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Yucong Duan \'s Critique of Mathematic with Heidegger(初学者版)

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Prof. Yucong Duan's Critique of Traditional Mathematics in Light of Martin Heidegger's Philosophy

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    • 1.1. Overview of Prof. Yucong Duan's Proposal

    • 1.2. Martin Heidegger's Philosophy on Abstraction and Reality

    • 1.3. Objective of the Analysis

  2. Prof. Yucong Duan's Critique of Traditional Mathematics

    • 2.1. Abstraction Away from Semantics

    • 2.2. The Third-Party Viewpoint and Objectiveness

    • 2.3. Mathematics as a Product of Human Cognition

    • 2.4. Semantics as the Foundation of Mathematics

    • 2.5. Evolutionary Construction of Mathematics

    • 2.6. Addressing the Paradox in AI Semantics

  3. Martin Heidegger's Philosophy on Abstraction and Reality

    • 3.1. The Limits of Abstraction

    • 3.2. Being and Dasein

    • 3.3. The Role of Language and Semantics

  4. Connecting Duan's Proposals with Heidegger's Philosophy

    • 4.1. Shared Critique of Abstraction

    • 4.2. Emphasis on Semantics and Meaning

    • 4.3. The First-Person Perspective and Subjectivity

  5. Implications for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence

    • 5.1. Redefining Mathematical Foundations

    • 5.2. Enhancing AI Development through Semantics

    • 5.3. Modeling Human Cognitive Processes

    • 5.4. Ethical Considerations

  6. Challenges and Criticisms

    • 6.1. Practical Implementation Difficulties

    • 6.2. Potential Resistance from the Mathematical Community

    • 6.3. Balancing Objectivity and Subjectivity

  7. Conclusion

    • 7.1. Summary of Key Insights

    • 7.2. Future Directions for Research

  8. References

1. Introduction1.1. Overview of Prof. Yucong Duan's Proposal

Prof. Yucong Duan proposes a revolutionary approach to mathematics, emphasizing that traditional mathematics, which relies heavily on abstraction from reality, is fundamentally misaligned with the pursuit of real-world semantics. His Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) Semantic Mathematics framework aims to integrate semantics and human cognitive processes into mathematical constructs, challenging long-held paradigms in mathematics and artificial intelligence (AI).

1.2. Martin Heidegger's Philosophy on Abstraction and Reality

Martin Heidegger, a prominent 20th-century philosopher, critiqued the over-reliance on abstraction in Western thought. He argued that consecutive abstraction distances us from the true essence of reality, or "Being." Heidegger emphasized the importance of grounding understanding in Dasein (being-there), the human experience of existence.

1.3. Objective of the Analysis

This analysis aims to investigate Prof. Duan's critique of traditional mathematics and explore how his proposals align with Heidegger's philosophy. By examining the parallels between their views, we seek to understand the implications for mathematics, AI development, and the pursuit of reality through mathematical means.

2. Prof. Yucong Duan's Critique of Traditional Mathematics2.1. Abstraction Away from Semantics

Opinion: Traditional mathematics abstracts away from real-world semantics, focusing on pure forms and structures detached from meanings.


  • Loss of Meaning: By prioritizing abstraction, mathematics often neglects the semantic content essential for genuine understanding.

  • Impact on AI: This detachment hinders AI development, as AI systems require semantic grounding to interpret and interact meaningfully with the world.

Conclusion: Mathematics should not distance itself from semantics; instead, it should embrace semantic content to represent reality accurately.

2.2. The Third-Party Viewpoint and Objectiveness

Opinion: Mathematics is traditionally developed from a third-party perspective to achieve objectivity, avoiding subjectiveness.


  • Neglect of Subjectivity: This approach overlooks the subjective experiences inherent in human cognition.

  • Misalignment with Reality: Since human understanding is both subjective and objective, excluding subjectivity creates an incomplete representation of reality.

Conclusion: Mathematics should incorporate the first-person perspective, acknowledging subjectivity to align more closely with real-world semantics.

2.3. Mathematics as a Product of Human Cognition

Opinion: Mathematics results from human thought and cognitive processes; thus, human interaction should not be excluded from its development.


  • Cognitive Foundations: Mathematical concepts originate from human experiences and mental constructs.

  • Holistic Understanding: Excluding cognitive aspects ignores the processes that give rise to mathematical ideas.

Conclusion: Abstraction should consider human cognition explicitly, integrating it into mathematical frameworks.

2.4. Semantics as the Foundation of Mathematics

Opinion: Semantics should take precedence over pure mathematical forms, which are merely representations intended to convey meanings.


  • Form vs. Meaning: Prioritizing form over semantics leads to models disconnected from the realities they aim to represent.

  • Effective Communication: Grounding mathematics in semantics enhances clarity and applicability.

Conclusion: Mathematics must be rooted in fundamental semantics to ensure constructs are meaningful and relevant.

2.5. Evolutionary Construction of Mathematics

Opinion: The DIKWP framework should be constructed evolutionarily, mirroring how infants understand the world.


  • Natural Progression: An evolutionary approach reflects the natural development of human cognition.

  • Minimizing Misunderstandings: When concepts evolve from basic semantics, they are more universally understandable.

Conclusion: Building mathematics upon evolutionary semantics allows for more effective modeling of human cognition.

2.6. Addressing the Paradox in AI Semantics

Opinion: There's a paradox in traditional mathematics where abstract methods undermine the goal of achieving real semantics in AI.


  • Conflict of Means and Ends: Using abstraction to achieve semantic-rich AI creates a fundamental conflict.

  • Limitations in AI Understanding: This paradox limits AI's capacity to understand and interact meaningfully with the world.

Conclusion: Aligning mathematics with fundamental semantics and human cognition resolves this paradox.

