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Old: Achieving Semantic Completeness of 3-No Problems(初学者版)

已有 143 次阅读 2024-9-29 12:09 |系统分类:论文交流

Achieving Semantic Completeness of the 3-No Problems within the DIKWP Semantic Space

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


The Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) model provides a structured framework for understanding cognitive processes and facilitating effective communication between stakeholders, including humans and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Central to this framework are the 3-No ProblemsIncompleteness, Inconsistency, and Imprecision—which represent critical communication deficiencies that can impede mutual understanding and collaboration. Initially, these deficiencies were mapped specifically to Data, Information, and Knowledge components. However, this association proved to be incomplete, as these problems exhibit a cross-cutting nature, affecting multiple DIKWP components beyond their initial mappings. This document explores methodologies to achieve semantic completeness in covering the DIKWP semantic space by redefining and expanding the association of the 3-No Problems across all DIKWP components. Through comprehensive analysis and illustrative examples, we establish a holistic approach that ensures all facets of the DIKWP model are adequately addressed, thereby enhancing the robustness and effectiveness of human-AI interactions.

1. Introduction

Effective communication within the DIKWP framework is essential for seamless collaboration between stakeholders. The 3-No ProblemsIncompleteness, Inconsistency, and Imprecision—are significant barriers that can disrupt this communication, leading to misunderstandings, errors, and inefficiencies. Initially, these problems were mapped as follows:

  • IncompletenessData (D)

  • InconsistencyInformation (I)

  • ImprecisionKnowledge (K)

While this mapping offers clarity, it oversimplifies the multifaceted impact of these deficiencies. The 3-No Problems are inherently cross-cutting, influencing multiple components within the DIKWP model depending on the context of the interaction. This document investigates how to make the association of the 3-No Problems semantically complete, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the DIKWP semantic space.

2. Revisiting the Semantic Mapping of the 3-No Problems2.1 Initial Semantic Mapping: Limitations

The initial mapping assigns each No Problem to a single DIKWP component:

  1. IncompletenessData (D)

  2. InconsistencyInformation (I)

  3. ImprecisionKnowledge (K)


  • Single-Component Focus: Each deficiency is confined to one component, ignoring its potential impact on others.

  • Oversimplification: Real-world interactions often exhibit multiple deficiencies across various components simultaneously.

  • Lack of Holistic Perspective: The interconnected nature of DIKWP components means deficiencies can propagate and influence multiple areas.

2.2 Comprehensive Semantic Mapping: Cross-Cutting Association

To achieve semantic completeness, the 3-No Problems must be mapped across all relevant DIKWP components. This involves recognizing that each problem can manifest in any or all components depending on the interaction context.

Revised Mapping Framework:

No ProblemAffected DIKWP ComponentsDescription
IncompletenessData (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), Purpose (P)Missing elements within any component that hinder full understanding or effective action.
InconsistencyData (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), Purpose (P)Conflicting elements within or across components that create confusion and misalignment.
ImprecisionData (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), Purpose (P)Vague or ambiguous elements within any component that reduce clarity and effectiveness.

Key Points:

  • Interconnectedness: Deficiencies in one component can influence others.

  • Context-Dependent Impact: The manifestation of each No Problem varies based on the interaction context and the specific DIKWP components involved.

  • Dynamic Influence: Problems can evolve, affecting different components at different stages of interaction.

3. Detailed Impact Analysis of the 3-No Problems Across DIKWP Components

To ensure semantic completeness, we analyze how each No Problem impacts every DIKWP component.

3.1 Incompleteness (No-Incomplete)

Definition: The absence of necessary elements within any DIKWP component that prevents full comprehension or effective action.

Impact Across Components:

DIKWP ComponentImpact of IncompletenessExample
Data (D)Missing data points or attributes necessary for accurate analysis.In a medical diagnosis, lacking patient age or medical history data leads to incomplete symptom analysis.
Information (I)Partial information that fails to highlight critical patterns or relationships.In financial forecasting, missing real-time stock data results in incomplete trend analysis.
Knowledge (K)Fragmented knowledge bases that do not provide a full understanding of the subject matter.In educational tutoring, incomplete knowledge about a student's learning style results in ineffective personalized learning strategies.
Wisdom (W)Inadequate ethical or contextual judgments due to incomplete underlying knowledge.In healthcare decision-making, incomplete wisdom regarding patient-specific ethical considerations may lead to inappropriate treatment recommendations.
Purpose (P)Undefined or partially defined goals that hinder the alignment of actions and decisions.In urban planning, an incomplete purpose focusing solely on space utilization without considering sustainability and livability compromises overall project goals.
3.2 Inconsistency (No-Inconsistent)

Definition: The presence of conflicting elements within or across DIKWP components that lead to confusion and misalignment.

