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已有 19812 次阅读 2014-2-23 17:50 |个人分类:大气科学|系统分类:科研笔记| 气候, 应用, Hindcast









   据一篇台湾文献介绍(http://ocean.cv.nctu.edu.tw/NRCEST/teaching/oceaneng/CH4.pdf):“一般波浪推算(wave calculation) 必需配合适当的气象资料及波浪资料,建立风与波浪之关系公式,以利于在实用上可以从风资料计算出波浪特性。若由过去风的记錄,推算过去发生的波浪特性,称为波浪追算(wave hindcasting) ,相对的,若由过去或现在的气象资料,先推算未來的风场资料,再來计算未來的波浪特性时,称为波浪预测(wave forecasting) 或称波浪预报(wave prediction) 。不論过去、现在或者未來,凡从风场之结构來计算波浪性质,均称为波浪推算(wave calculation)。”








   总体而言,我觉得使用含糊其辞的“气候后报”很可能会给气候研究者带来后患、招致舆论攻击,这一点与水文学中的N年一遇、百年一遇、千年一遇相似。Climate hindcasting实际上可以单独存在,也不是预报的必经之道,但“气候预报、预测”与“气候后报”在汉语句式上与财务上的“预算”、“决算”很相似,而“气候后报”表面上类似“气候决算”。因为财务预算之后必有决算,“气候决算”的外形会给社会与公众一个心理预期、以至将之视为“气候预报”之后的必经程序,这就可能陷气候从业者于不利之地。“气候顾报”则无这样的副作用。


因果律---时间箭头        http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-271800-674315.html

时间的可逆性             http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-927304-688806.html

时间之困惑               http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2344-11389.html

个人的时间与群体的时间——再论科学网的时间维  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-210844-685712.html

“时间”是个什么玩意儿? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-39731-725925.html





                                             WAVE  FORECASTING  AND  HINDCASTING

                                                        Robert S. Arthur

           Scripps Institution of Oceanography,University of California,La Jolla, Califorma


As  a  result  of  wartime  research  on  ocean  surface  waves  a  methbd  has  been

available  since  1943  for  the  prediction  of  wave  characteristics  of  interest  to

engineers  (O'Brien  and  Johnson,  1947).  The  initial stimulus  for  the  development

came  during  the  planning  of  the  invasion  of  North  Africa,  and  the  methods  subsequently  devised  were  later used  in  a  number  of  amphibious  operations  (Bates,  1949).

The  same  techniques  have  found  useful  peacetime  application  in  problems  connected

with  coastal  engineering.  Much  of  the  application  to  date  has  consisted  in  applying  wave  prediction  techniques  to  historical  rather  than  current  meteorological

data,  hence  the  term  "wave  hindcasting."



A hindcast is a way of testing a mathematical model. Known or closely estimated inputs for past events are entered into the model to see how well the output matches the known results. Hindcasting is also known as backtesting.

An example of hindcasting would be entering climate forcings (events that force change) into a climate model. If the hindcast showed reasonably accurate climate response, the model would be considered successful.

In oceanography[1] and meteorology,[2] hindcasting usually refers to a numerical model integration of a historical period where no observations have been assimilated. This distinguishes a hindcast run from a reanalysis. Oceanographic observations of salinity and temperature as well as observations of surface wave parameters such as the significant wave height are much scarcer than meteorological observations, making hindcasting more common in oceanography than in meteorology. Also, since surface waves represent a forced system where the wind is the only generating force,wave hindcasting is often considered adequate for generating a reasonable representation of the wave climate with little need for a full reanalysis. Hindcasting is also used in hydrology for model stream flows.[3]

The ECMWF re-analysis is an example of a combined atmospheric reanalysis coupled with a wave model integration where no wave parameters were assimilated, making the wave part a hindcast run.




博主邵璞介绍:“这篇我们组的题为“The Hindcast Skill of the CMIP Ensembles for the Surface Air Temperature Trend”(http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2012/2012JD017765.shtml)的文章刚刚发表在JGR-Atmospheres上”



Dynamical Downscaling of Seasonal Climate Hindcast and Validation Experiments using Regional Spectral Model (RSM) over South Asia                 Muhammad Amjad 


               Hindcasting helps scientists improve forecasts for life on Earth

 Earth’s changing environment and rapidly growing population are pushing plants and animals out of their native habitats, but current models that predict how this will affect the ecosystem are little more than educated guesses. And when the models have been tested, they’ve been wildly inaccurate.

 A large and diverse group of scientists at UC Berkeley has launched a unique program, the Berkeley Initiative in Global Change Biology (BiGCB), to improve the reliability and accuracy of these models. The experts are employing hindcasting — “predicting” what happened during past episodes of climate change — to help them develop and test new models that will improve forecasting.

 “The only way to test a model and improve forecasting is through hindcasting,” said Charles Marshall, director of the University of California Museum of Paleontology and a UC Berkeley professor of integrative biology. “Once we have a tested model that accurately tells us what is likely to happen to biological systems, we can construct policies to minimize unwanted impacts.”



                                              2008年03月07日10:01   《三联生活周刊》  莫如









Hindcasting the continuum of Dansgaard–Oeschger variability: mechanisms, patterns and timing

                L. Menviel1,2, A. Timmermann3, T. Friedrich3, and M. H. England1,2
1Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
2ARC Centre of Excellence in Climate System Science, Australia
3International Pacific Research Center, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Abstract. Millennial-scale variability associated with Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) and Heinrich events (HE) is arguably one of the most puzzling climate phenomena ever discovered in paleoclimate archives. Here, we set out to elucidate the underlying dynamics by conducting a transient global hindcast simulation with a 3-dimensional intermediate complexity Earth system model covering the period 50 ka BP to 30 ka BP. The model is forced by time-varying external boundary conditions (greenhouse gases, orbital forcing, and ice sheet orography and albedo) and anomalous North Atlantic freshwater fluxes, which mimic the effects of changing Northern Hemisphere ice-volume on millennial timescales. Together these forcings generate a realistic global climate trajectory, as demonstrated by an extensive model/paleo data comparison. Our analysis is consistent with the idea that variations in ice sheet calving and related changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation were the main drivers for the continuum of DO and HE variability seen in paleorecords across the globe.


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