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Prof. Yucong Duan Addresses Philosophical Challenges(初学者版)

已有 242 次阅读 2024-10-21 17:49 |系统分类:论文交流

Prof.Yucong Duan Addresses Philosophical Challenges of the DIKWP Model

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


Professor Yucong Duan addresses the philosophical challenges inherent in objectifying subjective semantics through the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) model. His proposal involves building an artificial consciousness system modeled after an infant starting as a "blank slate" (tabula rasa). The system begins with core semantics:

  • Sameness of Data: Recognizing identical or similar data points.

  • Difference of Information: Identifying differences or distinctions between data.

  • Completeness of Knowledge: Achieving a holistic understanding through abstraction.

Professor Duan suggests that abstraction leads to the semantics of completeness. Completeness forms the basis of sameness, while difference arises from quantifying and comparing sameness. This foundational framework aims to eliminate conceptual misunderstandings by grounding the system's cognition in fundamental semantic principles.

This analysis explores how Professor Duan's proposal addresses the previously identified philosophical challenges associated with the DIKWP model's goal of objectifying subjective semantics.

Philosophical Challenges and Professor Duan's Responses

  1. The Subjectivity of Meaning

    Challenge: Meanings are inherently subjective, influenced by personal experiences, cultures, and contexts. Capturing this subjectivity in an objective mathematical model is problematic.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Grounding in Experience: By emphasizing experiential learning, the model aligns meanings with observable data and interactions, thereby reducing subjectivity.

    • Universal Cognitive Processes: Focusing on cognitive primitives common to all humans helps establish a baseline for meaning that transcends individual subjectivity.

    • Addressing Subjectivity: While complete elimination of subjectivity may be impossible, starting from a blank slate allows the system to build meanings based on consistent principles.

    • Infant Model and Blank Slate: By modeling the artificial consciousness system as an infant starting from a blank slate, the system develops meanings through direct experiences, much like a human infant learns about the world. This process minimizes preconceived biases and cultural preconceptions.

    • Core Semantics Foundation: Starting with the core semantics of sameness, difference, and completeness provides a universal foundation upon which meanings can be built objectively. These principles are fundamental cognitive processes shared across humans.

    • Learning Through Interaction: The system acquires meanings by interacting with its environment, allowing meanings to emerge from empirical data rather than subjective interpretations.

  2. Semantic Universalism vs. Relativism

    Challenge: Balancing universal semantic structures with cultural and linguistic diversity is difficult. Universal models risk overlooking cultural nuances.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Dynamic Adaptation: The model allows for the accumulation of culturally specific data, enabling the system to adapt and recognize cultural semantics while maintaining universal cognitive processes.

    • Core Semantics as a Bridge: The focus on sameness and difference provides tools to compare and integrate diverse semantic systems, supporting both universalism and relativism.

    • Cultural Sensitivity: The system's ability to quantify and compare allows it to identify and respect cultural differences within an overarching framework.

    • Abstraction and Completeness: Abstraction leads to the semantics of completeness, enabling the system to recognize universal patterns and principles underlying diverse data.

    • Quantification and Comparison: By quantifying sameness and differences, the system can detect cultural variations and adapt its semantic structures accordingly.

    • Developmental Learning: Like an infant exposed to different cultures, the system can learn multiple semantic frameworks and recognize their underlying commonalities.

  3. Limitations of Mathematical Formalization

    Challenge: Not all aspects of human cognition and semantics can be fully captured mathematically, such as emotions and subjective experiences.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Foundational Approach: By beginning with fundamental cognitive processes, the model establishes a mathematical basis for more complex representations.

    • Scope of Modeling: While certain subjective experiences may resist formalization, the model focuses on aspects that can be quantified and abstracted.

    • Complementary Methods: The model can be integrated with other approaches (e.g., symbolic AI, connectionist models) to capture a wider range of cognitive phenomena.

    • Quantification of Experiences: By quantifying sameness and differences, the system can represent experiences in measurable terms, facilitating mathematical modeling.