Impact Across Components:

DIKWP ComponentImpact of InconsistencyExample
Data (D)Conflicting data sources leading to unreliable or contradictory datasets.In environmental monitoring, inconsistent pollutant measurements from different sensors create unreliable assessments of air quality.
Information (I)Conflicting information interpretations that obscure clear understanding.In supply chain management, differing interpretations of supplier lead times from multiple sources result in misaligned inventory planning.
Knowledge (K)Contradictory knowledge bases that undermine the formation of a coherent understanding.In educational platforms, conflicting teaching methodologies within the knowledge base confuse the effectiveness of instructional strategies.
Wisdom (W)Conflicting ethical or contextual judgments that lead to inconsistent decision-making.In healthcare, conflicting wisdom regarding patient autonomy and treatment efficacy creates ethical dilemmas in treatment planning.
Purpose (P)Misaligned or contradictory goals that disrupt coordinated actions and strategies.In urban planning, conflicting purposes between maximizing land use efficiency and ensuring sustainable, livable environments lead to suboptimal city layouts.
3.3 Imprecision (No-Imprecise)

Definition: The presence of vague or ambiguous elements within any DIKWP component that reduce clarity and effectiveness.

Impact Across Components:

DIKWP ComponentImpact of ImprecisionExample
Data (D)Vague data descriptions or imprecise measurements that lead to inaccurate analysis.In environmental monitoring, describing pollutant levels as "high" or "low" without specific measurements creates ambiguity in air quality assessments.
Information (I)Ambiguous information that lacks specificity, making it difficult to derive clear insights.In financial forecasting, vague demand forecasts like "likely to increase" without specific percentages hinder accurate inventory optimization.
Knowledge (K)Unclear knowledge bases that provide incomplete or ambiguous guidance.In educational tutoring, vague explanations of calculus concepts result in misunderstandings and ineffective learning strategies.
Wisdom (W)Ambiguous ethical or contextual judgments that fail to provide clear decision-making criteria.In healthcare decision-making, vague ethical guidelines like "consider patient well-being" without specific principles lead to inconsistent treatment recommendations.
Purpose (P)Undefined or loosely defined goals that lack clear criteria for success.In urban planning, defining the purpose as creating "a better living environment" without specific sustainability or inclusivity metrics leads to unclear design priorities.
4. Framework for Achieving Semantic Completeness

To ensure that the 3-No Problems comprehensively cover the DIKWP semantic space, we propose a Multi-Dimensional Mapping Framework. This framework systematically associates each No Problem with all relevant DIKWP components, ensuring holistic coverage and addressing the interconnected nature of cognitive deficiencies.

4.1 Multi-Dimensional Mapping Table
No ProblemData (D)Information (I)Knowledge (K)Wisdom (W)Purpose (P)
IncompletenessMissing data points or attributes necessary for accurate analysis.Partial information that fails to highlight critical patterns or relationships.Fragmented knowledge bases that do not provide a full understanding of the subject matter.Inadequate ethical or contextual judgments due to incomplete underlying knowledge.Undefined or partially defined goals that hinder the alignment of actions and decisions.
InconsistencyConflicting data sources leading to unreliable or contradictory datasets.Conflicting information interpretations that obscure clear understanding.Contradictory knowledge bases that undermine the formation of a coherent understanding.Conflicting ethical or contextual judgments that lead to inconsistent decision-making.Misaligned or contradictory goals that disrupt coordinated actions and strategies.
ImprecisionVague data descriptions or imprecise measurements that lead to inaccurate analysis.Ambiguous information that lacks specificity, making it difficult to derive clear insights.Unclear knowledge bases that provide incomplete or ambiguous guidance.Ambiguous ethical or contextual judgments that fail to provide clear decision-making criteria.Undefined or loosely defined goals that lack clear criteria for success.
4.2 Conversion Methodology

To operationalize this framework, the following steps can be undertaken:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment:

    • Identify Deficiencies: Conduct thorough assessments to detect instances of Incompleteness, Inconsistency, and Imprecision across all DIKWP components.