3. Martin Heidegger's Philosophy on Abstraction and Reality3.1. The Limits of Abstraction

Critique of Western Metaphysics:

  • Heidegger argued that Western philosophy's focus on abstraction and theoretical constructs leads to a forgetting of Being.

  • Abstraction as Concealment: Excessive abstraction conceals the true nature of reality by detaching concepts from lived experience.

3.2. Being and Dasein

Concept of Dasein:

  • Dasein refers to human existence or "being-there," emphasizing that understanding arises from our engagement with the world.

  • Being-in-the-World: Heidegger emphasized the inseparability of the individual and their environment, highlighting the importance of context.

3.3. The Role of Language and Semantics

Language as the House of Being:

  • Heidegger viewed language as essential to revealing Being.

  • Semantics and Meaning: Words and meanings are not mere labels but are integral to understanding existence.

4. Connecting Duan's Proposals with Heidegger's Philosophy4.1. Shared Critique of Abstraction

Both Duan and Heidegger critique the overemphasis on abstraction:

  • Duan: Argues that abstraction away from semantics hinders true understanding in mathematics and AI.

  • Heidegger: Believes abstraction leads to a loss of connection with Being and authentic existence.

4.2. Emphasis on Semantics and Meaning

Alignment on Semantics:

  • Duan: Proposes that mathematics should be grounded in semantics to represent reality effectively.

  • Heidegger: Emphasizes that language and semantics are central to unveiling the nature of Being.

4.3. The First-Person Perspective and Subjectivity

Integration of Subjectivity:

  • Duan: Advocates for including the first-person perspective in mathematics to reflect human cognition.

  • Heidegger: Highlights that understanding arises from individual existence (Dasein) and subjective experience.

Conclusion: Both propose that incorporating subjectivity leads to a more authentic and meaningful engagement with reality.

5. Implications for Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence5.1. Redefining Mathematical Foundations

Shift in Mathematical Paradigms:

  • Incorporating semantics requires rethinking mathematical constructs to include meaning and context.

  • Potential Benefits:

    • Enhanced applicability to real-world problems.

    • Improved communication of mathematical concepts.

5.2. Enhancing AI Development through Semantics

Addressing Limitations in AI:

  • Semantic Grounding: AI systems with semantic understanding can interpret data more meaningfully.

  • Improved Interactions: AI can engage with human users more naturally, understanding nuances and contexts.

5.3. Modeling Human Cognitive Processes

Evolutionary Approach:

  • Mirroring Cognitive Development: Modeling AI development on human cognitive growth can lead to systems that think more like humans.

  • Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP):

    • Data: Raw inputs from the environment.

    • Information: Organized data with context.

    • Knowledge: Internalized information forming understanding.

    • Wisdom: Deep insights and judgments.

    • Purpose: Goals guiding actions and thought processes.

Application in AI:

  • AI systems can be designed to progress through these stages, leading to more advanced and conscious-like behaviors.

5.4. Ethical Considerations

Integrating Ethics into AI:

  • As AI systems become more advanced, ethical considerations become paramount.

  • Responsible AI Development:

    • Ensuring AI aligns with human values.

    • Preventing unintended consequences.

6. Challenges and Criticisms6.1. Practical Implementation Difficulties

Complexity of Semantics:

  • Ambiguity: Semantics can be context-dependent and subjective, making formalization challenging.

  • Computational Resources: Modeling semantics may require significant computational power.

6.2. Potential Resistance from the Mathematical Community

Tradition vs. Innovation:

  • Conservatism in Mathematics: The mathematical community may resist fundamental changes to established paradigms.

  • Need for Validation: Duan's proposals require rigorous testing and validation within the mathematical framework.

6.3. Balancing Objectivity and Subjectivity

Maintaining Rigor:

  • Objective Standards: Mathematics is valued for its objectivity and precision.

  • Incorporating Subjectivity: Finding a balance between subjective semantics and objective rigor is essential.

7. Conclusion7.1. Summary of Key Insights
  • Alignment with Heidegger: Prof. Duan's critique of abstraction in mathematics parallels Heidegger's philosophy on the limitations of abstraction in pursuing reality.

  • Semantics as Central: Both emphasize the importance of semantics and meaning in understanding reality.

  • Implications for AI: Integrating semantics into mathematics could significantly enhance AI's ability to comprehend and interact with the world.

7.2. Future Directions for Research
  • Developing Formal Frameworks: Creating mathematical models that integrate semantics effectively.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Combining insights from philosophy, cognitive science, and computer science.

  • Ethical Guidelines: Establishing ethical standards for AI systems developed using this new framework.

8. References
  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".

  3. Heidegger, M. (1927). Being and Time. (Translated by John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson). Harper & Row.

  4. Heidegger, M. (1959). An Introduction to Metaphysics. (Translated by Ralph Manheim). Yale University Press.

  5. Smith, D. W. (2007). Husserl. Routledge.

  6. Winograd, T., & Flores, F. (1986). Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design. Ablex Publishing.

  7. Searle, J. R. (1980). "Minds, Brains, and Programs." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3(3), 417-424.

Final Thoughts

The exploration of Prof. Yucong Duan's critique of traditional mathematics in light of Martin Heidegger's philosophy reveals a shared concern about the limitations of abstraction and the neglect of semantics. By proposing a mathematics grounded in semantics and human cognition, Duan offers a pathway that could potentially revolutionize AI development and deepen our understanding of reality. While challenges exist, the integration of these ideas could lead to significant advancements in how we model, interpret, and engage with the world.

Disclaimer: This analysis is based on the provided material and aims to reflect Prof. Yucong Duan's perspectives in conjunction with Martin Heidegger's philosophy. For a comprehensive understanding, readers are encouraged to consult the original works of both authors.


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