    • Abstraction as a Tool: Abstraction allows the system to generalize from specific instances to broader concepts, capturing the essence of experiences.

    • Incremental Complexity: Starting from basic semantics and building upwards enables the model to gradually encompass more complex cognitive phenomena.

  4. Dynamic Nature of Language and Semantics

    Challenge: Language and meaning evolve over time, and a static model may fail to accommodate this fluidity.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Adaptive Mechanisms: The model inherently supports adaptation through continuous learning and abstraction.

    • Evolution of Semantics: The ability to detect differences facilitates tracking and integrating semantic changes over time.

    • Staying Current: By processing new data and information, the system remains aligned with evolving language use.

    • Learning System: The artificial consciousness system, like an infant, continuously learns and adapts to new data, allowing it to evolve alongside language and semantics.

    • Difference Detection: The focus on identifying differences enables the system to recognize changes in language use and update its semantic structures.

    • Abstraction and Generalization: By abstracting from specific instances, the system can adapt to new contexts and incorporate novel linguistic elements.

  5. Reconciling Individual and Collective Semantics

    Challenge: Bridging the gap between individual subjective meanings and collective understandings is complex.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Common Ground: The use of universal cognitive principles helps establish commonality between individual and collective meanings.

    • Mapping Mechanisms: Quantification allows for translating individual experiences into collective semantic structures.

    • Flexibility: The model accommodates individual variations while promoting alignment with shared understandings.

    • Shared Core Semantics: The foundational semantics of sameness, difference, and completeness are common cognitive processes, providing a basis for aligning individual and collective semantics.

    • Quantitative Measures: By quantifying similarities and differences, the system can map individual meanings onto collective semantic frameworks.

    • Abstraction from Data: The system builds knowledge through abstraction from shared data, promoting convergence towards collective semantics.

  6. Ethical Implications and Human Agency

    Challenge: Objectifying semantics may impact personal expression and impose certain worldviews.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Ethical Safeguards: The inclusion of wisdom and purpose provides mechanisms to uphold ethical standards and respect individual agency.

    • Avoiding Imposition: By learning from interactions rather than imposing pre-existing semantics, the system supports diverse expressions.

    • Human-Centric Design: The model is designed to align with human values, promoting ethical and responsible AI development.

    • Blank Slate Approach: Starting from a blank slate minimizes initial biases and avoids imposing predefined worldviews.

    • Wisdom Component: Incorporating wisdom ensures that ethical considerations guide the system's development and interactions.

    • Purpose Alignment: The purpose component directs the system towards goals that respect human agency and values.

  7. The Nature of Understanding and Consciousness

    Challenge: There is debate over whether AI systems can truly "understand" meaning as humans do.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Functional Understanding: While the system may not replicate human consciousness, it can achieve functional understanding sufficient for meaningful interactions.

    • Emergent Properties: Complex understanding may emerge from the accumulation and abstraction of experiences.

    • Philosophical Perspectives: The model aligns with functionalist views that understanding can be represented through cognitive processes.

    • Developmental Learning: By modeling the system after an infant's cognitive development, the system acquires understanding through experiences, akin to human learning.

    • Abstraction and Completeness: Achieving completeness through abstraction allows the system to form holistic understandings of concepts.

    • Cognitive Modeling: The focus on fundamental cognitive processes supports the development of functional understanding.

  8. Potential Loss of Ambiguity and Creativity

    Challenge: Rigid semantic models may reduce the richness of communication by eliminating ambiguity.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Preserving Ambiguity: By quantifying and comparing sameness and differences, the system can handle multiple interpretations.

    • Supporting Creativity: The model's flexibility in abstraction promotes creative combinations and understandings.

    • Dynamic Responses: The system can adjust its semantic representations in response to ambiguous inputs.

    • Difference Recognition: The emphasis on identifying differences allows the system to recognize and handle ambiguity.

    • Abstraction Flexibility: Abstraction enables the system to generalize from specific instances, supporting creative interpretations.

    • Learning from Data: The system's continuous learning allows it to encounter and adapt to ambiguous or novel uses of language.