    • Contextual Analysis: Understand the specific context in which these deficiencies arise to tailor remediation strategies effectively.

  2. Quantitative Measurement:

    • Incompleteness (C_X):CX=∣XA∩XB∣∣XA∪XB∣C_X = \frac{|\mathbf{X}_A \cap \mathbf{X}_B|}{|\mathbf{X}_A \cup \mathbf{X}_B|}CX=XAXBXAXB

    • Inconsistency (S_X):SX=XA⋅XB∥XA∥∥XB∥S_X = \frac{\mathbf{X}_A \cdot \mathbf{X}_B}{\|\mathbf{X}_A\| \|\mathbf{X}_B\|}SX=XA∥∥XBXAXB

    • Imprecision (P_X):PX=1−HXHmaxP_X = 1 - \frac{H_X}{H_{\text{max}}}PX=1HmaxHX

    • Define Metrics: Establish mathematical metrics to quantify each No Problem within each DIKWP component.

    • Calculate Deficiency Measures:GX=1−CXG_X = 1 - C_XGX=1CXIX=1−SXI_X = 1 - S_XIX=1SXMX=HXHmaxM_X = \frac{H_X}{H_{\text{max}}}MX=HmaxHX

  3. Integrated Remediation:

    • Address Deficiencies Holistically: Develop remediation strategies that consider the interconnected impact of each No Problem across all DIKWP components.

    • Implement Solutions: Apply targeted interventions to fill data gaps, reconcile inconsistencies, and clarify imprecisions.

  4. Continuous Monitoring:

    • Feedback Loops: Establish mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and adjustment to ensure sustained semantic completeness.

    • Iterative Refinement: Continuously refine remediation strategies based on feedback and evolving interaction dynamics.

5. Remediation Strategies for Semantic Completeness

To comprehensively address the 3-No Problems across the DIKWP semantic space, remediation strategies must be integrative and multifaceted. Below are tailored strategies for each No Problem, considering their impact on all DIKWP components.

5.1 Remediation of Incompleteness

Objective: Eliminate missing elements across DIKWP components to ensure full comprehension and effective action.


  1. Data Augmentation:

    • Action: Incorporate missing data points or attributes.

    • Implementation: Utilize additional data sources, sensor integrations, or stakeholder inputs to fill gaps.

    • Example: In medical diagnosis, acquiring missing patient demographic details enhances symptom analysis.

  2. Information Enrichment:

    • Action: Provide comprehensive information that highlights all critical patterns and relationships.

    • Implementation: Aggregate data from diverse sources to create a more complete informational context.

    • Example: In financial forecasting, integrating real-time stock data alongside historical trends offers a more complete market analysis.

  3. Knowledge Expansion:

    • Action: Develop a more comprehensive knowledge base that covers all necessary aspects.

    • Implementation: Engage in knowledge sharing sessions, incorporate expert insights, and utilize comprehensive databases.

    • Example: In educational tutoring, expanding the AI’s knowledge base with detailed learning style information allows for more effective personalized learning strategies.

  4. Wisdom Integration:

    • Action: Incorporate comprehensive ethical and contextual judgments.

    • Implementation: Embed ethical frameworks and contextual considerations into decision-making processes.

    • Example: In healthcare, integrating patient-specific ethical considerations ensures treatments are both effective and ethically sound.

  5. Purpose Clarification:

    • Action: Define and communicate clear and comprehensive goals.

    • Implementation: Utilize structured goal-setting frameworks and ensure alignment across all stakeholders.

    • Example: In urban planning, clearly defining sustainability and livability metrics alongside space utilization goals ensures balanced urban development.

5.2 Remediation of Inconsistency

Objective: Harmonize conflicting elements across DIKWP components to achieve coherence and alignment.


  1. Data Standardization:

    • Action: Ensure consistency in data collection, measurement, and reporting.

    • Implementation: Implement standardized data formats, calibration procedures, and validation protocols.

