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特刊文章锦集荐读 | 新兴系统和应用的计算智能

已有 2336 次阅读 2020-12-23 15:13 |个人分类:文章荐读|系统分类:论文交流


Computational Intelligence for Emerging Systems and Applications


Guest Editors:Javier Montero,Tianrui Li,Yun Li






1.  Further complete solutions to four open problems on filter of logical algebras


Wei Wang, Pengxi Yang, Yang Xu

Pages: 359 - 366


2. A new algorithm of mining high utility sequential pattern in streaming data

微信图片_202012231008591.pngHuijun Tang, Yangguang Liu, Le Wang

Pages: 342 - 350


3. A validation approach for real-time ontology based DBMS

Wided Ben Abid, Mohamed Ben Ahmed Mhiri, 微信图片_202012231008592.pngMalek Ben Salem, Emna Bouazizi, Faiez Gargouri

Pages: 311 - 317


4. Fusion of measures for image segmentation evaluation


Macmillan Simfukwe, Bo Peng, Tianrui Li

Pages: 379 - 386


5. A new edge detection method based on global evaluation using supervised classification algorithms


Pablo A. Flores-Vidal, Guillermo Villarino, Daniel Gómez, Javier Montero

Pages: 367 - 378


6. An empirical study for enhanced software defect prediction using a learning-based framework

微信图片_202012231008595.pngKamal Bashir, Tianrui Li, Chubato Wondaferaw Yohannese

Pages: 282 - 298


7. Enactment of ensemble learning for review pam detection on selected features

微信图片_202012231008596.pngFaisal Khurshid, Yan Zhu, Zhuang Xu, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muqeet Ahmad

Pages: 387 - 394


8. Multimodal emotion recognition method based on convolutional auto-encoder

微信图片_202012231008597.pngJian Zhou, Xianwei Wei, Chunling Cheng, Qidong Yang, Qun Li

Pages: 351 - 358


9. A new rewarding mechanism for branching heuristic in SAT solvers

微信图片_202012231008598.pngWenjing Chang, Yang Xu, Shuwei Chen

Pages: 334 - 341



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[23] F. Klurshid, Y Zhu, Z Xu, M. Ahmad, M. Ahmad, Enactment of ensemble learning for review pam detection on selected features, Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst. 12 (2019), pp. 387–394.

[24] J. Zhou, X. Wei, C. Cheng, Q. Yang, Q. Li, Multimodal emotion recognition method based on convolutional auto-encoder, Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst. 12 (2019), 351–358.

[25] W. Chang, Y Xu, S. Chen, A new rewarding mechanism for branching heuristic in SAT solvers, Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst. 12 (2019), 334–341



Impact Factor: 1.838, CiteScore: 3.59

International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems(IJCIS)是欧洲模糊逻辑和技术学(EUSFLAT)会刊,主要刊载有关应用计算智能各个方面的原创性研究,尤其是针对证明使用了计算智能理论的技术和方法的研究型论文及综述等,由西班牙哈恩大学Luis Martínez Lopez教授和澳大利亚悉尼科技大学路节教授担任共同主编。本刊目前已被DOAJ, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Ei Compendex and Scopus等数据库收录。

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