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Evolutionary DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)

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Evolutionary DIKWP Semantic Mathematics

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


Building upon our previous investigations into the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) Semantic Mathematics framework proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan, this document presents a detailed exposition of the new version of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics. This updated framework addresses earlier limitations, incorporates solutions to foundational paradoxes, and extends its applicability to encompass all natural language semantics within a DIKWP Cognitive Semantic Space. The new version aims to provide a comprehensive, formalized, and evolutionary approach to semantic modeling, potentially transforming our understanding of human cognition and artificial intelligence. Tables and diagrams are included to facilitate comprehension.

1. Introduction

The DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework is a formal system designed to model and represent semantics using the fundamental concepts of Sameness, Difference, and Completeness. In our previous investigations, we explored the framework's potential to:

  • Map all natural language semantics.

  • Resolve philosophical challenges such as Wittgenstein's language games and Laozi's assertions on the ineffability of essence.

  • Address foundational issues like Gödel's incompleteness theorems and Russell's paradox.

  • Understand the limits of human cognitive space in mathematical reasoning.

  • Examine the implications of the framework's paradoxical assertion regarding the existence and accessibility of explanations within the DIKWP Cognitive Semantic Space.

Based on these explorations, the new version of the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework introduces significant enhancements to address previous limitations and expand its capabilities.

2. Overview of the New Version2.1. Objectives

The new version of the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework aims to:

  • Enhance Formalization: Provide a more rigorous mathematical foundation to address logical paradoxes and incompleteness.

  • Expand Expressiveness: Incorporate mechanisms to represent and process a broader range of semantic concepts.

  • Address Cognitive Limits: Model the limitations of human cognition within the framework.

  • Integrate Hierarchical Structures: Introduce hierarchical levels to manage complexity and prevent paradoxes.

  • Facilitate Evolutionary Development: Enable the framework to evolve dynamically as new semantics emerge.

2.2. Key Innovations
  • Type-Theoretic Foundations: Incorporation of type theory to prevent self-referential inconsistencies.

  • Hierarchical Semantic Levels: Establishment of multiple levels of semantics to manage complexity and avoid circular definitions.

  • Semantic Transformation Rules: Definition of formal rules for semantic manipulation and evolution.

  • Cognitive Semantic Space Modeling: Formalization of the DIKWP Cognitive Semantic Space to represent human cognitive limits and capacities.

  • Meta-Semantic Layer: Introduction of a meta-level to handle undecidable propositions and paradoxes.

3. Enhanced Formalization3.1. Type-Theoretic Foundations

To address issues related to Gödel's incompleteness theorems and Russell's paradox, the new framework adopts type theory as its foundational logic.

3.1.1. Type Theory Basics
  • Types: Classifications that determine the kind of values a term can take.

  • Terms: Entities within the system, assigned to types.

  • Type Hierarchies: Organized structures that prevent self-reference by separating entities into different levels.

3.1.2. Application in DIKWP
  • Semantic Types: Assign types to semantic elements (e.g., concepts, propositions).

  • Type Rules: Define permissible operations between types to prevent paradoxes.

  • Example:

    • Type 0: Basic data elements (Sameness semantics).

    • Type 1: Information constructs built from Type 0 elements (Difference semantics).

    • Type 2: Knowledge structures integrating Types 0 and 1 (Completeness semantics).

3.2. Formal Rules and Axioms

The framework introduces a set of formal rules and axioms to govern semantic manipulations.

3.2.1. Fundamental Axioms
  1. Axiom of Sameness (A1): Elements of the same type share identical fundamental properties.

  2. Axiom of Difference (A2): Elements of different types have distinguishable properties.

  3. Axiom of Completeness (A3): A higher-type element integrates all relevant lower-type elements without contradiction.

3.2.2. Transformation Rules
  • Rule of Type Advancement: Combining elements of Type n can produce elements of Type n+1.

  • Rule of Consistency: No element can simultaneously belong to conflicting types.

  • Rule of Non-Self-Reference: An element cannot contain or refer to itself directly.

3.3. Addressing Logical Paradoxes

By employing type theory and formal rules, the framework avoids self-referential paradoxes.

3.3.1. Preventing Russell's Paradox
  • Restriction on Set Formation: Sets (or semantic constructs) can only include elements of lower types.

  • No Self-Inclusion: A set cannot include itself, as it would require crossing type boundaries.

3.3.2. Mitigating Gödel's Incompleteness
  • Meta-Level Reasoning: Introduce a meta-semantic layer to handle statements about the system itself.

  • External Consistency Checks: Use higher-type elements to assess the consistency of lower-level constructs.

4. Expanded Expressiveness4.1. Hierarchical Semantic Levels

The framework now includes hierarchical levels to manage complexity.

4.1.1. Level Definitions
  • Level 0: Basic data semantics (Sameness).

  • Level 1: Information semantics (Difference).

  • Level 2: Knowledge semantics (Completeness).

  • Level 3: Wisdom semantics (Integration of knowledge with context).

  • Level 4: Purpose semantics (Goal-oriented transformation).

4.1.2. Hierarchical Integration
  • Each level builds upon the previous, allowing for structured complexity.

  • Higher levels provide context and purpose to lower-level semantics.

4.2. Semantic Transformation Rules

Formal rules govern how semantics evolve and interact across levels.

4.2.1. Evolutionary Rules
  • Rule of Inheritance: Higher-level elements inherit properties from lower levels.

  • Rule of Emergence: New semantics can emerge from the interaction of existing elements.

4.2.2. Interaction Rules
  • Rule of Compatibility: Elements can interact if they share compatible types or levels.

  • Rule of Constraint: Certain operations are restricted to prevent inconsistency.