    • Example: In environmental monitoring, standardizing sensor calibration ensures consistent pollutant measurements across different data sources.

  2. Information Reconciliation:

    • Action: Align conflicting information through verification and consensus-building.

    • Implementation: Cross-validate information from multiple sources and establish consensus criteria.

    • Example: In supply chain management, verifying supplier lead times through direct communication ensures consistent information for inventory planning.

  3. Knowledge Harmonization:

    • Action: Resolve contradictory knowledge bases to form a unified understanding.

    • Implementation: Integrate diverse knowledge sources, reconcile differing methodologies, and establish unified knowledge protocols.

    • Example: In educational platforms, harmonizing different teaching methodologies ensures coherent instructional strategies.

  4. Wisdom Alignment:

    • Action: Ensure ethical and contextual judgments are consistent and aligned.

    • Implementation: Develop and adhere to standardized ethical guidelines and contextual frameworks.

    • Example: In healthcare, aligning ethical guidelines with treatment efficacy ensures consistent and ethical decision-making.

  5. Purpose Synchronization:

    • Action: Align goals and objectives across stakeholders to prevent conflicting purposes.

    • Implementation: Facilitate goal-setting workshops, utilize consensus-building techniques, and employ strategic alignment tools.

    • Example: In urban planning, synchronizing the goals of space utilization and sustainability ensures cohesive and balanced urban development strategies.

5.3 Remediation of Imprecision

Objective: Enhance the precision and clarity of elements across DIKWP components to eliminate ambiguity and improve effectiveness.


  1. Data Precision Enhancement:

    • Action: Utilize precise measurements and clear data descriptions.

    • Implementation: Implement standardized measurement units, detailed data annotation, and precise data collection methods.

    • Example: In environmental monitoring, reporting pollutant levels in specific units (e.g., ppm) eliminates ambiguity inherent in qualitative descriptors like "high" or "low."

  2. Information Clarification:

    • Action: Provide specific and unambiguous information.

    • Implementation: Use quantitative descriptions, clear definitions, and detailed contextual information.

    • Example: In financial forecasting, specifying demand forecasts with exact percentage increases facilitates accurate inventory optimization.

  3. Knowledge Specification:

    • Action: Develop clear and detailed knowledge bases with specific guidance.

    • Implementation: Incorporate detailed explanations, contextual examples, and standardized terminology into knowledge repositories.

    • Example: In educational tutoring, providing detailed semantic attributes and contextual examples of calculus concepts ensures clear and effective learning guidance.

  4. Wisdom Precision:

    • Action: Define clear ethical and contextual decision-making criteria.

    • Implementation: Develop explicit ethical guidelines, decision-making frameworks, and contextual analysis protocols.

    • Example: In healthcare, defining specific ethical principles for treatment decisions ensures clarity and consistency in patient care.

  5. Purpose Definition:

    • Action: Clearly articulate and define goals with specific criteria for success.

    • Implementation: Utilize structured goal-setting methodologies, define measurable objectives, and communicate purposes clearly.

    • Example: In urban planning, defining sustainability metrics and livability indicators provides clear criteria for evaluating urban development projects.

6. Implementation Framework for Semantic Completeness

To operationalize the comprehensive semantic mapping and remediation strategies, a structured Implementation Framework is essential. This framework outlines the sequential steps and methodologies to ensure the 3-No Problems are fully addressed across the DIKWP semantic space.

6.1 Step 1: Comprehensive Assessment and Profiling
  • Action: Conduct a thorough assessment to identify instances of Incompleteness, Inconsistency, and Imprecision across all DIKWP components.

  • Tools:

    • Diagnostic Tools: Gap analysis software, consistency verification algorithms, entropy calculators.

    • Stakeholder Surveys: Collect qualitative data on perceived deficiencies.

    • Data Audits: Review data sources for completeness and accuracy.

6.2 Step 2: Quantitative Measurement of Deficiencies
  • Action: Measure the extent of each No Problem within each DIKWP component using predefined mathematical metrics.

