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Tables of Conceptual Space, Semantic Space, Cognitive (初学者版)

已有 676 次阅读 2024-11-2 16:20 |系统分类:论文交流

Tables of Conceptual Space, Semantic Space, Cognitive Space, and Conscious Space

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


To enhance understanding and provide clarity, we will present detailed tables that summarize the modeling of the mutual expressing capabilities among the Conceptual Space (ConC), Semantic Space (SemA), Cognitive Space (ConN), and Conscious Space, using the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) mathematical model. We will explicitly distinguish between DIKWP concepts and DIKWP semantics in each table.

Table 1: Overview of Spaces and DIKWP Components
SpaceDIKWP FocusDIKWP ConceptsDIKWP Semantics
Conceptual Space (ConC)Data (D), Knowledge (K)Definitions, structures of data and knowledge (e.g., concepts, nodes, relationships)Symbolic representations without inherent meanings
Semantic Space (SemA)Information (I)Meanings derived from data conceptsContextual interpretations and associations of concepts
Cognitive Space (ConN)Transformations among D, I, K, WCognitive functions and processes (e.g., transformations, operations)Dynamic interpretation and manipulation of meanings
Conscious SpaceWisdom (W), Purpose (P)Emergent understanding, ethical reasoning, goal alignmentSubjective experiences and ethical considerations guiding actions
Table 2: Mapping Functions and Their Roles
Mapping/FunctionMathematical RepresentationFrom SpaceTo SpaceRole
Semantic Assignment (ϕ\phiϕ)ϕ:C→S\phi: C \rightarrow Sϕ:CSConC (Concepts)SemA (Semantics)Assigns meanings to concepts
Extraction Function (ψ\psiψ)ψ:S→C\psi: S \rightarrow Cψ:SCSemA (Semantics)ConC (Concepts)Extracts concepts from semantics
Cognitive Function (fif_ifi)fi:S→If_i: S \rightarrow Ifi:SI or fi:S→Kf_i: S \rightarrow Kfi:SKSemA (Semantics)ConN (Concepts/Semantics)Processes meanings to generate information or knowledge
Generation Function (ggg)g:I or K→S′g: I \text{ or } K \rightarrow S'g:I or KSConN (Concepts/Semantics)SemA (Semantics)Generates new semantics from cognitive processing
Consciousness Function (Φ\PhiΦ)Φ:FConN→W\Phi: F_{\text{ConN}} \rightarrow WΦ:FConNWConN (Cognitive Functions)Conscious Space (Wisdom)Emergence of wisdom and conscious understanding
Modulation Function (Θ\ThetaΘ)Θ:W→FConN′\Theta: W \rightarrow F_{\text{ConN}}'Θ:WFConNConscious Space (Wisdom)ConN (Cognitive Functions)Adjusts cognitive functions based on conscious insights
Abstraction Function (κ\kappaκ)κ:FConN→C′\kappa: F_{\text{ConN}} \rightarrow C'κ:FConNCConN (Cognitive Functions)ConC (Concepts)Abstracts cognitive processes into new concepts
Purpose Alignment Function (TW→PT_{\text{W→P}}TW→P)TW→P:W→PT_{\text{W→P}}: W \rightarrow PTW→P:WPConscious Space (Wisdom)Purpose (P)Aligns wisdom with goals and objectives
Table 3: Distinction Between DIKWP Concepts and Semantics in Each Space
SpaceDIKWP ConceptsDIKWP Semantics
Conceptual Space (ConC)- Definitions of data and knowledge elements- Structural relationships (nodes and edges)- Symbols without inherent meanings- Abstract representations
Semantic Space (SemA)- Meanings assigned to concepts- Contextual information- Interpretations and associations- Dynamic meanings derived from context
Cognitive Space (ConN)- Cognitive functions and processes- Transformation operations- Dynamic manipulation of meanings- Interpretations leading to new understanding
Conscious Space- Emergent wisdom and ethical reasoning- Alignment with purpose- Subjective experiences- Ethical considerations guiding decisions
Table 4: Mutual Expressing Capabilities Among Spaces
From SpaceTo SpaceMapping/FunctionDIKWP Concepts InvolvedDIKWP Semantics Involved
ConCSemASemantic Assignment (ϕ\phiϕ)Concepts CCCMeanings SSS assigned to concepts
SemAConCExtraction Function (ψ\psiψ)Concepts CCC extracted from semanticsSemantics SSS providing context for concept extraction
SemAConNCognitive Function (fif_ifi)Cognitive functions fif_ifi processing semanticsMeanings SSS being transformed into information III or knowledge KKK
ConNSemAGeneration Function (ggg)Information III, Knowledge KKK producing new semanticsNew semantics S′S'S generated from cognitive processing
ConNConscious SpaceConsciousness Function (Φ\PhiΦ)Cognitive functions FConNF_{\text{ConN}}FConNEmergent wisdom WWW integrating ethical considerations
Conscious SpaceConNModulation Function (Θ\ThetaΘ)Adjusted cognitive functions FConN′F_{\text{ConN}}'FConNWisdom WWW influencing cognitive processing
ConNConCAbstraction Function (κ\kappaκ)New concepts C′C'C derived from cognitive processesAbstracted meanings contributing to concept formation
Conscious SpacePurpose (P)Purpose Alignment (TW→PT_{\text{W→P}}TW→P)Action plans aligned with wisdomEthical and purposeful semantics guiding actions
Table 5: Limitations and Challenges in Mutual Expressions
InteractionLimitationsImpact on DIKWP ConceptsImpact on DIKWP Semantics
ConC ↔ SemA- Ambiguity in mapping concepts to semantics- Information loss in inverse mapping- Potential confusion in concept definitions- Loss of semantic nuances- Reduced clarity in meanings
SemA ↔ ConN- Complex transformations- Representational differences- Cognitive functions may not capture all concept details- Semantics may change unpredictably- Difficulty in interpretation
ConN ↔ Conscious Space- Subjectivity of conscious experiences- Non-linear influence on cognition- Cognitive processes may not fully explain consciousness- Ethical considerations may be hard to formalize
ConN ↔ ConC- Abstraction may omit procedural details- Static concepts may not capture dynamics- New concepts may lack depth- Incomplete representation of processes- Semantics may not reflect dynamic changes- Potential oversimplification
Table 6: Example of AI-Powered Decision Support SystemA. Concepts and Semantics in Each Space
SpaceDIKWP ConceptsDIKWP Semantics
ConC- "Market Data", "Ethical Guidelines", "Risk Assessment"- Nodes and relationships in knowledge graphs- Definitions without context- Structural representations
SemA- Meanings of market trends- Ethical implications in contexts- Interpretation of market data- Cultural considerations
ConN- Cognitive functions like fAnalysisf_{\text{Analysis}}fAnalysis, fDecisionf_{\text{Decision}}fDecision- Processing of meanings to generate insights- Dynamic reasoning
Conscious Space- Emergent wisdom wRecommendationw_{\text{Recommendation}}wRecommendation- Ethical decision-making- Ethical significance of recommendations- Alignment with long-term goals
B. Mapping Functions Applied
FunctionApplication in ExampleResult
ϕ\phiϕϕ("Market Data")=sMarket Data\phi(\text{"Market Data"}) = s_{\text{Market Data}}ϕ("Market Data")=sMarket DataAssigns meaning to "Market Data" concept
fAnalysisf_{\text{Analysis}}fAnalysisfAnalysis(sMarket Trends)=iInsightsf_{\text{Analysis}}(s_{\text{Market Trends}}) = i_{\text{Insights}}fAnalysis(sMarket Trends)=iInsightsProcesses market trends semantics to generate insights
Φ\PhiΦwRecommendation=Φ(fDecision)w_{\text{Recommendation}} = \Phi(f_{\text{Decision}})wRecommendation=Φ(fDecision)Emergence of wisdom from decision function
TW→PT_{\text{W→P}}TW→PpAction Plan=TW→P(wRecommendation)p_{\text{Action Plan}} = T_{\text{W→P}}(w_{\text{Recommendation}})pAction Plan=TW→P(wRecommendation)Aligns wisdom with purpose to create an action plan
C. Distinctions in the Example
AspectDIKWP ConceptDIKWP Semantics
"Market Data"Defined term representing collected dataMeaning indicating consumer behavior trends
Cognitive Function fAnalysisf_{\text{Analysis}}fAnalysisProcess that analyzes semantics to produce insightsInterpretation of market trends leading to actionable information
Wisdom wRecommendationw_{\text{Recommendation}}wRecommendationEmergent understanding guiding decisionsEthical implications and long-term impact of recommendations
Action Plan pAction Planp_{\text{Action Plan}}pAction PlanStructured plan derived from wisdom and purposeIntended outcomes aligned with goals and ethical considerations
Table 7: Key Takeaways
Clear Distinction Enhances ModelingDifferentiating between concepts and semantics improves clarity
Mappings Connect Spaces Through DIKWP ComponentsFunctions and mappings transform concepts and semantics across spaces
Limitations Highlight Modeling ChallengesRecognizing limitations aids in refining models and approaches
DIKWP Framework Integrates Cognitive ProcessesProvides a structured approach to model complex interactions
Ethical Considerations are Central in Conscious SpaceWisdom and purpose guide actions with ethical implications