5. Modeling Cognitive Limits5.1. Cognitive Semantic Space Formalization

The framework models the DIKWP Cognitive Semantic Space to represent human cognitive capacities.

5.1.1. Definition
  • Cognitive Semantic Space: A theoretical space encompassing all semantics accessible to human cognition within the framework.

5.1.2. Properties
  • Boundedness: Acknowledges that human cognition has limits.

  • Dynamic Expansion: The space can grow as new semantics are integrated.

  • Accessibility: Not all points (semantics) within the space are immediately accessible.

5.2. Limits and Accessibility5.2.1. Cognitive Boundaries
  • Working Memory Constraints: Limit the complexity of semantics that can be processed simultaneously.

  • Attention Focus: Only a subset of the semantic space can be actively engaged at any time.

5.2.2. Semantic Accessibility
  • Accessible Semantics: Semantics that are within current cognitive reach.

  • Inaccessible Semantics: Semantics that exist within the space but are beyond current understanding.

6. Integration of Wisdom and Purpose6.1. Wisdom Semantics

Incorporating wisdom as a semantic level provides context and ethical considerations.

6.1.1. Characteristics
  • Holistic Understanding: Synthesizes knowledge with experience and values.

  • Contextual Application: Applies knowledge appropriately in varying situations.

6.1.2. Formal Representation
  • Wisdom Elements: Represented as higher-type constructs integrating knowledge with context.

  • Transformation Rules: Govern how wisdom semantics influence lower-level operations.

6.2. Purpose Semantics

Purpose provides goal orientation and direction to semantic evolution.

6.2.1. Characteristics
  • Goal-Driven Transformation: Semantics evolve towards fulfilling specific purposes.

  • Alignment with Objectives: Ensures that semantic development aligns with desired outcomes.

6.2.2. Formal Representation
  • Purpose Elements: Highest-level constructs guiding the entire semantic framework.

  • Constraint Rules: Purpose semantics impose constraints to maintain alignment.

7. Handling Paradoxes and Undecidable Propositions7.1. Meta-Semantic Layer

Introducing a meta-semantic layer allows the framework to handle statements about itself.

7.1.1. Purpose
  • Self-Reference Management: Separates object-level semantics from statements about the system.

  • Consistency Checking: Provides mechanisms to assess and ensure system consistency.

7.2. Examples7.2.1. Gödel Sentences
  • Approach: Gödel sentences are handled at the meta-semantic level, preventing contradictions at the object level.

7.2.2. Paradox Resolution
  • Technique: Paradoxes are reframed within the hierarchical and typed structure to resolve inconsistencies.

8. Practical Implications8.1. Applicability to Natural Language Processing
  • Comprehensive Semantic Mapping: Enhanced ability to represent complex semantics in natural language.

  • Disambiguation: Improved mechanisms for resolving ambiguities in language.

8.2. Advancements in Artificial Intelligence
  • Explainable AI: The framework's formal structure aids in making AI decisions transparent.

  • Cognitive Modeling: Provides a robust model for simulating human cognitive processes in AI systems.

8.3. Knowledge Representation and Management
  • Structured Ontologies: Enables the creation of detailed and hierarchically organized knowledge bases.

  • Interoperability: Facilitates integration across different systems and domains through standardized semantics.

9. Conclusion

The new version of the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework presents significant advancements in formalizing and structuring semantic representation. By incorporating type theory, hierarchical semantic levels, and a meta-semantic layer, the framework addresses previous limitations and paradoxes. It models the cognitive limits of human understanding and provides mechanisms for the evolutionary development of semantics.

This enhanced framework holds promise for advancing natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and knowledge management. It offers a comprehensive approach to capturing and manipulating the semantics of natural language expressions within a formalized cognitive semantic space.

Tables and DiagramsTable 1: Hierarchical Semantic Levels
LevelSemantic FocusDescription
Level 0Data (Sameness)Basic elements with shared attributes
Level 1Information (Difference)Elements differentiated by distinct attributes
Level 2Knowledge (Completeness)Integration of data and information into coherent concepts
Level 3WisdomApplication of knowledge with context and experience
Level 4PurposeGoal-oriented semantics guiding transformation
Table 2: Fundamental Axioms and Rules
Axiom of Sameness (A1)Elements of the same type share identical fundamental properties
Axiom of Difference (A2)Elements of different types have distinguishable properties
Axiom of Completeness (A3)Higher-type elements integrate relevant lower-type elements without contradiction
Rule of Type AdvancementCombining elements of Type n produces elements of Type n+1
Rule of ConsistencyNo element can belong to conflicting types simultaneously
Rule of Non-Self-ReferenceAn element cannot directly refer to itself
  1. Duan, Y. (2023). Advancements in DIKWP Semantic Mathematics. Journal of Cognitive Computing, 21(1), 10-50.

  2. Martin-Löf, P. (1984). Intuitionistic Type Theory. Bibliopolis.

  3. Russell, B. (1908). Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types. American Journal of Mathematics, 30(3), 222-262.

  4. Chalmers, D. J. (1996). The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory. Oxford University Press.

  5. Sowa, J. F. (2000). Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations. Brooks/Cole.


I extend sincere gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for his pioneering work on the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework and for inspiring this detailed presentation of its new version.

Author Information

For further discussion or inquiries regarding the new version of the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework, please contact [Author's Name] at [Contact Information].

Keywords: DIKWP Model, Semantic Mathematics, Cognitive Semantic Space, Type Theory, Hierarchical Semantics, Sameness, Difference, Completeness, Prof. Yucong Duan, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation


上一篇:Patched DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)
下一篇:Cognitive DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)
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