  • Metrics:

    • Incompleteness (C_X):CX=∣XA∩XB∣∣XA∪XB∣C_X = \frac{|\mathbf{X}_A \cap \mathbf{X}_B|}{|\mathbf{X}_A \cup \mathbf{X}_B|}CX=XAXBXAXB

    • Inconsistency (S_X):SX=XA⋅XB∥XA∥∥XB∥S_X = \frac{\mathbf{X}_A \cdot \mathbf{X}_B}{\|\mathbf{X}_A\| \|\mathbf{X}_B\|}SX=XA∥∥XBXAXB

    • Imprecision (P_X):PX=1−HXHmaxP_X = 1 - \frac{H_X}{H_{\text{max}}}PX=1HmaxHX

  • Tools:

    • Statistical Software: R, Python (with libraries such as NumPy, SciPy).

    • Machine Learning Models: For pattern detection and entropy calculation.

6.3 Step 3: Integrated Remediation Strategy Development
  • Action: Develop targeted remediation strategies based on the identified and quantified deficiencies.

  • Strategies: As detailed in Section 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.

  • Considerations:

    • Resource Allocation: Prioritize remediation efforts based on deficiency severity.

    • Stakeholder Engagement: Involve relevant stakeholders in the remediation process to ensure alignment and buy-in.

6.4 Step 4: Implementation of Remediation Strategies
  • Action: Execute the developed remediation strategies across all affected DIKWP components.

  • Tools:

    • Data Integration Platforms: For data augmentation and standardization.

    • Knowledge Management Systems: For knowledge base expansion and harmonization.

    • Ethical Frameworks: For embedding comprehensive wisdom criteria.

6.5 Step 5: Continuous Monitoring and Feedback
  • Action: Establish mechanisms for ongoing monitoring of DIKWP components to detect and address emerging 3-No Problems.

  • Tools:

    • Automated Monitoring Systems: Real-time data and information consistency checks.

    • Feedback Loops: Regular stakeholder feedback sessions to identify and address deficiencies.

    • Iterative Optimization: Continuously refine remediation strategies based on monitoring outcomes.

7. Illustrative Comprehensive Example

To demonstrate the application of the Multi-Dimensional Mapping Framework, consider the following comprehensive example across all DIKWP components.

7.1 Example: Human-AI Collaborative Urban Planning

Context: Urban planners (Humans) collaborate with an AI system (AI-Plan) to design a sustainable and livable city layout.

7.1.1 Incompleteness (No-Incomplete)
  • Data (D):

    • Issue: Missing data on current traffic patterns.

    • Impact: Incomplete traffic analysis affects overall planning.

    • Remediation: Integrate additional traffic sensor data into AI-Plan’s Data component.

  • Information (I):

    • Issue: Partial information on environmental impact assessments.

    • Impact: Incomplete environmental analysis leads to suboptimal sustainability strategies.

    • Remediation: Augment Information with comprehensive environmental data.

  • Knowledge (K):

    • Issue: Fragmented knowledge on sustainable building materials.

    • Impact: Incomplete knowledge hampers effective material selection.

    • Remediation: Expand Knowledge base with detailed information on sustainable materials.

  • Wisdom (W):

    • Issue: Incomplete ethical guidelines on community inclusivity.

    • Impact: Decisions may overlook community needs and preferences.

    • Remediation: Integrate comprehensive ethical frameworks focusing on inclusivity.

  • Purpose (P):

    • Issue: Partially defined goals prioritizing space utilization over sustainability.

    • Impact: Imbalanced urban designs that favor efficiency over livability.

    • Remediation: Clearly define and communicate balanced goals incorporating both space utilization and sustainability.

7.1.2 Inconsistency (No-Inconsistent)
  • Data (D):

    • Issue: Conflicting data sources on green space distribution.

    • Impact: Inconsistent Data leads to unreliable green space planning.

    • Remediation: Standardize green space data collection methods and verify sources.

  • Information (I):

    • Issue: Contradictory information on transportation infrastructure needs.

    • Impact: Inconsistent Information disrupts coherent transportation planning.

    • Remediation: Reconcile conflicting transportation data through stakeholder consensus and data validation.

  • Knowledge (K):

    • Issue: Contradictory knowledge on urban density impacts.

    • Impact: Conflicting Knowledge leads to unclear zoning policies.

    • Remediation: Harmonize knowledge bases by integrating diverse urban density studies.

