独轮车上的博导分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/yanjx45 狂犬病、流感、结核病和人类遗传学科普园地。 提供根治 “狂犬病恐惧症” 的灵丹妙药。 奉献在中国彻底消除狂犬病的锦囊妙计。



已有 27372 次阅读 2013-11-28 15:48 |个人分类:狂犬病防治|系统分类:科普集锦| 美国, 回复, CDC, 狂犬, ∽?

博友mz91 向美国CDC的狂犬病专家Sergio Recuenco 博士咨询狂犬病毒抗体能不能彻底清除侵入人眼睛里的狂犬病毒,Recuenco 博士的回复是充分肯定的:

The PEP interrupts such migration and will result in destruction of the virus inoculated in the current exposure, disregarding the entry point.



以下是mz91咨询和Recuenco 博士回信的原文和参考译文:


[15587]mz91  2013-11-2700:37



Dear doctor I want to ask you a question about rabies. The question is as follows. Can the rabies virus antibody in the human body kill all the rabies virus in a person's eyes? My situation is that some saliva of a rabid dog got directly into my eyes one month ago , and I was given rabies vaccine in my local CDC at once. Now I am certain that I have enough rabies virus antibody in my body for I had detection of serum antibody by RFFIT after given all the rabies vaccine. But some people say that the rabies virus antibody in the human body can not kill all the rabies virus in a person's eyes. And some people say that whether the rabies virus antibody in the human body can kill all the rabies virus in a person's eyes or not is uncertain at present. I am anxious about it and I do not know the scientific and correct conclusions, so I write this email to ask you for help. I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much!!!

我(mz91 自己提供的译文


美国CDC Dr. Sergio Recuenco)的回复:
       We appreciate your concerns and I hope the answer below satisfies your consultation.

By your email Iunderstand you had a rabies exposure, and you were administered a completerabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), including human rabies immunoglobulin(one dose calculated by body weight on day 0, probably given in several shotsthe same day) and a total of 4 doses of rabies vaccine administered and days 0,3, 7 and 14 of the start of vaccination.
   If the PEP was given correctly and the RFFIT values (antibody titers) after completion  of the vaccination is adequate, then that means your immune system is able to produce the needed antibodies to prevent rabies successfully.

The rabies virus has affinity with nervous tissue and will migrate using the nervous tissue cells towards the brain, contamination of mucosae (such as the walls of mouth/oral cavity, nose, and eyes ) are of concern for the possibility of inflammation or openings (e.g. cuts, scratches) that will easily allow entry ofthe rabies virus to the nervous endings present there, and for the close proximity with the brain. However, an intact mucosae is not expected to allowentry of the virus, but that could be hard to determine, and PEP can beindicated in potential rabies exposures to mucosae.  If the exposure involves the eye,  then the virus is expected to follow their attemptto reach the brain. The PEP interrupts such migration and will result in destruction of the virus inoculated in the current exposure, disregarding theentry point.
   Additionally, I would like to say that if in the future you are exposed again to rabies you will only need 2 booster doses of the rabies vaccine, as indicated for patient that received a full PEP in the past.
   Thanks for your consultation.

   Best regards,

          Dr. Sergio Recuenco
          Rabies Program-CDC








博主回复 (2013-11-27  08:40)

   Dr. SergioRecuenco 的回复讲得很好。你能将信件译成中文让更多英文不太好的人分享吗?


附:mz91 的再次留言  

[15619]mz91  2013-11-2801:41

尊敬的严老师您好!我是下面的 15587楼,我的英文也不好,只是知道邮件的大概意思,很多地方不知道怎么翻译才妥当,因此,请严老师有空给出专业的翻译,并且恳请老师能写一篇博文,来从整体上正确地认识抗体能不能彻底清除眼睛里的狂犬病毒这个问题,让大家对狂犬病有科学正确的认识,不再受错误的观点所误导,不再恐惧狂犬病!我附上我的提问的中文翻译,也翻译得不太好,如有不妥当的,请老师帮我纠正过来,真诚地从内心感谢严老师!!!


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