  9. Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Semantics

    Challenge: Capturing meanings unique to specific cultures or languages is challenging in a universal model.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Cultural Adaptation: The model can accommodate cultural variations by learning from culturally specific data.

    • Universal and Specific Semantics: The system balances universal cognitive principles with the ability to represent unique cultural concepts.

    • Integration Mechanisms: Quantification and comparison facilitate mapping between different semantic systems.

    • Experience-Based Learning: The system learns semantics through exposure to diverse linguistic and cultural data.

    • Quantification of Differences: By quantifying differences, the system can detect and represent culture-specific semantics.

    • Abstraction Across Contexts: Abstraction allows the system to identify universal patterns while respecting cultural uniqueness.

  10. Philosophical Foundations and Robustness

    Challenge: The model is based on philosophical assumptions that may not be universally accepted.

    Professor Duan's Response:


    • Interdisciplinary Support: By drawing on cognitive science, the model gains empirical backing for its assumptions.

    • Flexibility: The model can adapt to incorporate different philosophical viewpoints, enhancing its robustness.

    • Foundational Principles: Grounding the model in basic cognitive functions provides a solid philosophical foundation.

    • Empirical Grounding: The model's reliance on data and experiences grounds it in observable phenomena, strengthening its philosophical robustness.

    • Cognitive Science Alignment: The focus on fundamental cognitive processes aligns with established theories in cognitive science and psychology.

    • Open Framework: The model's design allows for integration of insights from various philosophical perspectives.


Professor Yucong Duan's proposal addresses the philosophical challenges associated with objectifying subjective semantics by grounding the artificial consciousness system in fundamental cognitive principles akin to those of a human infant. By starting from a blank slate and focusing on the core semantics of sameness, difference, and completeness, the model seeks to build meanings through direct experiences, abstraction, and quantification.

Key Strategies in Addressing Challenges:

  • Experiential Learning: Modeling the system's development after human cognitive growth ensures that meanings are grounded in interactions with the environment.

  • Core Cognitive Principles: Focusing on universal cognitive processes provides a common foundation for building semantics.

  • Abstraction and Quantification: Using abstraction to achieve completeness and quantification to identify differences allows the system to handle complexity, ambiguity, and cultural diversity.

  • Ethical Integration: Including wisdom and purpose components ensures that the system operates ethically and aligns with human values.

Implications for the DIKWP Model:

  • Enhanced Robustness: The model becomes more philosophically robust by addressing key challenges through foundational strategies.

  • Practical Applicability: By aligning with human cognitive development, the model may achieve more effective and natural interactions in AI systems.

  • Ongoing Adaptation: The model's design supports continuous learning and adaptation, crucial for handling dynamic language and semantics.

Final Thoughts

Professor Duan's approach offers a promising pathway to objectifying subjective semantics while respecting the complexities of human cognition and language. By grounding the model in fundamental cognitive processes and adopting strategies that mirror human developmental learning, the DIKWP model addresses philosophical challenges and enhances its potential for successful implementation in artificial intelligence systems.

References for Further Reading

  1. Cognitive Development in Infants: "The Development of Infants' Understanding of Causal Relations" by Alison Gopnik and Andrew N. Meltzoff.

  2. Abstraction in Cognitive Science: "Conceptual Abstraction and the Brain" by Michael L. Anderson.

  3. Quantification and Semantics: "Quantitative Semantics and the Evolution of Language" by Luc Steels.

  4. Ethics in AI: "Ethical Artificial Intelligence" by Peter A. Hancock.

  5. Philosophy of Mind and Functionalism: "Mind and Cognition: An Anthology" edited by William G. Lycan and Jesse J. Prinz.

Note: This analysis is intended to provide a comprehensive examination of how Professor Yucong Duan's proposal addresses philosophical challenges related to the DIKWP model. It integrates concepts from cognitive science, philosophy, and artificial intelligence to explore the potential effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach.


  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".


上一篇:9 Philosophical Assumptions of the Mathematical DIKWP(初学者版)
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