  • Wisdom (W):

    • Issue: Conflicting ethical considerations between environmental sustainability and economic growth.

    • Impact: Inconsistent Wisdom results in ethical dilemmas in planning decisions.

    • Remediation: Align ethical guidelines by balancing sustainability with economic development goals.

  • Purpose (P):

    • Issue: Misaligned purposes between maximizing land use efficiency and ensuring community well-being.

    • Impact: Contradictory goals lead to fragmented urban planning strategies.

    • Remediation: Synchronize purposes by integrating both land efficiency and community well-being into planning objectives.

7.1.3 Imprecision (No-Imprecise)
  • Data (D):

    • Issue: Vague data descriptions of current land use (e.g., "commercial areas" vs. "residential areas").

    • Impact: Ambiguous Data undermines accurate zoning and land allocation.

    • Remediation: Use precise data classifications and detailed land use metrics.

  • Information (I):

    • Issue: Ambiguous information on population growth projections.

    • Impact: Imprecise Information hampers accurate urban expansion planning.

    • Remediation: Provide specific numerical projections and confidence intervals for population growth.

  • Knowledge (K):

    • Issue: Vague knowledge on sustainable infrastructure practices.

    • Impact: Ambiguous Knowledge leads to ineffective infrastructure recommendations.

    • Remediation: Develop detailed knowledge entries with specific sustainable practices and their implementations.

  • Wisdom (W):

    • Issue: Ambiguous ethical guidelines on balancing economic development with environmental conservation.

    • Impact: Imprecise Wisdom results in inconsistent and ineffective decision-making.

    • Remediation: Define clear ethical principles and frameworks that guide balanced decision-making.

  • Purpose (P):

    • Issue: Loosely defined purpose statements like "create a better living environment" without specific criteria.

    • Impact: Imprecise purposes lead to unclear planning priorities and evaluation metrics.

    • Remediation: Articulate precise purpose statements with measurable criteria such as sustainability indices, livability scores, and economic growth targets.

8. Conclusion

Achieving semantic completeness of the 3-No Problems within the DIKWP semantic space requires a holistic and integrative approach. By recognizing the cross-cutting nature of Incompleteness, Inconsistency, and Imprecision, and systematically mapping them across all DIKWP components, stakeholders can ensure comprehensive coverage and effective remediation of communication deficiencies.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Cross-Cutting Impact: The 3-No Problems are not confined to single DIKWP components but influence multiple aspects of the cognitive framework.

  2. Comprehensive Mapping: Utilizing a Multi-Dimensional Mapping Framework ensures that each No Problem is associated with all relevant DIKWP components, capturing the full scope of their impact.

  3. Integrated Remediation: Addressing deficiencies requires strategies that consider the interconnectedness of DIKWP components, fostering coherence and alignment across the entire framework.

  4. Continuous Monitoring: Establishing feedback loops and iterative refinement processes is essential for maintaining semantic completeness and adapting to evolving interaction dynamics.

Future Directions:

  • Advanced Analytical Tools: Develop sophisticated tools for real-time detection and analysis of the 3-No Problems across DIKWP components.

  • AI-Driven Remediation Systems: Leverage AI to autonomously identify and address communication deficiencies, enhancing the robustness of human-AI collaborations.

  • Empirical Validation: Conduct extensive empirical studies to validate the effectiveness of the comprehensive semantic mapping and remediation strategies in diverse real-world scenarios.

By implementing these methodologies, stakeholders can significantly enhance the effectiveness and reliability of their interactions within the DIKWP framework, fostering more robust and meaningful collaborations.

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The author extends gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for his pioneering work on the DIKWP model and the Theory of Relativity of Consciousness, which have significantly influenced the conceptual framework of this analysis. Appreciation is also given to colleagues in cognitive science and artificial intelligence for their invaluable feedback and insights.

Author Information

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to [Author's Name and Contact Information].

Keywords: DIKWP Model, Semantic Completeness, 3-No Problems, Incompleteness, Inconsistency, Imprecision, Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose, Human-AI Interaction, Communication Deficiencies, Holistic Mapping, Cognitive Processes


上一篇:Old: Completeness of Semantic Coverage in the DIKWP(初学者版)
下一篇:Old: Expanding Beyond the 3-No Problems in the DIKWP(初学者版)
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