Nuclear Science and Techniques分享 NST报道核科学与技术研究领域的科学发现、技术创新和重要成果



已有 1819 次阅读 2022-12-1 23:13 |系统分类:论文交流

Article title:Rapid interrogation of special nuclear materials by combining scattering and transmission nuclearresonance fluorescence spectroscopy



One sentence summary:


The study proposes a feasible and rapid method to detect special nuclear materials (SNMs) in case of smuggling to improve homeland security.




The Novelty(What)


This study proposed an improvement to the existing special nuclear materials (SNMs) detection models by combining two spectroscopy techniques, i.e., scattering nuclear resonance fluorescence (sNRF) and transmission-NRF-based computed tomography (tNRF-CT). The combination enabled the proposed detector to identify isotopic composition and spatial distribution of 235,238U when concealed in a 3-cm diameter iron rod. The outcome indicated a shortened interrogation time by one order of magnitude, making it a more rapid and sensitive option than current tNRF-CTapproach. Thus, the successful attempt of the proposed model in lowering the missed-detection rate within a realistic interrogation time would be of great value to upgrade national and global security systems.


The Background(Why)


The integrity of global security has constantly been threatened due to the potential smuggling of special nuclear materials (SNMs) acrossborders and through ports of entry. As a matter of fact, the Incident Trafficking Database developed by the International Atomic EnergyAgency has reported several hundred incidents of illicit trafficking and malicioususe of certain nuclear and radioactive materials. Existing passive detection systems are ineffective when the interrogated SNMs are shielded, considering the low spontaneous radiation intensity and energy emitted in most cases. Therefore, this study proposed an active detection technique that uses external radiation sources to develop a more accurate, effective, and practicalapproach to non-destructively inspect SNMs, especially uranium.


The SDG impact(Big Why)


International organizations such as the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) in the U.S. and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) are constantly trying to strengthen global security against threats, one of which is nuclear terrorism. Hazardous nuclear materials falling into the wrong hands could lead to catastrophic events ranging from poisoning and radiation burns to nuclear attacks. To prevent such incidents, security systems need to be constantly upgraded, especially in terms of material inspections at borders, ports, and checkpoints. This study proposed a feasible technique to improve the non-destructive inspection capability of special nuclear material (SNM) through an innovative combination of imaging technologies. The outcome indicates that integration of such techniques could be beneficial to strengthening national and international security systems against nuclear smuggling, in extension, maintaining world peace. (UNSDG 9: Innovation, industry and infrastructure; UNSDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions)


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