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DIKWP Trusted Chain ::=Trusted Data->Trusted Information->Trusted Knowledge->Trusted Wisdom/Decision->Trusted Purpose


Chains of DIKWP Digital Economics: 

DIKWP Trusted Chain

::=Trusted Data->Trusted Information->Trusted Knowledge->Trusted Wisdom/Decision

Yucong Duan(段玉聪)

DIKWP research group, 海南大学(Hainan University)

Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com



然而数据可信针对客观内容数据资产的可信实现,即使非常充分也并不足以支撑整个数字文明链::=数据文明->信息文明->知识文明->智慧文明->意图文明中的DIKWP数字经济链数据经济->信息经济->知识经济->智慧经济->意图经济对应的DIKWP 治理链:数据治理->信息治理->知识治理->智慧治理->意图治理。客观可信中可以实现的是对数据对应的内容真实性的保障。但可信中更广泛的内容则来自对人认知不可避免对应的主观信息可信的传递性保障。数据的正确性不同意客观的真实性,数据的正确性,从DIKWP个体与群体资产链的视角来看,当前可信计算定义的实现链路主要是期待形成客观数据的不可无记录篡改,但客观数据表达所对应的本质语义信息的正确性难以以结合个性化主观认知的方式,最终从被认知的个体客观和主观结合的完整语义形式上被确认正确性。


为了走向繁荣的 DIKWP 数字经济链降低 DIKWP 数字服务链::=数据服务->信息服务->知识服务->智慧服务->意图服务上的成本交换和交易成本,我们不仅需要扩展可信计算Trusted Computing[1],以涵盖可信数据Trusted Data[2],可信信息Trusted Information[3],可信知识Trusted Knowledge[4], Trusted Wisdom/DecisionTrusted Wisdom[5], [6] 和意图可信Trusted Purpose也是为了桥接 DIKWP Capital 在语义空间的转换之间的信任转移,形成 DIKWP 信任链:

DIKWP Trust Chain

::=Trusted Data->Trusted Information->Trusted Knowledge->Trusted Wisdom/Decision






[1] Garfinkel, Tal, et al. "Terra: A virtual machine-based platform for trusted computing." Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles. 2003.

[2] Hardjono, Thomas, David L. Shrier, and Alex Pentland, eds. Trusted Data, revised and expanded edition: A New Framework for Identity and Data Sharing. MIT Press, 2019.

[3] Gil, Yolanda, and Varun Ratnakar. "Trusting information sources one citizen at a time." International Semantic Web Conference. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002.

[4] Abrams, Lisa C., et al. "Nurturing interpersonal trust in knowledge-sharing networks." Academy of Management Perspectives 17.4 (2003): 64-77.

[5] Smythe, Elizabeth (liz) Ann, Tony MacCulloch, and Richard Charmley. "Professional supervision: Trusting the wisdom that ‘comes’." British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 37.1 (2009): 17-25.

[6] Lei, Yu, and Duan Yucong. "Trusted service provider discovery based on data, information, knowledge, and wisdom." International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 31.01 (2021): 3-19.

[7] Yucong Duan, DIKWP Ultimate of Digital Economy: From Asymmetric Data Economy, Asymmetric Information Economy to Symmetric Knowledge Economy and Symmetric Wisdom Economy, November 2022DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32178.48328






DIKWP Digital Trusted Chain of 12 Chains of DIKWP Digital Economics::= Data Trusted -> Information Trusted -> Knowledge Trusted -> Wisdom Trusted -> Intent Trusted

Chains of DIKWP Digital Economics: 

DIKWP Trusted Chain

::=Trusted Data->Trusted Information->Trusted Knowledge->Trusted Wisdom/Decision

Yucong Duan

DIKWP research group, Hainan University

Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com

DIKWP Digital Trusted Chain of 12 Chains of DIKWP Digital Economics::= Data Trusted -> Information Trusted -> Knowledge Trusted -> Wisdom Trusted -> Intent Trusted

TCG (Trusted Computing Group) builds software, hardware, and standard systems for device security, data security, content security, and behavioral security, and defines trusted computing. Among them, the expected results of behavioral security include: behavioral confidentiality, behavioral integrity, and behavioral authenticity.