By presenting detailed tables, we have clarified the mutual expressing capabilities among the spaces using the DIKWP mathematical model, explicitly distinguishing between DIKWP concepts and DIKWP semantics. The tables highlight:

  • The roles and interactions of each space within the DIKWP framework.

  • The mathematical functions and mappings that enable transformations between concepts and semantics.

  • The limitations and challenges inherent in modeling these complex interactions.

  • An example that illustrates how these concepts and semantics manifest in a practical application.

Understanding these distinctions and relationships is crucial for:

  • Developing AI systems that effectively integrate data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose.

  • Modeling cognitive processes with precision and clarity.

  • Addressing ethical considerations in decision-making processes.

References for Further Study

  • Duan, Y. (Year). Relevant publications on DIKWP Semantic Mathematics and cognitive modeling.

  • Cognitive Science Literature: Exploring the role of concepts and semantics in cognition.

  • Artificial Intelligence Texts: For understanding cognitive functions and AI system design.

  • Ethics in AI: Guidelines and discussions on integrating ethical considerations in AI systems.

Note: The mathematical representations and functions provided are conceptual and serve to illustrate the relationships among the spaces within the DIKWP framework. Actual implementations may require more detailed and context-specific mathematical formulations.

References for Further Reading

  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".


上一篇:Toward Artificial Consciousness with ConC, SemA, ConN(初学者版)
下一篇:Expressing Capabilities Among 4 Spaces with DIKWP Math(初学者版)
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