩,而是他的残疾。X 是有军校性质的理工学校(拿破仑1805年的命令),所有学生都要参加大量体育运动,我当年参加的是定向越野。法国学生获得军籍,学校日常管理按军队标准,因此残疾学生会有困难。根据维基的资料,Hermite 在这种情况下仍然争取让学校最后网开一面,说明他的能力非同寻常。最后是他认为学校开出的条件过于苛刻,觉得不爽自己退出学校的。他在 X 只呆了一年。