However, data trustworthiness is aimed at the credible realization of objective content data assets, even if it is very sufficient, it is not enough to support the entire digital civilization chain::=data civilization->information civilization->knowledge civilization->wisdom civilization->intent civilization DIKWP Digital economy chain: data economy -> information economy -> knowledge economy -> smart economy -> intent economy Corresponding DIKWP governance chain: data governance -> information governance -> knowledge governance -> smart governance -> intent governance. What can be achieved in objective and credible is the guarantee of the authenticity of the content corresponding to the data. But the broader content of credibility comes from the transitive guarantee of the credibility of subjective information that inevitably corresponds to human cognition. The correctness of the data does not agree with the objective authenticity, and the correctness of the data. From the perspective of DIKWP individual and group asset chains, the current implementation link of the definition of trusted computing is mainly expected to form objective data that cannot be falsified without records, but The correctness of the essential semantic information corresponding to the expression of objective data is difficult to combine with individualized subjective cognition, and the correctness is finally confirmed from the complete semantic form of the combination of the objective and subjective aspects of the individual being recognized.

From the perspective of DIKWP resource-oriented cognitive formal modeling of subjective and objective semantic integration, we propose that the ultimate digital credibility is cognitive credibility with values. This credibility not only guarantees the correctness of the individual's free development of individuality, but also To ensure the correctness of individual production and interaction behaviors and the correctness of the essential unity of a community with a shared future for mankind is the source of consistency and efficiency for the realization of digital civilization. The reference to the credibility of the correctness of individual behavior comes from the inclusiveness of the learning process of human development, the unity of development and the high-efficiency pursuit of development.

In order to move towards a prosperous DIKWP digital economic chain and reduce the cost exchange and transaction costs on the DIKWP digital service chain::=data service->information service->knowledge service->smart service->intention service, we not only need to expand trusted computing (Trusted Computing) [1] to cover Trusted Data (Trusted Data) [2], Trusted Information (Trusted Information) [3], Trusted Knowledge (Trusted Knowledge) [4], Trusted Wisdom/Decision (Trusted Wisdom )[5], [6] and Trusted Purpose are also for bridging DIKWP Capital’s trust transfer between semantic space transformations, forming a DIKWP trust chain:DIKWP Trust Chain

::=Trusted Data->Trusted Information->Trusted Knowledge->Trusted Wisdom/Decision


DIKWP Digital Trusted Chain

::= Data Trusted -> Information Trusted -> Knowledge Trusted -> Wisdom Trusted -> Intent Trusted



[8] Garfinkel, Tal, et al. "Terra: A virtual machine-based platform for trusted computing." Proceedings of the nineteenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles. 2003.

[9] Hardjono, Thomas, David L. Shrier, and Alex Pentland, eds. Trusted Data, revised and expanded edition: A New Framework for Identity and Data Sharing. MIT Press, 2019.

[10] Gil, Yolanda, and Varun Ratnakar. "Trusting information sources one citizen at a time." International Semantic Web Conference. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002.

[11] Abrams, Lisa C., et al. "Nurturing interpersonal trust in knowledge-sharing networks." Academy of Management Perspectives 17.4 (2003): 64-77.

[12] Smythe, Elizabeth (liz) Ann, Tony MacCulloch, and Richard Charmley. "Professional supervision: Trusting the wisdom that ‘comes’." British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 37.1 (2009): 17-25.

[13] Lei, Yu, and Duan Yucong. "Trusted service provider discovery based on data, information, knowledge, and wisdom." International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 31.01 (2021): 3-19.

[14] Yucong Duan, DIKWP Ultimate of Digital Economy: From Asymmetric Data Economy, Asymmetric Information Economy to Symmetric Knowledge Economy and Symmetric Wisdom Economy, November 2022DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32178.48328







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